Since ancient times people have found various ways to preserve meat.A:eat B:cook C:freeze D:keep

Since ancient times people have found various ways to preserve meat.





AMy parents taught me not to waste food. My mom always found ways to make leftovers (剩余食物) taste good. I went to Ilan to learn about some of their special foods. As I was there, I learned about the food and the history of the area. I learned that they don’t waste food, either, and they use leftovers!Many years ago, there was not enough food for everyone. People learned to cook and eat almost everything. They had to think of ways to make special dishes. One of these dishes is kao zha. It’s made with leftovers like meat, soup, oil and fat. That might not sound very good, but it does taste good. Today, kao zha is a special dish at big banquets (宴会).Another famous dish is called zao bing. It’s made with fruit, meat and other things. I really liked it! But I didn’t want to eat too much. It has a lot of fat in it.I smelled something burning and I saw smoke, so I found another special food of the Ilan area─duck meat. The duck meat is put in a big oven (炉子) to cook it. Smoke keeps the meat fresh. I don’t usually eat meat, but this duck meat was delicious! It tasted sweet.Ilan is a great place with delicious food. I hope I can come back again!56. The writer learns from her parents __________.A. not to eat leftovers B. to eat good foodC. not to waste food D. to make good food

If times______(变了),have our ways of thinking changed too? (change)

Since Wallerstein's study, ______.A. there are fewer divorcesB. children of divorce no longer get therapyC. times and attitudes toward divorce have changedD. people don't talk about divorce any more

Passage FiveFrom the beginning rivers have played an important part in the life of man. Man of the earliest times used the rivers as a means of traveling. Today rivers still serve as a great waterway for the transport and people.In ancient times, man settled near rivers or on river banks and built up large empires.Water is the Nature's most precious gift to man. Man needs water to irrigate his crops, to cook and to wash. In nations all over the world rivers mean life and wealth. They feed and clothe the nations around them.Water is also a source of energy and power. Man constructs huge dams across the river to control the water for irrigation and get the energy needed to drive generators. The electrical power is then directed to homes, cities, factories and television stations.Man uses water each day. His main source of water comes from reservoirs, which in turn get their water from the rivers.Rivers also bring down soil and minerals from the mountains and deposit them on the plains building up rich river deltas for raising plants and crops. Fresh water life in rivers or in lakes fed by them provide man with food.In a small way rivers help to keep man in good health and provide for his amusements. Various forms of water sports keep man strong and healthy.Rivers have run on this earth long before man. Man's future ability to live is uncertain, but rivers will flow on forever.52. Rivers have been important to man______.A. since the last centuryB. for a very long timeC. since a few hundred years agoD. since a few years ago

Why is there no natural reason for famine?A、We now have technology to preserve and keep food.B、We can transport food over long distances.C、The government can import food and distribute it to its people.D、Nature can never create any disasters for human beings.

The passage mainly involves______.A.effects of boredom on people's life and workB.various ways to conquer the feeling of boredomC.studies of possible reasons why people get boredD.the importance of scientific research into boredom

If people ________ cutting down the forest, they will have nowhere _______.A.keep, to live in B.will keep, to live in C.keep, to live D.will keep, to live

共用题干GarlicFrom early times man has used garlic(大蒜).The Bible speaks of it. The Israelites (古以色列人)were once far from home. They cried out to Moses, their leader, for the foods they loved: leeks(韭菜),onions, and garlic. The Romans, like the Israelites, loved to eat garlic.And they hung bags of garlic around their necks.________(1) They also thought it would keep them from getting sick.A similar idea is still held.Many people take garlic thinking it will prevent or cure disease.Most doctors say it does no such thing.________(2)Its smell may force people to stay far apart.At least then they can't pass germs on to each other._________(3)What if you're in a play,for instance?Actors have been known to forget their lines because they couldn't stand the garlic smell on a fellow actor's breath. Some have even made up new lines and actions that kept them far away from the one who had eaten garlic.Through the years man has tried to cope with the smell of garlic._________(4) We now know why.It's been found that the oils of the garlic do not stick to the teeth, tongue,or gums(牙眼).They go into the lungs instead.From there they are breathed out.They pass out through the skin too.Strange as it seems,food may have a great deal of garlic in it without smelling or tasting strong.It all depends on how it is cooked.French cooks make a good soup with whole cloves(瓣)of garlic.They use more than thirty cloves in one bowl of soup.But they take care not to crush them.And they cook them whole._________(5)And as the cloves cook they change in some strange way.The soup turns out to be delicious.It's not strong at all._________(2)A:But no medicine,mouthwash,chewing gum,or toothpaste seems to help much.B:As a result,the strong oils stay in the cloves.C:They say it may help in one way,though.D:Many people eat garlic.E:But keeping your distance can be hard at times.F:They hoped it would keep away the evil eye.

