it is noted here because Americans have traditionally viewed success in one’s role as a citizen as closely linked to a “well-rounded”life that incorporates a variety of social, athletic, and cultural activities into a person’s experience.

it is noted here because Americans have traditionally viewed success in one’s role as a citizen as closely linked to a “well-rounded”life that incorporates a variety of social, athletic, and cultural activities into a person’s experience.


有以下程序#include stdio.h#include string.hmain(){ char str[ ][20]={"One*World","One*Dream!"},*p=str[1];printf("%d,",strlen(p));printf("%s\n",p);}程序运行后的输出结果是A)9,One*WorldB)9,One*Dream !C)10,One*Dream !D)10,One*World

1. Though I failed in the exam last term,my teacher gave me an important _________That was a beautiful smile.A.giftB.bookC.noteD.letter

__________from the top of a mountain, the beautiful peak is a magic that captures his emotion.A. ViewingB. To viewC. ViewD. Viewed

Nobody in ( ) right mind would do such a thing. A、hisB、theirsC、herD、one's

Are those your books? I want to borrow some good _____.A. oneB. onceC. onesD. one’s


Here ________ a new pair of shoes for you. A.hasB.isC.areD.have

How many books do you have? I have ______ book .That's ______ English book. A、a,anB、a,oneC、on,anD、one,one

What is the teacher doing in terms on error correction?" Make a sentence with "have"!S: He have a car.T: He HA VE a car?S: He HAS a car." Very good. He HA S a car.A.Direct correctionB.Indirect correctionC.Self-correctionD.Peer correction

Because () renters demanded our rights,a committee was appointed to study the matter further.AusBthemCweDit’s