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翻译:Time Sheet 或者 Despatch Money /Demurrage Calculation Sheet


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考题 表示工作表sheet2和B5单元格的公式为() A.sheet2.B5B.sheet2B5C.sheet2!B5D.sheet2:B5

考题 (ii) Describe the basis for the calculation of the provision for deferred taxation on first time adoption of IFRSincluding the provision in the opening IFRS balance sheet. (4 marks)

考题 Sheet1:Sheet3! A2:D5表示_____。A.Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3 的A2:D5区域B.Sheet1的A2:D5区域C.Sheet1和 Sheet3的A2:D5区域D.Sheet1和 Sheet3中不是A2:D5的其他区域

考题 Quotation sheet(短语翻译)

考题 在工作簿的标签行中选定工作表标签Sheet3,按住Ctrl键把它拖到Sheet5与Sheet6之间,则两者之间产生的新表标签是()。 A、Sheet3(1)B、Sheet5(1)C、Sheet6(1)D、Sheet3(2)

考题 A balance sheet is simply the enumeration of the various assets of a business on one side of a ledger and the enumeration of various liabilities and (61) accounts on the other side. The two sides must be equal, or balance. Only one further point should be (62) : A balance sheet refers to a single point in time, for example, the close of business on December 31. Taken by itself, a balance sheet does not show (63) over time. It is what economists call a stock concept, not a (64) concept. That is, the balance sheet shows the stock of goods a firm has on hand at any particular instant and does not show the flow of goods through the firm over time. For this reason, a balance sheet does not show business (65) , which are a flow.(46)A.profitB.capitalC.incomeD.cash

考题 请将工作表Sheet1移动到Sheet2与Sheet3之间。

考题 In a charter-party,the amount of despatch money payable is often fixed ______.A.at one fourth the demurrage rateB.at one third the demurrage rateC.at half the demurrage rateD.at the demurrage rate

考题 新建Excel工作簿有三个工作表,分别是Sheet1,Sheet2,Sheet3,单击( )后的新建工作表按钮,新建一个工作表Sheet4。 A.Sheetl B.Sheet2 C.Sheet3 D.Sheet4

考题 在Excel 2010中,将Sheet1的A1单元格内容与Sheet2的B2单元格内容相加,计算结果放在Sheet3的A1单元格中,则在Sheet3的A1单元格中应输入()。A=Sheet1$A1+Sheet2$B2B=Sheet1!A1+Sheet2!B2CSheet1$A1+Sheet2!B2DSheet1!A1+Sheet2$B2

考题 在Excel 2010中,将Sheet1的A1单元格内容与Sheet2的B2单元格内容相加,计算结果放在Sheet3的A1单元格中,则在Sheet3的A1单元格中应输入()。A、=Sheet1$A1+Sheet2$B2B、=Sheet1!A1+Sheet2!B2C、Sheet1$A1+Sheet2!B2D、Sheet1!A1+Sheet2$B2

考题 翻译once on demurrage always on demurrage

考题 在下列哪个选项中可找到戴姆勒股份公司认证的发动机机油信息?()A、Sheet 100B、Sheet 260C、Sheet 300D、Sheet 220E、Sheet 230

考题 下列选项中,引用正确的是()。A、=SUM(Sheet2;Sheet6!$A$12)B、=SUM(Sheet2:Sheet6!$A$12)C、=SUM(Sheet2:Sheet6;$A$12)D、=SUM(Sheet2:Sheet6;SA$12)

考题 翻译:Here are our latest price sheet. You will see that our price is the most competitive.

考题 翻译:In the event the demurrage is not paid in accordance with the above, the Owners shall give the Charterers 96 running hours written notice to rectify the failure. If the demurrage is not paid at the expiration of this time limit and if the vessel is in or at the loading port, the Owners are entitled at any time to terminate the Charter Party and claim damages for any losses caused thereby.

考题 翻译:Time Sheet 或者 Despatch Money /Demurrage Calculation Sheet

考题 在Excel中,当前工作簿中有4个工作表,若想同时删除工作表Sheet2、Sheet3和Sheet4,具体操作是:(),再选择“编辑”菜单的“删除工作表”命令。A、选定Sheet2B、选定Sheet4C、先选定Sheet2,按住Shift键,再单击Sheet4D、先选定Sheet2,按住Ctrl键,再单击Sheet4

考题 在Excel2003的当前工作的标签行中选定表标签SHEET3,按住CTRL键把它拖到SHEET5与SHEET6之间,则在SHEET5与SHEET6之间产生的新表的标签是()A、SHEET3(1)B、SHEET5(1)C、SHEET3(2)D、SHEET6(1)

考题 在默认情况下EXCEL为新建工作表创建若干个工作表,名字分别为()A、sheet0B、sheet1C、sheet2D、sheet3E、sheet4F、sheet5

考题 翻译:Under a voyage charterthe time for loading and discharge and the way of calculationthereofas well as the rate of the demurrage that would incur after the expiration of thelaytime and the rate of dispatch money to be paid as a result of the compeltion of loading ordischarge ahead of schedule,shall be fixed by the shipowner and the charterer upon mutualagreement

考题 在“编辑”菜单的“移动与复制工作表”对话框中,若将Sheet1工作表移动到Sheet2之后、Sheet3之前,则应选择()。A、Sheet1B、Sheet2C、Sheet3D、Sheet4

考题 单选题下列选项中,引用正确的是()。A =SUM(Sheet2;Sheet6!$A$12)B =SUM(Sheet2:Sheet6!$A$12)C =SUM(Sheet2:Sheet6;$A$12)D =SUM(Sheet2:Sheet6;SA$12)

考题 问答题翻译:Under a voyage charterthe time for loading and discharge and the way of calculationthereofas well as the rate of the demurrage that would incur after the expiration of thelaytime and the rate of dispatch money to be paid as a result of the compeltion of loading ordischarge ahead of schedule,shall be fixed by the shipowner and the charterer upon mutualagreement

考题 问答题翻译:Time Sheet 或者 Despatch Money /Demurrage Calculation Sheet

考题 单选题在Excel中,当前工作簿中有4个工作表,若想同时删除工作表Sheet2、Sheet3和Sheet4,具体操作是:(),再选择“编辑”菜单的“删除工作表”命令。A 选定Sheet2B 选定Sheet4C 先选定Sheet2,按住Shift键,再单击Sheet4D 先选定Sheet2,按住Ctrl键,再单击Sheet4

考题 问答题翻译:Here are our latest price sheet. You will see that our price is the most competitive.

考题 问答题翻译:In the event the demurrage is not paid in accordance with the above, the Owners shall give the Charterers 96 running hours written notice to rectify the failure. If the demurrage is not paid at the expiration of this time limit and if the vessel is in or at the loading port, the Owners are entitled at any time to terminate the Charter Party and claim damages for any losses caused thereby.