tell us briefly about the working principles of the purifier ,the oil water seperator and air compressor .

tell us briefly about the working principles of the purifier ,the oil water seperator and air compressor .


'tell' + 236 的结果为:tell236。( ) 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Could you ____ me how to ________ this word in English? (A. tell, speakB. speak, sayC. tell, sayD. say, speak

Conceptual categories called notions are the______of organization, sequenced by some sense of chronology or usefulness of each notion. A.aimB.planC.basisD.principles

Mr. Brown inform. us ()you are exporters of cotton bed sheets.A、ofB、whatC、thatD、about

The collision bulkhead shall be of

A) regulationsB) rulesC) disciplinesD) principles

During UMS rounds, a duty engineer notices that the fuel oil overflow observation glass is full of oil. Should he ____.A.Stop all F.O. transfers immediately, and inform the chief engineer.B.Make a sounding of the F.O. overflow tank and decide if there is enough capacity to leave it until the following morning.C.Call a motorman and have him sound the F.O. overflow tank periodically during the night.D.start the F.O. purifier

We__________ (tell) to close the windows before we left the lab.

The English language is the result of the fusion of many different( )A.particlesB.ingredientsC.elementsD.principles

In the situation comedy,a traditional format for television shows,the same characters appear repeatedly in humorous episodes.A: respectivelyB: again and again C:simultaneouslyD: briefly