- 试述以利润最大化和每股利润最大化作为企业财务管理目标的优缺点。 12-27
- 当第三方从他并未直接参与的经济交易中得到效益或承担成本时就出现了 ______。 12-27
- 请教:2012年物流师考试最后冲刺试卷(10)第1大题第1小题如何解答?【题目描述】在实践中,投保货运代理责任险是转移经营风险行之有效的途径。( ) 12-27
- 物料编码通常有以下几种方法,如:阿拉伯数字、英文字母法、暗示法和混合法,其中叙述正确的是()A.暗示法是指物料编码代表物料的意义,可自编码本身联想出来B.阿拉伯数字法很容易将编码与实际物料联系起来C.字母暗示法不太容易将编码与实际物料对应起来D.连续数字编码法方便后续的物料管理和仓储管理 12-27
- 库房规划的原则是:( )。A.充分利用库房空间 来源:考试大网B.降低库房成本C.方便管理D.让货物快速流转 12-27
- 实施延迟侧率的企业应具备的生产技术特征有:A.生产技术非常成熟B.模块化产品设计C.产品价值密度大D.设备只能化程度高E.产品生命周期短 12-27
- KIQ分析法是利用销售资料的()之间的关系致出个别的交叉的统计比较A.订单内容B.订单总笔数C.商品种类D.出货总品种数E.数量 12-27
- ( )是寄售零库存的关键A.供应商管理用户库存B.联合盘点C.单证操作D.质量零缺陷 12-27
- 动作电位上升部分是由膜的()过程而引起的。A、极化B、去极化C、复极化D、后超极化 12-27
- 患有注意缺陷障碍的儿童,他们的主动性()能力极弱,而被动性()过程过度活跃,所以很容易因外界条件变化而分散注意力。()是这类儿童共同的突出问题。 12-27
- 1861年,()发现了位于额叶的“言语运动中枢”。A、布罗卡B、维尔尼克C、拉施里D、巴甫洛夫 12-27
- 把脑神经细胞的生物电活动的电信号放大,并描记下来进行分析的方法,叫()。A、损伤法B、脑电图C、刺激法D、记录法 12-27
- 下丘脑分泌的与性行为有关的激素主要分布在下丘脑的正中隆起、()、弓状核、视上核和旁室核。A、视交叉B、视前区C、外侧膝状体D、内侧膝状体 12-27
- 视网膜的光感受细胞是()。A、无足细胞B、视杆细胞C、双极细胞D、神经节细胞 12-27
- ()是防御和攻击行为的重要中枢,它的不同区影响着不同类型的防御和攻击行为。A、丘脑B、下丘脑C、中脑D、大脑皮层 12-27
- 帕帕兹环路的生理心理学功能与()有关。A、记忆B、空间辨别学习C、情绪体验D、短时记忆向长时记忆转化 12-27
- 当人们闭目养神,内心十分平静时,记录到的脑电图多以()次/秒的节律变化为主。A、0.3-5B、4-7C、8-13D、14-30 12-27
- 与听觉有关的脑结构是()。A、内侧丘系B、外侧丘系C、下丘D、上丘 12-27
- 神经元的兴奋过程,伴随着其单位发放的神经脉冲()。A、频率不变,幅值增高B、频率加快,幅值不变C、频率加快,幅值增高D、频率加快,幅值降低 12-27
- 猫的()标本,使其陷入永久性睡眠。A、间脑B、去大脑皮层C、孤立脑D、孤立头 12-27
- 视网膜上的()细胞对光刺激的编码是级量反应。A、神经节细胞B、视锥细胞C、双极细胞D、水平细胞 12-27
- 神经信息在脑内传递过程,是从一个神经元的()单位发放,到下一个神经元突触后电位的()总和后再出现发放过程。 12-27
- 联想性学习的共同特点是环境条件中那些变化着的动因在()上的接近性,造成脑内两个或多个中枢兴奋性的同时变化,从而形成脑内中枢的暂时联系。A、时间B、空间C、距离D、时间和空间 12-27
- 体内各种感受器受到()均可引起痛觉。A、适宜刺激B、长时间刺激C、超强刺激D、长时间适宜刺激 12-27
- 无论是条件反射还是非条件反射活动,在神经系统内都有()和()两种神经过程,按着一定的规律发生运动,这就是()、()和()的运动规律。 12-27
- 虽然目前对性变态的认识还很不足,但人格和()因素的作用是无法否定的。A、环境B、心理C、情绪D、文化 12-27
- 视知觉的形成中重要的知觉通路包括()A、背侧通路B、内侧通路C、腹侧通路D、外侧通路 12-27
- 复杂时间空间综合学习的脑中枢位于()。A、联络皮层B、海马皮层C、下颞叶皮层D、前额叶皮层 12-27
- 下列()是不可逆损伤法。A、冰冻法B、横断损伤C、吸出损伤D、电解损伤 12-27
- 视网膜上的()细胞对光刺激的编码是全或无的数字化过程。A、视杆B、视锥C、水平D、神经节 12-27
- 脑的电现象可分()和()两大类,两类脑电活动变化都在大脑直流电位的背景上发生。 12-27
- ()、胃和()在饥、饿的外周调节中具有一定的作用。 12-27
- 考查人脑两半球言语视觉功能不对称性的研究方法为() 12-27
- ()是表述记忆。A、联想性记忆B、情景性记忆C、习惯性记忆D、程序性记忆 12-27
- 下列属于可逆损伤法的是()。A、扩布性阻抑B、吸出损伤C、神经化学损伤D、冰冻法 12-27
- 深感觉模式分为位置觉、动觉和受力作用等三类。通常将产生这些感觉作用的感受器统称为()。A、统觉感受器B、本体感受器C、多功能感受器D、深感觉感受器 12-27
- 痛觉是一种生物学保护性反应,它不仅包含感觉成分,还包含()成分、植物性成分和运动成分。A、情感B、意志C、人格D、敏感化 12-27
- 关于痛觉有许多理论,其中较有影响的包括强度理论、模式理论、专一性理论、()理论和神经生物学理论。A、频率B、位置C、齐射D、闸门 12-27
- 单选题采用销售百分比法预测资金需求量时,下列各项中,属于非敏感性项目的是()。A现金B存货C长期借款D应付账款 12-27
- 单选题使用客户端脚本体系结构将有许多不兼容问题,例如VBScript只被()支持。AchromeBoperaCIEDFirefox 12-27
- 单选题我国将其主要科技力量集中于某些领域,确立竞争优势,体现在以下哪个行业?()A大飞机B高铁C航母D汽车 12-27
- 多选题广告正文的类型()A直述式B叙述式C证言式D描述式 12-27
- 名词解释题专有技术 12-27
- 名词解释题信用货币 12-27
- 多选题中间商对各供应商的()等因素进行评价,以决定下一步是否继续合作。A绩效B利润C信誉D合作诚意E生产能力 12-27
- 单选题When integrating a media server into a home theater, which of the following terms BEST describes the technology used to protect the interest of copyright holders (e.g. multimedia content)?()ADigital Rights Management (DRM)BMPEG Layer-3 (MP3)CInternet Key Exchange (IKE)DContent Management System (CMS) 12-27
- 单选题设备在使用过程中,由于外力的作用产生的磨损称为()。A无形磨损B有形磨损C经济磨损D精神磨损 12-27
- 问答题意见询问的主要缺点是什么? 12-27
