单选题Many people are against the use of chemicals to preserve food because _____.Achemicals are not necessary for preserving foodBa small quantity of bacteria in food is good to peopleCthose chemicals that kill bacteria may not be good to peopleDthere are other better ways to preserve food

Many people are against the use of chemicals to preserve food because _____.

chemicals are not necessary for preserving food


a small quantity of bacteria in food is good to people


those chemicals that kill bacteria may not be good to people


there are other better ways to preserve food


根据文章最后两句“Some people oppose the use of chemicals in food. They say that these chemicals may harm people if the chemicals can harm bacteria”可知,人们反对使用化学物质来保存食物的原因是这些化学物质可能对人有害,C是对这句话的同义转述。


Some people are against killing wolves because .A.wolves help to keep the ecological balance in the wildemessB.there is too small a wolf population in the wildernessC.there are too many deer in the wildernessD.wolves are afraid of people and never attack people

Why are researches on parrots important according to the passage?A. The Trust shows great concern for the programme.B. We need to know more about how to preserve parrots.C. Many people are interested in collecting parrots.D. Parrots’ intelligence may some day benefit people.

We may conclude from the text that .[A] human cloning will not succeed unless the technique is more efficient[B] scientists are optimistic about cloning technique[C] many people are against the idea of human cloning[D] cloned animals are more favored by owners even if they are weaker

BHip-hop dancing(街舞) is popular with many young people today. They like it because they can invent their own moves. They use this dance to show their love for life. It also shows that they feel good about life,that they just want to be themselves and enjoy life,and that they are not afraid of problems.Hip-hop dancing has a history of more than 20 years. It first began in the 1980s in the U. S In early times,it was seen in New York and Los Angles. At that time,many young black people often danced to the music in the streets. They used their legs,arms,heads and even shoulders to dance. Many young people still use most of these moves today.Hip-hop dancing became popular all over the world because of the 1983 movie Flash Dance. Some people performed Hip-hop dancing in the movie. People enjoyed their perform-ance. They began to dance like them. Then it became popular. There are two kinds of Hip-hop dancing:new school and old school. More and more young people are learning Hip-hop dancing.People believe that it is a good way to exercise their bodies,and that it is good for their health.( )26. Young people like Hip-hop dancing because ________A.it has a history of more than 20 yearsB.it first began in the U. S.C. they can invent their own movesD. many young black people often dance it

____ people depend to such a great extent on forests, every effort must be made to preserve trees and wildlife.A.HowB.SinceC.ThatD.Which

_____majority of people are highly against the pollution in this city. A. —B. AC. TheD. Many

Since ancient times people have found various ways to preserve meat.A:eat B:cook C:freeze D:keep

共用题干第二篇Natural MedicinesSince earliest days,humans have used some kinds of medicines.We know this because humans have survived.Ancient treatments for injury and disease were successful enough to keep humans from dying out completely.They were successful long before the time of modern medicine.Before the time of doctors with white coats and shiny(发亮的)instruments. Before the time of big hospitals with strange and wonderful equipment.Many parts of the world still do not have university-educated doctors. Nor do they have expensive hospi- tals.Yet injuries are treated.And diseases are often cured.How?By ancient methods.By medicines that might seem mysterious , even magical(有魔力的).Traditional medicines are neither mysterious nor magical, however.Through the centuries, tribal(部族的)medicine men experimented with plants. They found many use- ful chemicals in the plants.And scientists believe many of these traditional medicines may provide the cure for some of today's most serious diseases.Experts say almost 80% of the people in the world use plants for health care.These natural medicines are used not just because people have no other form of treatment.They are used because people trust them. In developed areas,few people think about the source of the medicines they buy in a store.Yet many wide- ly-used medicines are from ancient sources,especially plants.Some experts say more than 25% of modern medicines come,in one way or another,from nature.Scientists have long known that nature is really a chemical factory.All living things contain chemicals that help them survive.So scientists' interest in traditional medicine is not new.But it has become an ur-gent concern.This is because the earth's supply of natural medicines may be dropping rapidly. What do the majority of the people in the world use for health care?A:Strange and wonderful equipment.B:Factory-produced chemicals.C:Modern medicines.D:Plants.

