


本题考查了whether ... or not(是否)的固定用法。


单选题Goodbye, Miss Liu. I'm very pleased()Ato meet youBhaving met youCbe meeting youDto have met you

单选题Lucky is the man who has no "skeleton in his closet". When a man has done something in his life that he is ashamed of, that he wants to hide, he is said to have a "skeleton in his closet". Some people may have more than one skeleton. As we have noted many times, it is hard to find out how these expressions begin. Sometimes, we get some hard facts. But more often we have to depend on guesswork. And that is true of this phrase, which came from England. Before 1932, English law did not permit a doctor to cut open a dead human body for scientific examination, unless it was the corpse (尸体) of an executed (处决) criminal. But when it became legal, more and more doctors demanded skeletons for a more scientific study of medicine. It was helping in the advance of modern medicine. The demand had become so strong that men began to rob tombs and sell skeletons to doctors at high prices. We are told that a doctor would usually buy just one skeleton for scientific study. It became very important in his work. But he had to keep it hidden because most people objected to keeping such a thing. As a rule, the doctor would keep his skeleton in some dark corner where it could not be seen, or hide it in a closet. After a time, people began to suspect (怀疑) every doctor of hiding a skeleton in the closet. From this suspicion, the phrase "a skeleton in the closet" took on a broader, more general meaning to describe anything that a man wanted to keep others from discovering. It could be proof of a criminal act, or something much less serious. Well, that is one theory. One writer, however, believes that the phrase might have come from something that really happened. It is his guess that a hidden closet in some old English country home may have turned up a real skeleton, clear proof of some old family shame or crime. Well, one man’s guess is as good as another. But this sounds like a story by the great French novelist, Balzac. Baizac tells us of a man who suspected his wife of having a lover. The husband comes home by surprise. But she hears him and quickly hides her lover in the closet of her bedroom. He enters her room and asks her if she is hiding her lover. He says he will not open the door to the closet if she promises him there is no one there; He will believe her. She answers firmly that she is not hiding anyone in the closet. The husband then begins to build a solid brick wall against the closet. His wife watches, knowing that her lover will never come out alive. But she will not change her story and admit her guilt.Which of the following situations is suitable for using the phrase "skeleton in the closet"AYou have stolen something precious and don’t want it discovered.BYou are a doctor and have to keep a skeleton for research.CIf you have cut open a dead human body for scientific examination you should keep the skeleton secret.DYou have done a crime or done something foolish, but you want to keep other from discovering it.

单选题What do we know about Methuselah’s sex?AIt will be made clear within a year or two.BIt will remain a myth for at least a decade.CIt won’t be known until several years later.DIt won’t be decided without ancient knowledge.

单选题Wearing seat belts in cars is()by law.AcommercialBcompulsoryCcommandingDcommentary

单选题It's not safe()in the street.Ato playBplayCplayingDplays

单选题If the over tax returns fails to effectively control, there will be penalties in the case of _____.Afilling the payroll tax bill later than expectedBfilling the payroll tax bill in wrong formCboth A and BDboth tardy and wrong filing


单选题They have learned about()in recent years.Aseveral hundreds English wordsBhundreds of English wordsChundred of English wordsDseveral hundred English words

单选题When the railway is completed, we()get to town much easily.AmustBwouldCare able toDwill be able to

单选题How many U.S. households have linked to Internet today?AMore than 25 percent.BBy 29 percent.CMore than 42 percent.DMore than 50 percent.

单选题American artists learnt about the new movement in European art through all means EXCEPT _____.Atrips to EuropeBexhibitions held in the StatesClectures given by successful artists such as the photographer Affred StieglitzDthe Armory Show of 1913

单选题To face the music Like every language, American English is full of special expressions, phrases that come from the day-to-day life of the people and develop in their own way. Our expression today is "to face the music". When someone says, "well, I guess I’ll have to face the music," it does not mean he’s planning to go to the concert. It is something far less pleasant, like being called in by your boss to explain why you did this and did that, and why you didn’t do this or that. Sour music indeed, but it has to be faced. At sometime or another, every one of us has had to face the music, especially as children. We can all remember father’s angry voice, "I want to talk to you." and only because we did not obey him. What an unpleasant business it was! The phrase "to face the music" is familiar to every American, young and old. It is at least 100 years old. And where did this expression come from The first explanation comes from the American novelist, James Fenimore Looper. He said, in 1851, that the expression was first used by actors while waiting in the wings to go on the stage. When they got their cue to go on, they often said, "Well, it’s time to face the music." And that was exactly what they did-facing the orchestra which was just below them. And an actor might be frightened or nervous as he moved on to the stage in front of an audience that might be friendly or perhaps hostile, especially if he forgot his lines. But he had to go out. If he did not, there would be no play. So the expression "to face the music "come to mean "having to go through something, no matter how unpleasant the experience might be, because you knew you had no choice." Other explanations about the expression go back to the army. When the men faced an inspection by their leader, the soldiers would be worried about how well they looked. Was their equipment clean, shinny enough to pass the inspection Still the men had to go out and face the music of the band as well as the inspection. What else could they do Another army explanation is more closely related to the idea of facing the results and accepting the responsibility for something that should not have been done. As, for example when a man is forced out of the army because he did something terrible, he is dishonored. The band does not play. Only the drums tap a sad, slow beat. The soldier is forced to leave, facing such music as it is and facing the back of his horse.Which of the following is a situation of facing the musicAWhen we are playing basketball.BWhen we are making a speech.CWhen we are having a party.DWhen we are talking with somebody.

单选题The tourist is forbidden to enter a country if he does not have a (an) _____ passport.AoperativeBvalidCeffectiveDefficient

单选题She()to see so many people at the party.AthrilledBthrillCwas thrillingDwas thrilled


单选题The Empire Building is a(n) imposing structure in New York.AexcitingBoutstandingCupsettingDsurprising

单选题The US biodefence research is particularly controversial because of the sheer _____ of the effort.AlatitudeBmagnitudeCaptitudeDattitude

单选题If he told his wife about their plan, she was bound to agree.Awould unnecessarilyBwould simplyCwould certainlyDwould alternatively

单选题I think this sofa is()than that one.AcostlierBexpensiverCcost moreDmore costly

单选题Can you help me?()ANo, I don't know.BSure. What is it?CDon't mention it.DThat's it



单选题Annie’s job as an assistant at the university observatory was to classify stars according to their spectra.AlocateBphotographCdrawDcategorize


单选题It seems()to change the timetable so often.AunlogicalBimlogicalCinlogicalDillogical

单选题He was thoughtful and grave—but the orders he gave were enough to bewilder a crew.AexasperateBconvictCdispatchDperplex

单选题According to the author, the cure for AIDS will probably lie in _____.Ainternational cooperationBtimely educationCeconomic situationDstrong will

单选题He is over fifty, but he looks as if he()only in his thirties.AisBwereCwill beDhas been