共用题干Stomach UlcerStomach ulcers are the cause of severe pain for many people.Doctors have been able to help lessen the pain of ulcers.They could not cure them.Now doctors have discovered a cause of ulcers.This means they may have found a way to cure people who suffer from the stomach pain.Studies show that ten percent of the population will develop an ulcer at some time in their lives.So a possible cure is good news for many people.Ulcers are wounds in the stomach that are similar to small cuts or tears.These wounds can harm the tissue in the stomach,the pipe that carries the food to the stomach or parts of the small intestines.Fluids in the stomach then increase the pain of an ulcer. How does a person know he or she has an ulcer? Doctors say most people with ulcers feel a burning pain in their chests or stomachs.This pain is often called heartburn.It usually happens before eating or during the night. It causes some people to lose their desire to eat,or they are unable to keep food in their stomachs.Doctors believed that ulcers were caused by unusually strong stomach fluids,which damaged stomach tissue.Now they have discovered that most ulcers are caused by a bacterial organism called Hillico Bactor Pilorie or H Pilorie.H Pilorie bacteria are what make stomach produce extra stomach fluid.Doctors found that they can kill the bacteria with medicines called antibiotics.Health expertssay the discovery of a cure for ulcers can save thousands of millions of dollars in medical costs.They also believe curing ulcers will reduce the number of people who develop stomach cancer. The number of people with stomach cancer is very high in Japan,Southeast Asia and parts of Africa.Doctors say a person is more likely to get an ulcer if someone in his or her family has had one.In fact a person with the family history of ulcers is three times more likely to get one than other people.There are ways people can protect themselves from developing an ulcer. Doctors say it is more important to reduce the amount of strong fluids in the stomach.To do this,doctors say,people should not smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol. And they say people should reduce tension in their lives.Some people are likely to suffer from the stomach pain at some time in their lives.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

共用题干Stomach UlcerStomach ulcers are the cause of severe pain for many people.Doctors have been able to help lessen the pain of ulcers.They could not cure them.Now doctors have discovered a cause of ulcers.This means they may have found a way to cure people who suffer from the stomach pain.Studies show that ten percent of the population will develop an ulcer at some time in their life.So a possible cure is good news for many people.Ulcers are wounds in the stomach that are similar to small cuts or tears.These wounds can harm the tissue in the stomach,the pipe that carries the food to the stomach or parts of the small intestines.Fluids in the stomach then increase the pain of an ulcer.How does a person know he or she has an ulcer?Doctors say most people with ulcers feel a burning pain in their chest or stomach.This pain often is called heart burn.It usually happens before eating or during the night.It causes some people to lose their desire to eat,or they are unable to keep food in their stomachs.Doctors believed that ulcers were caused by unusually strong stomach fluids,which damaged stomach tissue.Now they have discovered that most ulcers are caused by a bacterial organism called Hillico Bactor Pilorie or H.Pillorie.H.Pillorie bacteria are what make stomach produce extra stomach fluid.Doctors found that they can kill the bacteria with medicines called antibiotics.Health experts say the discovery of a cure for ulcers can save thousands of millions of dollars in medical costs.They also believe curing ui- cers will reduce the number of people who develop stomach cancer.The number of people with stomach cancer is very high in Japan,Southeast Asia and parts of Africa.Doctors say a person is more likely to get an ulcer if his or her family has had one.In fact a person with the family history of ulcers is three times more likely to get one than other peo-ple.There are ways people can protect themselves from developing an ulcer.Doctors say it is more important to reduce the amount of strong fluids in the stomach.To do this,doctors say,people should not smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol.And they say people should reduce tension in their lives.Doctors have discovered a cause of ulcers after many years of experiments.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