共用题干第二篇Human and the EarthIn terms of the evolution of life on Earth,human beings have just arrived.Despite their shori time on Earth,however,people have brought about enormous changes to the surface of the planet一changes far out of proportion to the interval of time they have occupied it.People have more control over their surroundings than any other species on Earth.With the combination of intelligence and manual skill(allowing us to make and use tools),people have found ways to use plant and animal resources,mineral ores,fuels,and many other materials and resources from the Earth.As the number of people on Earth increases,it becomes increasingly difficult for the population to survive on the resources of the land.The amount of land is limited.Although agricultural production can be increased by use of machinery such as tractors and the addition of fertilizer,the land ultimately can produce only so much food and no more.As the human population grows,people consume more.Clearly,some locations on Earth already have too many people;in many of these areas,future increases will surely bring about more poverty and suffering. Yet people in rich nations use proportionally far more of the available resources than people in poorer nations.As they consume these resources without restraint,they also waste large amounts of them.People are only a very small fraction of all the living things on the planet.Yet their numbers create a drain on resources that can't be renewed.For example,the amount of water on Earth is limited,this water is cleaned through natural processes.However,the natural processes for filtering water can clean only a certain amount of water by removing the pollution.Likewise,a limited amount of petroleum can be found under the Earth's surface.Petroleum is a valuable resource.Should people use it up to manufacture petrol for automobiles?As people work to control the planet and make life comfortable,are they using up resources that are needed for their survival?Why have people more control over their surroundings than any other species on Earth?A:Because of their intelligence and manual skill.B:Because they can use plant and animal resources,mineral ores and fuels.C:Because they are cleverer than any other animals on Earth.D:Both A and B.

共用题干Natural MedicinesSince earliest days,humans have used some kinds of medicines.We know this because hu-mans have survived .Ancient treatments for injury and disease were successful enough to keep hu-mans from dying out completely.They were successful long before the time of modern medicine.Before the time of doctors with white coats and shiny(发亮的)instruments. Before the time of big hospitals with strange and wonderful equipment.Many parts of the world still do not have university-educated doctors.Nor do they have ex- pensive hospitals.Yet injuries are treated.And diseases are often cured.How?By ancient meth- ods. By medicines that might seem mysterious, even magical(有魔力的).Traditional medicines are neither mysterious nor magical,however.Through the centuries, tribal(部落的)medicine men experimented with plants. They found many useful chemicals in the plants.And scientists believe many of these traditional medicines may provide the cure for some of today's most serious diseases.Experts say almost 80%of the people in the world use plants for health care.These natural medicines are used not just because people have no other form of treatment.They are used be-cause people trust them.In developed areas,few people think about the source of the medicines they buy in a store.Yet many widely-used medicines are from ancient sources,especially plants. Some experts say more than 25%of modern medicines come,in one way or another,from nature.Scientists have long known that nature is really a chemical factory.All living things contain chemicals that help them survive .So scientists' interest in traditional medicine is not new.But it has become an urgent concern.This is because the earth's supply of natural medicines may be dropping rapidly. What do the majority of the people in the world use for health care?A: Strangeandwonderfulequipment.B: Factory-producedchemicals.C: Modernmedicines.D: Plants.

