职称英语 题目列表
Why do people replace the term creationism with the term intelligent design nowadays?A.Because "intelligent design" represents the modified theory of evolution.B.Because they believe God created different species.C.Because the term creationism is unscientific.D.Because the term creationism is too direct.

According to Weis in the 5th paragraph, the theory of evolution ______.A.is fundamental to the development of modem genetics, molecular biology and geonomicsB.is a political issueC.is based on genetics, molecular biology and geonomicsD.has increased our understanding of human health

AIBS's is composed of ______.A.more than 80 societies and 250,000 membersB.250,000 biologistsC.80 member organizationsD.more than 250,000 members and 80 member societies

Which one of the following is NOT the reason for an overall lack of teaching Darwin's theory?A.Teaching of creationism diminishes teaching of evolution.B.Teachers are not required to teach Darwin's theory.C.teachers often leave out the teaching of evolution.D.Darwin's theory is denied as the central theory of biology.

He is determined to consolidate his power.A.strengthenB.controlC.abandonD.exercise

Defending the Theory of Evolution Still Seems NeededJudith S. Weis, a biology professor who serves as president of the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) is leading a nationwide effort to "defend" the theory of evolution. Weis leads the effort in the face of what the institute views as opposition and indifference from school boards and government entities.The Institute believes that the teaching of evolution in America is being diminished by the teaching of creationism as well as by an overall lack of teaching Darwin's theory in high school. "There's nothing that requires schools to teach evolution. Sometimes teachers in high schools just leave it out. However from the point of view of biologists, evolution is the central theory of biology upon which everything is based," said Weis. "Unfortunately, teaching evolution has become a political issue in many parts of the country and AIBS, as a representative of biologists, wanted to be a major force speaking out in favor of its teaching. "Weis said the institute is working together with the American Geological Institute and the National Association of Biology Teachers and its 80-plus member organizations to address" the political and legislative threats to teaching evolution. In states challenging its teaching, the institute responds by sending letters to school boards and state legislatures, by providing testimony at public meetings and by notifying members and affiliated organizations. AIBS, with more than 80 member societies and 250,000 members, has established an email system enabling scientists and teachers in each state, and member societies, to keep each other informed about threats to the teaching of evolution.Darwin's theory of evolution holds that living things change and adapt to their environment and that present-day species ( including human beings) are descended from earlier species through modification by natural selection. The theory has been accepted by scientists for nearly 100 years, Weis said, and has been refined, extended and strengthened over the years by findings in paleontology and developmental biology. Discoveries in genetics, molecular biology and genomics—all of which provide significant benefits for human health—would not be possible without the underlying knowledge of evolution. And, Weis adds, "modem molecular biology and genomics have increased our understanding of how evolution works." Nonetheless, evolution remains a politically, if not scientifically, controversial issue.Weis said that this year alone, seven states have had either local or statewide efforts to water down the teaching of evolution, or "balance" it with the teaching of creationism—a religious belief that different species were created separately by a higher power, such as God. "Rarely does anyone now use the word ' creationism, ' because that's too obvious," Weis said. "The current terminology is ' intelligent design. ' "According to the first paragraph, which of the following statements about the theory or evolution is true?A.Government entities support AIBS's effort to defend the theory of evolution.B.School boards oppose AIBS's effort to defend the theory of evolution.C.AIBS and school boards advocate the teaching of the theory of evolution.D.The theory of evolution and that of creationism co-exist peacefully in schools.

For young children, getting dressed is a complicated business.A.strangeB.complexC.personalD.funny

Hearing problems may be alleviated by changes in diet and exercise habits.A.removedB.curedC.worsenedD.relieved

People are confused in their attempts to control malaria in Europe in the early 1900s, because scientists ______.A.identified only one mosquito species instead of six speciesB.thought only three mosquito species transmitted diseaseC.thought there was only one mosquito speciesD.did not know what species was being studied

And the cars are tested for defects before leaving the factory.A.functionsB.faultsC.motionsD.parts

Which of the following about the African bush elephant and the African elephant is true?A.The WCU are interbreeding those elephants.B.They are interbreeding species.C.They are two genetically distant species.D.They depend on each other for survival.

A great deal has been done to remedy the situation.A.maintainB.improveC.assessD.protect

Do scientists know how many cryptic species exist?A.Not yet.B.Yes, they do.C.They will know the answer in another one or two years.D.They will never know the answer.

______ when electron rearrangement takes place.

Thousands of people perished in the storm.A.diedB.sufferedC.floatedD.scattered