共用题干Stomach UlcerStomach ulcers are the cause of severe pain for many people.Doctors have been able to help lessen the pain of ulcers.They could not cure them.Now doctors have discovered a cause of ulcers.This means they may have found a way to cure people who suffer from the stomach pain.Studies show that ten percent of the population will develop an ulcer at some time in their lives.So a possible cure is good news for many people.Ulcers are wounds in the stomach that are similar to small cuts or tears.These wounds can harm the tissue in the stomach,the pipe that carries the food to the stomach or parts of the small intestines.Fluids in the stomach then increase the pain of an ulcer. How does a person know he or she has an ulcer? Doctors say most people with ulcers feel a burning pain in their chests or stomachs.This pain is often called heartburn.It usually happens before eating or during the night. It causes some people to lose their desire to eat,or they are unable to keep food in their stomachs.Doctors believed that ulcers were caused by unusually strong stomach fluids,which damaged stomach tissue.Now they have discovered that most ulcers are caused by a bacterial organism called Hillico Bactor Pilorie or H Pilorie.H Pilorie bacteria are what make stomach produce extra stomach fluid.Doctors found that they can kill the bacteria with medicines called antibiotics.Health expertssay the discovery of a cure for ulcers can save thousands of millions of dollars in medical costs.They also believe curing ulcers will reduce the number of people who develop stomach cancer. The number of people with stomach cancer is very high in Japan,Southeast Asia and parts of Africa.Doctors say a person is more likely to get an ulcer if someone in his or her family has had one.In fact a person with the family history of ulcers is three times more likely to get one than other people.There are ways people can protect themselves from developing an ulcer. Doctors say it is more important to reduce the amount of strong fluids in the stomach.To do this,doctors say,people should not smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol. And they say people should reduce tension in their lives.Doctors have discovered a cause of ulcers after many years of experiments.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

共用题干Stomach UlcerStomach ulcers are the cause of severe pain for many people.Doctors have been able to help lessen the pain of ulcers.They could not cure them.Now doctors have discovered a cause of ulcers.This means they may have found a way to cure people who suffer from the stomach pain.Studies show that ten percent of the population will develop an ulcer at some time in their lives.So a possible cure is good news for many people.Ulcers are wounds in the stomach that are similar to small cuts or tears.These wounds can harm the tissue in the stomach,the pipe that carries the food to the stomach or parts of the small intestines.Fluids in the stomach then increase the pain of an ulcer. How does a person know he or she has an ulcer? Doctors say most people with ulcers feel a burning pain in their chests or stomachs.This pain is often called heartburn.It usually happens before eating or during the night. It causes some people to lose their desire to eat,or they are unable to keep food in their stomachs.Doctors believed that ulcers were caused by unusually strong stomach fluids,which damaged stomach tissue.Now they have discovered that most ulcers are caused by a bacterial organism called Hillico Bactor Pilorie or H Pilorie.H Pilorie bacteria are what make stomach produce extra stomach fluid.Doctors found that they can kill the bacteria with medicines called antibiotics.Health expertssay the discovery of a cure for ulcers can save thousands of millions of dollars in medical costs.They also believe curing ulcers will reduce the number of people who develop stomach cancer. The number of people with stomach cancer is very high in Japan,Southeast Asia and parts of Africa.Doctors say a person is more likely to get an ulcer if someone in his or her family has had one.In fact a person with the family history of ulcers is three times more likely to get one than other people.There are ways people can protect themselves from developing an ulcer. Doctors say it is more important to reduce the amount of strong fluids in the stomach.To do this,doctors say,people should not smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol. And they say people should reduce tension in their lives.People who eat a lot of spicy food are also susceptible to stomach ulcers.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