共用题干第二篇Human and the EarthIn terms of the evolution of life on Earth,human beings have just arrived.Despite their shori time on Earth,however,people have brought about enormous changes to the surface of the planet一changes far out of proportion to the interval of time they have occupied it.People have more control over their surroundings than any other species on Earth.With the combination of intelligence and manual skill(allowing us to make and use tools),people have found ways to use plant and animal resources,mineral ores,fuels,and many other materials and resources from the Earth.As the number of people on Earth increases,it becomes increasingly difficult for the population to survive on the resources of the land.The amount of land is limited.Although agricultural production can be increased by use of machinery such as tractors and the addition of fertilizer,the land ultimately can produce only so much food and no more.As the human population grows,people consume more.Clearly,some locations on Earth already have too many people;in many of these areas,future increases will surely bring about more poverty and suffering. Yet people in rich nations use proportionally far more of the available resources than people in poorer nations.As they consume these resources without restraint,they also waste large amounts of them.People are only a very small fraction of all the living things on the planet.Yet their numbers create a drain on resources that can't be renewed.For example,the amount of water on Earth is limited,this water is cleaned through natural processes.However,the natural processes for filtering water can clean only a certain amount of water by removing the pollution.Likewise,a limited amount of petroleum can be found under the Earth's surface.Petroleum is a valuable resource.Should people use it up to manufacture petrol for automobiles?As people work to control the planet and make life comfortable,are they using up resources that are needed for their survival?Which of the following statements about resources on Earth is not correct?A:They can not be renewed.B:Water is a kind of resource which can not be renewed.C:Some of the resources are valuable.D:Many resources can be recycled so we don't need to worry about them.

共用题干第二篇Human and the EarthIn terms of the evolution of life on Earth,human beings have just arrived.Despite their shori time on Earth,however,people have brought about enormous changes to the surface of the planet一changes far out of proportion to the interval of time they have occupied it.People have more control over their surroundings than any other species on Earth.With the combination of intelligence and manual skill(allowing us to make and use tools),people have found ways to use plant and animal resources,mineral ores,fuels,and many other materials and resources from the Earth.As the number of people on Earth increases,it becomes increasingly difficult for the population to survive on the resources of the land.The amount of land is limited.Although agricultural production can be increased by use of machinery such as tractors and the addition of fertilizer,the land ultimately can produce only so much food and no more.As the human population grows,people consume more.Clearly,some locations on Earth already have too many people;in many of these areas,future increases will surely bring about more poverty and suffering. Yet people in rich nations use proportionally far more of the available resources than people in poorer nations.As they consume these resources without restraint,they also waste large amounts of them.People are only a very small fraction of all the living things on the planet.Yet their numbers create a drain on resources that can't be renewed.For example,the amount of water on Earth is limited,this water is cleaned through natural processes.However,the natural processes for filtering water can clean only a certain amount of water by removing the pollution.Likewise,a limited amount of petroleum can be found under the Earth's surface.Petroleum is a valuable resource.Should people use it up to manufacture petrol for automobiles?As people work to control the planet and make life comfortable,are they using up resources that are needed for their survival?What makes people feel hard to live on Earth?A:Fertilizer. B:Lse of machinery.C:Limited land. D:Limited mineral resources.

共用题干第二篇Human and the EarthIn terms of the evolution of life on Earth,human beings have just arrived.Despite their shori time on Earth,however,people have brought about enormous changes to the surface of the planet一changes far out of proportion to the interval of time they have occupied it.People have more control over their surroundings than any other species on Earth.With the combination of intelligence and manual skill(allowing us to make and use tools),people have found ways to use plant and animal resources,mineral ores,fuels,and many other materials and resources from the Earth.As the number of people on Earth increases,it becomes increasingly difficult for the population to survive on the resources of the land.The amount of land is limited.Although agricultural production can be increased by use of machinery such as tractors and the addition of fertilizer,the land ultimately can produce only so much food and no more.As the human population grows,people consume more.Clearly,some locations on Earth already have too many people;in many of these areas,future increases will surely bring about more poverty and suffering. Yet people in rich nations use proportionally far more of the available resources than people in poorer nations.As they consume these resources without restraint,they also waste large amounts of them.People are only a very small fraction of all the living things on the planet.Yet their numbers create a drain on resources that can't be renewed.For example,the amount of water on Earth is limited,this water is cleaned through natural processes.However,the natural processes for filtering water can clean only a certain amount of water by removing the pollution.Likewise,a limited amount of petroleum can be found under the Earth's surface.Petroleum is a valuable resource.Should people use it up to manufacture petrol for automobiles?As people work to control the planet and make life comfortable,are they using up resources that are needed for their survival?Who use more available resources according to the passage?A:Rich people on Earth. B:Poor people on Earth.C:People in developed countries. D:People in developing countries.