- 单选题教育保险主要分为()。A终身型和定期型B阶段型和定期型C终身型和满期型D阶段型和满期型 12-27
- 多选题对敲多头组合:同时买进具有相同()同一种股票看涨期权与看跌期权。A执行价格B到期时间C红利政策D发行人 12-27
- 单选题The native resolution for 1080i is()A1920×1280B1920×1080C1280×1080D1280×720 12-27
- 多选题按包装程度不同,运输包装可分为()A软包装B半硬包装C硬性包装D全部包装E局部包装 12-27
- 单选题商业银行经营的根本目标是()。A追求盈利B保证安全C保持资金的流动性D保持信贷收支平衡 12-27
- 单选题Which of the following is a diplexer used for?()AAllows two satellite tuners to use the same dish.BConnects the low noise block down converter (LNB) to the multi-switch.CCombines satellite and over the air (OTA) signals.DAllows one LNB to use two satellites. 12-27
- 问答题或有负债有哪些?如何披露? 12-27
- 单选题Given: What is the result?()A An exception is thrown at runtime.B int LongC Compilation fails.D Short Long 12-27
- 多选题Given: 11. // insert code here 12. private N min, max; 13. public N getMin() { return min; } 14. public N getMax() { return max; } 15. public void add(N added) { 16. if (min == null || added.doubleValue() max.doubleValue()) 19. max = added; 20. } 21. } Which two, inserted at line 11, will allow the code to compile?()AABBCCDDEEFF 12-27
- 单选题Small in-ceiling speakers are BEST suited for()Aloud, bass intensive music (e.g. heavy metal, rock).Bproviding a sub-woofer for great bass reproduction.Cbackground music and blending in with decor.Dthe user who wants perfect sound reproduction. 12-27
- 单选题下列哪一项不属于合作竞争的基本要素()A利益B亲密关系C目标D责任 12-27
- 单选题甲拥有的某宗房地产初次抵押估价价值为100万元,银行为甲提供80万元贷款担保。若甲实现再次抵押,通常情况下可以获得的再次抵押担保是()。A不超过100万元B不超过80万元C不超过20万元D在20~80万元 12-27
- 填空题备用信用证适用的国际惯例包括()和()。 12-27
- 单选题A customer notifies the integrator that the system keypad reports trouble at a window. Upon inspection, the customer finds the window closed and locked; the customer resets the system and it fails to correct the issue. Which of the following steps should the integrator take to resolve the issue?()ACheck that the sensor is not misaligned.BClean the space between the sensor and the plate.CToggle the tamper switch to reset the sensor.DBypass the zone. 12-27
- 单选题A customer notifies the integrator that the system keypad reports trouble at a window. Upon inspection, the customer finds the window closed and locked; the customer resets the system and it fails to correct the issue. Which of the following steps should the integrator take to resolve the issue?()ACheck that the sensor is not misaligned.BClean the space between the sensor and the plate.CToggle the tamper switch to reset the sensor.DBypass the zone. 12-27
- 单选题半年度、季度和月度财务会计报表统称为()。A会计报表B中期财务会计报表C会计报表附注D财务会计报告 12-27
- 单选题Which of the following would be the impedance of an 8 ohm and a 4 ohm speaker that are wired in parallel?()A2.66 ohmsBLess than 1 ohmC4 ohmsD12 ohms 12-27
- 判断题买卖双方以CIF条件成交,若双方在洽商同时未规定具体的险别,则卖方投保时,只有投保最低限度险别义务。A对B错 12-27
- 单选题If the speakers in an installation are out of phase, this means that()Athe subwoofer is at the wrong angle.Bthe front and rear speakers are reversed.Cthe polarity of the speakers are reversed.Dthe angle of the speakers are incorrect. 12-27
- 单选题Each time the distance from the speaker is doubled, volume decreases by().A3dBB6dBC12dBD24dB 12-27