共用题干Stomach UlcerStomach ulcers are the cause of severe pain for many people.Doctors have been able to help lessen the pain of ulcers.They could not cure them.Now doctors have discovered a cause of ulcers.This means they may have found a way to cure people who suffer from the stomach pain.Studies show that ten percent of the population will develop an ulcer at some time in their life.So a possible cure is good news for many people.Ulcers are wounds in the stomach that are similar to small cuts or tears.These wounds can harm the tissue in the stomach,the pipe that carries the food to the stomach or parts of the small intestines.Fluids in the stomach then increase the pain of an ulcer.How does a person know he or she has an ulcer?Doctors say most people with ulcers feel a burning pain in their chest or stomach.This pain often is called heart burn.It usually happens before eating or during the night.It causes some people to lose their desire to eat,or they are unable to keep food in their stomachs.Doctors believed that ulcers were caused by unusually strong stomach fluids,which damaged stomach tissue.Now they have discovered that most ulcers are caused by a bacterial organism called Hillico Bactor Pilorie or H.Pillorie.H.Pillorie bacteria are what make stomach produce extra stomach fluid.Doctors found that they can kill the bacteria with medicines called antibiotics.Health experts say the discovery of a cure for ulcers can save thousands of millions of dollars in medical costs.They also believe curing ui- cers will reduce the number of people who develop stomach cancer.The number of people with stomach cancer is very high in Japan,Southeast Asia and parts of Africa.Doctors say a person is more likely to get an ulcer if his or her family has had one.In fact a person with the family history of ulcers is three times more likely to get one than other peo-ple.There are ways people can protect themselves from developing an ulcer.Doctors say it is more important to reduce the amount of strong fluids in the stomach.To do this,doctors say,people should not smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol.And they say people should reduce tension in their lives.People who eat a lot of spicy food are susceptible to stomach ulcers.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

To us it seems so natural to put up an umbrella to keep the water off when it rains.But actually the umbrella was not invented as protection against rain.Its first use was as a shade against the sun.Nobody knows who first invented it,but the umbrella was used in very ancient times.Probably the first to use it were the Chinese,way back in the eleventh century B.C.We know that the umbrella was used in ancient Egypt and Babylon as a sunshade.And there was a strange thing connected with its use:it became a symbol of honor and authority.In the Far East in ancient times,the umbrella was allowed to be used only by royalty or by those in high office.In Europe,the Greeks were the first to use the umbrella as a sunshade.And the umbrella was in common use in ancient Greece.But it is believed that the first persons in Europe to use the umbrella as protection against the rain were the ancient Romans.During the Middle Ages,the use of the umbrella practically disappeared.Then it appeared again in Italy in the late sixteenth century.And again it was considered a symbol of power and authority.By 1680,The umbrella appeared in France,and later on in England.By the eighteenth century,the umbrella was used against rain throughout most of Europe.Umbrellas have not changed much in style during all this time,though they have become much lighter in weight.It wasn't until the twentieth century that women's umbrellas began to be made,in a whole variety of colors.According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true?A.Women enjoy using umbrellas with various kinds of colors nowadayB.The inventor of the umbrella is unknowC.Once ordinary people had no right to use umbrellD.Umbrellas were popular and cheap in ancient time

Since ancient times people have found various ways to preserve meat.A:eat B:cookC:freeze D:keep

Since ancient times people have found various ways to preserve meat.A:eat B:cook C:freeze D:keep