Since ancient times people have found various ways to preserve meat.A:eat B:cook C:freeze D:keep

共用题干Natural MedicinesSince earliest days,humans have used some kinds of medicines.We know this because humans have survived.Ancient treatments for injury and disease were successful enough to keep humans from dying out completely.They were successful long before the time of modern medicine. Before the time of doctors with white coats and shiny(发亮的)instruments. Before the time of big hospitals with strange and wonderful equipment.Many parts of the world still do not have university-educated doctors. Nor do they have expensive hospitals.Yet injuries are treated.And diseases are often cured.How?By ancient methods. By medicines that might seem mysterious , even magical(有魔力的).Traditional medicines are neither mysterious nor magical,however.Through the centuries , tribal(部落的)medicine men experimented with plants. They found many useful chemicals in the plants.And scientists believe many of these traditional medicines may provide the cure for some of today's most serious diseases.Experts say almost 80% of the people in the world use plants for health care.These natural medicines are used not just because people have no other form of treatment. They are used because people trust them. In developed areas,few people think about the source of the medicines they buy in a store .Yet many widely-used medicines are from ancient sources,especially plants.Some experts say more than 25%of modem medicines come,in one way or another,from nature.Scientists have long known that nature is really a chemical factory. All living things contain chemicals that help them survive .So scientists' interest in traditional medicine is not new.But it has become an urgent concern.This is because the earth's supply of natural medicines may be dropping rapidly. What do the majority of the people in the world use for health care?A: Strange and wonderful equipment.B: Factory-produced chemicals.C: Modern medicines.D: Plants.

()majority of people are highly against the pollution in this city.A、–(不填)B、AC、TheD、Many

A customer has a database application that is accessed by a large number of people through a web interface from multiple remote locations.  Which of the following questions will provide the information necessary to design the best performing storage solution?()A、How many web servers will be connected to the database?B、Will the database be run on a Windows solution?C、How many concurrent users will be accessing the database?D、What are the types of transactions run against the database?

Given:  foo and bar are public references available to many other threads, foo refers to a Thread and bar is an Object. The thread foo is currently executing bar.wait().  From another thread, what provides the most reliable way to ensure that foo will stop executing wait()?()A、foo.notify();B、bar.notify();C、foo.notifyAll();D、Thread.notify();E、bar.notifyAll();F、Object.notify();

Given: foo and bar are public references available to many other threads. foo refers to a Thread and bar is anObject.  The thread foo is currently executing bar.wait().  From another thread,what provides the most reliable wayto ensure that foo will stop executing wait()?A、foo.notify();B、bar.notify();C、foo.notifyAll();D、Thread.notify();E、bar.notifyAll();

单选题Why do American Indians protest against the construction of this pipeline?ABecause it will cost up to $3.8 billion.BBecause it threatens the region's water supply.CBecause it will make many people lose their jobs.DBecause it will force many people to leave their homes.

填空题Many people went shopping yesterday.→ ____ many people in the shops yesterday.

单选题A retail customer has a database application that is accessed by a large number of people through a web interface from multiple remote locations. Which questions will provide the information necessary to design the best performing storage solution of the following?()AHow many web servers will be connected to the database?BHow many concurrent applications will run against the database?CHow many concurrent users will be accessing the database?DWhat are the types of transactions run against the database?