- 单选题Which of the following is the primary purpose of impedance matched volume control?()AMaintains proper speaker phaseBProtects the amplifier from damageCProtects the digital systems from damageDAmplifies the speaker signal 12-27
- 单选题RG-6 coaxial cable is typically used in all of the following applications:()Amulti-room audio, telephone, intercom and temperature control.Bthermostat, CCTV, smoke detectors and keypads.Chome theater, lighting control and multi-room audio.Dvideo, digital cable, and satellite applications. 12-27
- 单选题Which of the following is the correct wiring order for an RJ-11 two line jack?()ABlack,Green,Red,YellowBBlack,Red,Green,YellowCRed,Black,Green,YellowDYellow,Red,Green,Black 12-27
- 单选题Wires that are installed in air returns above a ceiling must be()Afire proofBfiberglass coatedCplenum ratedDteflon coated 12-27
- 单选题Which of the following determines if the alarm should sound or an entry delay should start?()AThe sensor itselfBThe way the zones are wiredCThe zone typeDThe digital dialer 12-27
- 单选题When configuring surround sound systems, speaker delay is used to compensate for speaker().AdistanceBpowerCsizeDefficiency 12-27
- 单选题Which of the following can cause ghosting in a video image?()ABent pin on an S-Video cableBMislabeled component cablesCDefective HDMI cableDImproperly terminated coax cable 12-27
- 单选题Which of the following is a diplexer used for?()AAllows two satellite tuners to use the same dish.BConnects the low noise block down converter (LNB) to the multi-switch.CCombines satellite and over the air (OTA) signals.DAllows one LNB to use two satellites. 12-27
- 单选题An optical cable is used to transmit:()Adigital audio from a component to a receiver.Banalog video from a component to a receiver.Canalog audio from a component to a receiver.Ddigital video from a component to a receiver. 12-27
- 单选题下列选项不属于媒体量化评估指标的是()。A视听率B发行量C毛评点D干扰度 12-27
- 单选题世界货币组织一个基金会预测中国养老保障缺口为()A7万亿B9万亿C11万亿D13万亿 12-27
- 名词解释题总效用和边际效用 12-27
- 多选题电子商务主体的资格审查可以划分为()A形式审查B详细审查C抽样审查D全面审查E实质审查 12-27
- 单选题编制试算表的目的是()A反映企业财务状况B确定经营成果C测试账簿记录是否正确D账项调整 12-27
- 单选题When certifying a CAT5 cable installation the integrator must perform which of the following tests?()AMeasure ImpedanceBCalculate LatencyCMeasure AttenuationDMeasure Resistance 12-27
- 单选题各种电子商务应用系统的基础是()。A电子商务基础平台B网上消费者C信息科技D信息渠道 12-27
- 问答题多重共线性直观判定法包括哪些主要方法? 12-27
- 单选题The native resolution for 1080i is()A1920×1280B1920×1080C1280×1080D1280×720 12-27
- 名词解释题货币乘数 12-27
- 多选题关于价值下列说法中正确的是()。A商品的国际价值是在国别价值基础上形成的B国别价值量是由该国生产商品的社会必要劳动时间所定,而国际价值量则由世界劳动力的平均单位所决定C国别价值与国际价值在质上是相同的,在量上是不同的D商品的国际价值是商品国际价格变动的基础和中心E商品国际的生产价格是国际商品价格变动的基础和中心 12-27
- 单选题If the speakers in an installation are out of phase, this means that()Athe subwoofer is at the wrong angle.Bthe front and rear speakers are reversed.Cthe polarity of the speakers are reversed.Dthe angle of the speakers are incorrect. 12-27
- 单选题Each time the distance from the speaker is doubled, volume decreases by().A3dBB6dBC12dBD24dB 12-27
- 单选题RG-6 coaxial cable is typically used in all of the following applications:()Amulti-room audio, telephone, intercom and temperature control.Bthermostat, CCTV, smoke detectors and keypads.Chome theater, lighting control and multi-room audio.Dvideo, digital cable, and satellite applications. 12-27