共用题干Stomach UlcerStomach ulcers are the cause of severe pain for many people.Doctors have been able to help lessen the pain of ulcers.They could not cure them.Now doctors have discovered a cause of ulcers.This means they may have found a way to cure people who suffer from the stomach pain.Studies show that ten percent of the population will develop an ulcer at some time in their life.So a possible cure is good news for many people.Ulcers are wounds in the stomach that are similar to small cuts or tears.These wounds can harm the tissue in the stomach,the pipe that carries the food to the stomach or parts of the small intestines.Fluids in the stomach then increase the pain of an ulcer.How does a person know he or she has an ulcer? Doctors say most people with ulcers feel a burning pain in their chest or stomach.This pain often is called heartburn.It usually happens before eating or during the night.It causes some people to lose their desire to eat,or they are unable to keep food in their stomachs.Doctors believed that ulcers were caused by unusually strong stomach fluids,which damaged stomach tissue.Now they have discovered that most ulcers are caused by a bacterial organism called Hillico Bactor Pilorie or H Pilorie.H Pilorie bacteria are what make stomach produce extra stomach fluid.Doctors found that they can kill the bacteria with medicines called antibiotics.Health experts say the discovery of a cure for ulcers can save thousands of millions of dollars in medical costs.They also believe curing ulcers will reduce the number of people who develop stomach cancer.The number of people with stomach cancer is very high in Japan,Southeast Asia and parts of Africa.Doctors say a person is more likely to get an ulcer if someone in his or her family has had one.In fact a person with the family history of ulcers is three times more likely to get one than other people.There are ways people can protect themselves from developing an ulcer.Doctors say it is more important to reduce the amount of strong fluids in the stomach.To do this,doctors say,people should not smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol.And they say people should reduce tension in their lives.Now doctors can successfully cure stomach ulcers.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

共用题干Stomach UlcerStomach ulcers are the cause of severe pain for many people.Doctors have been able to help lessen the pain of ulcers.They could not cure them.Now doctors have discovered a cause of ulcers.This means they may have found a way to cure people who suffer from the stomach pain.Studies show that ten percent of the population will develop an ulcer at some time in their life.So a possible cure is good news for many people.Ulcers are wounds in the stomach that are similar to small cuts or tears.These wounds can harm the tissue in the stomach,the pipe that carries the food to the stomach or parts of the small intestines.Fluids in the stomach then increase the pain of an ulcer.How does a person know he or she has an ulcer? Doctors say most people with ulcers feel a burning pain in their chest or stomach.This pain often is called heartburn.It usually happens before eating or during the night.It causes some people to lose their desire to eat,or they are unable to keep food in their stomachs.Doctors believed that ulcers were caused by unusually strong stomach fluids,which damaged stomach tissue.Now they have discovered that most ulcers are caused by a bacterial organism called Hillico Bactor Pilorie or H Pilorie.H Pilorie bacteria are what make stomach produce extra stomach fluid.Doctors found that they can kill the bacteria with medicines called antibiotics.Health experts say the discovery of a cure for ulcers can save thousands of millions of dollars in medical costs.They also believe curing ulcers will reduce the number of people who develop stomach cancer.The number of people with stomach cancer is very high in Japan,Southeast Asia and parts of Africa.Doctors say a person is more likely to get an ulcer if someone in his or her family has had one.In fact a person with the family history of ulcers is three times more likely to get one than other people.There are ways people can protect themselves from developing an ulcer.Doctors say it is more important to reduce the amount of strong fluids in the stomach.To do this,doctors say,people should not smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol.And they say people should reduce tension in their lives.Some people are likely to suffer from the stomach pain at some time in their life.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

共用题干Stomach UlcerStomach ulcers are the cause of severe pain for many people.Doctors have been able to help lessen the pain of ulcers.They could not cure them.Now doctors have discovered a cause of ulcers.This means they may have found a way to cure people who suffer from the stomach pain.Studies show that ten percent of the population will develop an ulcer at some time in their life.So a possible cure is good news for many people.Ulcers are wounds in the stomach that are similar to small cuts or tears.These wounds can harm the tissue in the stomach,the pipe that carries the food to the stomach or parts of the small intestines.Fluids in the stomach then increase the pain of an ulcer.How does a person know he or she has an ulcer? Doctors say most people with ulcers feel a burning pain in their chest or stomach.This pain often is called heartburn.It usually happens before eating or during the night.It causes some people to lose their desire to eat,or they are unable to keep food in their stomachs.Doctors believed that ulcers were caused by unusually strong stomach fluids,which damaged stomach tissue.Now they have discovered that most ulcers are caused by a bacterial organism called Hillico Bactor Pilorie or H Pilorie.H Pilorie bacteria are what make stomach produce extra stomach fluid.Doctors found that they can kill the bacteria with medicines called antibiotics.Health experts say the discovery of a cure for ulcers can save thousands of millions of dollars in medical costs.They also believe curing ulcers will reduce the number of people who develop stomach cancer.The number of people with stomach cancer is very high in Japan,Southeast Asia and parts of Africa.Doctors say a person is more likely to get an ulcer if someone in his or her family has had one.In fact a person with the family history of ulcers is three times more likely to get one than other people.There are ways people can protect themselves from developing an ulcer.Doctors say it is more important to reduce the amount of strong fluids in the stomach.To do this,doctors say,people should not smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol.And they say people should reduce tension in their lives.Doctors have discovered a cause of ulcers after many years of experiments.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