问答题In this section, there is one passage followed by a summary. Read the passage carefully, and then complete the summary below by choosing a maximum of three words from the passage to fill in each of the blanks. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.  Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.  Everyone knows about pollution in the environment. Water, air, and land are all polluted. This means that pollution is everywhere. Now, scientists are looking inside our bodies to find out about internal pollution.  In 2003, the Environmental Working Group studied nine people to measure the chemicals in their bodies. These nine people had an average of 53 cancer-causing chemicals in their bodies. They also had an average of 62 chemicals that can damage the brain, and 55 that can harm babies in pregnant women. Even though a lot of chemicals were found in human bodies, the chemicals were found in small amounts. The amounts were small enough that they were probably not hurting the people. However, scientists are worried because most of these chemicals were created by humans. Most of these chemicals did not exist 75 years ago. This proves that we have not only polluted the world—we have polluted our own bodies!  How does this pollution get into our bodies? We come into contact with many chemicals every day. For example, everyone uses soap, skin lotion, and shampoo. However, few people know that these products contain harmful chemicals, some of which may cause memory loss. Chemicals known as DEA (diethanolamine) and TEA (triethanolamine) may seep into the skin and stop us from absorbing a helpful nutrient called “choline”. Choline is a nutrient that plays a crucial role in the memory cell making process in the developing brain. Some people worry that every time we wash our hair, we are decreasing our memories.  Everyone knows they should brush their teeth regularly, but recent research has shown that some toothpastes can cause cancer. Fluoride is a key ingredient in many toothpastes. However, studies show that fluoride does not really protect our teeth. In fact, fluoride has been connected with bone cancer and other diseases. While we are trying to save our smiles, we could be damaging our health.  Women are probably exposed to more chemicals than men because they use more beauty products. Recently, harmful chemicals have been found in nail polish, hair spray, deodorant, and perfume. The chemicals are called “phthalates”. Studies on animals have shown that phthalates can damage the liver, the kidneys, and the lungs. Cosmetic companies say the amounts of phthalates in their products are safe, but consumer protection groups disagree. They say some women use so many products that the levels are actually high. So, the more women try to look beautiful, the more they could be harming their health.  In a futuristic story by Ray Bradbury, a man found a pristine stream on a new planet. When he drank from the stream, he died! Why? His body was so polluted that pure water was a poison to him! Perhaps that is only science fiction, but it reminds us to take care of our bodies. We must find ways to reduce the pollution we absorb.  Summary:  Like our polluted environment, our bodies are no longer pollution-free. Scientists now know that there is pollution in our bodies. On  1 , we have 53 cancer-causing chemicals in our bodies. Even fluoride  2 with bone cancer and other diseases. Some common cosmetics contain small amounts of chemicals, which seep into our  3 when we use these products. They prevent us from absorbing the  4 our bodies need. So, it is  5 that we find ways to reduce the amount of chemicals in our bodies. We should remind our friends and families to take care of their bodies.

单选题—At present, many people like talking about “Kuaidi” and “Didi”. I really wonder ______—You call to order a taxi through them on your mobile phone easily.Ahow can I use themBwho uses them mostCwhat they are used for

单选题Which of the following chemicals will be used where protection against caustic cracking is required in boiler treatment?()ASodium hydroxideBSodium carbonateCSodium nitrateDSodium polyphosphate

单选题As a defense against air-pollution damage, many plants and animals _____ a substance to absorb harmful chemicals.ArelieveBreleaseCdismissDdiscard

单选题Many people are against the use of chemicals to preserve food because ______.Achemicals are not necessary for preserving foodBa small quantity of bacteria in food is good to peopleCthose chemicals that kill bacteria may not be good to peopleDthere are other better ways to preserve food

单选题foo and bar are public references available to many other threads. foo refers to a Thread and bar is an Object. The thread foo is currently executing bar.wait(). From another thread, which statement is the most reliable way to ensue that foo will stop executing wait()?A foo.notify();B bar.notify();C foo.notifyAll();D Thread.notify();E bar.notiFYAll();F Object.notify();