- 单选题When configuring surround sound systems, speaker delay is used to compensate for speaker().AdistanceBpowerCsizeDefficiency 12-27
- 单选题Which of the following BEST describes CAT5e?()AContains four pair of wires of various gaugeBContains two wires in a red fireproof jacketCContains four twisted pairs of wiresDContains eight wires within a thick jacket with a rip cord 12-27
- 单选题When installing cables, which of the following is the BEST way of identifying the individual cables?()AA cable chart mounted in the cabinetBA label at the tip of the cableCA label within six inches at each end of the cableDA penciled notation on the panel cover 12-27
- 单选题When installing a security system, which of the following connectors would be used to connect the security system to the telephone service demarcation?()ARJ-31xBRJ-11CRS-232DDB-9 12-27
- 单选题According to Ohm’s Law, which of the following is correct?()AAs voltage increases, resistance decreasesBAs amperage decreases, resistance decreasesCAs resistance decreases, amperage increasesDAs resistance increases, voltage increases 12-27
- 单选题An optical cable is used to transmit:()Adigital audio from a component to a receiver.Banalog video from a component to a receiver.Canalog audio from a component to a receiver.Ddigital video from a component to a receiver. 12-27
- 单选题Which of the following is the correct signal flow for an analog multi-room audio system?()ASource,Volume Control,Speaker,AmpBSource,Amp,Volume Control,SpeakerCAmp,Source,Volume Control,SpeakerDSpeaker,Amp,Volume Control,Source 12-27
- 判断题信息资源是无限的。A对B错 12-27
- 多选题下列属于特约可保意外伤害的是()。A被保险人因酒醉遭受的意外伤害B被保险人因过失遭受的意外伤害C被保险人因医生误诊造成的伤害D被保险人因战乱遭受的意外伤害 12-27
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- 20244放射医学(士)模拟试卷 04-16
- 2024井控知识考试模拟试卷 04-16
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- 20244安全生产知识竞赛测试试题(网友回忆版)含答案 04-16
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- 202404消防员理论知识模拟试卷 04-16
- 2024深圳药师上岗能力测试精选试题 01-08
- 2024汉语言文学(本科)精选试题 01-08
- 241有效教学的理论与方法模拟试卷 01-07
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- 2401西北工业大学综合练习(含答案) 01-07
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- 2024国家开放大学模拟试卷 01-07
- 20241水利水电工程测试试题(网友回忆版)含答案 01-07
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- 20241军队文职人员招聘冲刺练习 01-07
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- 2401安全科学技术冲刺练习(含答案) 01-07
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- 24交通运输工程模拟试卷(含答案) 01-07
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- 24其他技能模拟试卷 01-07
- 241公路交通技工人员测试试题(网友回忆版)含答案 01-07
- 20241国家开放大学测试试题(网友回忆版)含答案 01-07
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- 24国家开放大学综合练习(含答案) 01-07
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- 20241期货从业测试试题(网友回忆版)含答案 01-07
- 2401管理创新模拟试卷 01-07
- 2024机械工程冲刺练习(含答案) 01-07
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- 2401教育哲学综合练习(含答案) 01-07
- 24二建继续教育冲刺练习(含答案) 01-07
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