共用题干Stomach UlcerStomach ulcers are the cause of severe pain for many people.Doctors have been able to help lessen the pain of ulcers.They could not cure them.Now doctors have discovered a cause of ulcers.This means they may have found a way to cure people who suffer from the stomach pain.Studies show that ten percent of the population will develop an ulcer at some time in their life.So a possible cure is good news for many people.Ulcers are wounds in the stomach that are similar to small cuts or tears.These wounds can harm the tissue in the stomach,the pipe that carries the food to the stomach or parts of the small intestines.Fluids in the stomach then increase the pain of an ulcer.How does a person know he or she has an ulcer? Doctors say most people with ulcers feel a burning pain in their chest or stomach.This pain often is called heartburn.It usually happens before eating or during the night.It causes some people to lose their desire to eat,or they are unable to keep food in their stomachs.Doctors believed that ulcers were caused by unusually strong stomach fluids,which damaged stomach tissue.Now they have discovered that most ulcers are caused by a bacterial organism called Hillico Bactor Pilorie or H Pilorie.H Pilorie bacteria are what make stomach produce extra stomach fluid.Doctors found that they can kill the bacteria with medicines called antibiotics.Health experts say the discovery of a cure for ulcers can save thousands of millions of dollars in medical costs.They also believe curing ulcers will reduce the number of people who develop stomach cancer.The number of people with stomach cancer is very high in Japan,Southeast Asia and parts of Africa.Doctors say a person is more likely to get an ulcer if someone in his or her family has had one.In fact a person with the family history of ulcers is three times more likely to get one than other people.There are ways people can protect themselves from developing an ulcer.Doctors say it is more important to reduce the amount of strong fluids in the stomach.To do this,doctors say,people should not smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol.And they say people should reduce tension in their lives.People who eat a lot of spicy food are also susceptible to stomach ulcers.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

Since ancient times people have found various ways to preserve meat.A:eat B:cookC:keep D:freeze

Since ancient times people have found various ways to preservemeat.A:eat B:cook C:freeze D:keep

One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to__________healthy eating habits.A.growB.developC.increaseD.raise

单选题It is worthwhile to study the various ways in which Shakespeare used English because _____.AEnglish words have changed a lot since Shakespeare’s timeBby doing so one can be fully aware of the richness of the English languageCEnglish words are now being used in the same way as in Shakespeare’s daysDof none of the above

问答题Although the American economy has transformed itself over the years, certain issues have persisted since the early days of the republic. One is the continuing debate over the proper role for government in what is basically a marketplace economy. An economy based on free enterprise is generally characterized by private ownership and initiative, with a relative absence of government involvement. However, government intervention has been found necessary from time to time to ensure that economic opportunities are fair and accessible to the people, to prevent flagrant abuses, to dampen inflation and to stimulate growth.Ever since colonial times, the government has been involved, to some extent, in economic decision-making. The federal government, for example, has made huge investments in infrastructure, and it has provided social welfare programs that the private sector was unable or unwilling to provide. In a myriad of ways and over many decades, the government has supported and promoted the development of agriculture.

单选题Many people are against the use of chemicals to preserve food because ______.Achemicals are not necessary for preserving foodBa small quantity of bacteria in food is good to peopleCthose chemicals that kill bacteria may not be good to peopleDthere are other better ways to preserve food

单选题People have found that walking is one of the best ways for a person to _____ healthy.AmaintainBreserveCpreserveDstay

单选题One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to _____ healthy eating habits.AgrowBdevelopCincreaseDraise