Volatile:a) What does the keyword volatile mean? Give an exampleb) Can a parameter be both const and volatile? Give an examplec) Can a pointer be volatile? Give an example


a) What does the keyword volatile mean? Give an example

b) Can a parameter be both const and volatile? Give an example

c) Can a pointer be volatile? Give an example


These books, ________ at any bookshop, will give you all the information you need. (A) you can get(B) that you can get(C) what you can get(D) which you can get

Those books, () at any bookshop, will give you all information you need. A、you can getB、that you can getC、what you can getD、which you can get

CPlants can’t communicate by moving or making sounds, as most animals do. Instead, plants produce volatile compounds, chemicals that easily change from a liquid to a gas. A flower’s sweet smell, for example, comes from volatile compounds that the plant produces to attract insects such as bugs and bees.Plants can also detect volatile compounds produced by other plants. A tree under attack by hungry insects, for instance, may give off volatile compounds that let other trees know about the attack, In response, the other trees may send off chemicals to keep the bugs away- or even chemicals that attract the bugs’ natural enemies.Now scientists have created a quick way to understand what plants are saying: a chemical sensor(传感器) called an electronic nose. The “e-nose” can tell compounds that crop plants make when they’re attacked. Scientists say the e-nose could help quickly detest whether plants are being eaten by insects. But today the only way to detect such insects is to visually inspect individual plants. This is a challenging task for managers of greenhouses, enclosed gardens that can house thousands of plants.The research team worked with an e-nose that recognizes volatile compounds. Inside the device, 13 sensors chemically react with volatile compounds. Based on these interactions, the e-nose gives off electronic signals that the scientists analyze using computer software.To test the nose, the team presented it with healthy leaves from cucumber, pepper and tomato plants, all common greenhouse crops. Then the scientists collected samples of air around damaged leaves from each type of crop. These plants had been damaged by insects, or by scientists who made holes in the leaves with a hole punch (打孔器).The e-nose, it turns out, could identify healthy cucumber, pepper and tomato plants based on the volatile compounds they produce. It could also identify tomato leaves that had been damaged. But even more impressive, the device could tell which type of damage – by insects or with a hole punch – had been done to the tomato leaves.With some fine tuning, a device like the e-nose could one day be used in greenhouses to quickly spot harmful bugs, the researchers say. A device like this could also be used to identify fruits that are perfectly ripe and ready to pick and eat, says Natalia Dudareve, a biochemist at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind. who studies smells of flowers and plants. Hopefully, scientists believe, the device could bring large benefits to greenhouse managers in the near future.49. We learn from the text that plants communicate with each other by______.A. making some sounds B. waving their leavesC. producing some chemicals D. sending out electronic signals


若要把变量声名为多个线程共用的变量,应使用如下( )修饰符。A.protectedB.prorateC.transientD.Volatile


Which product is volatile ________.A.BenzeneB.Diesel fuelC.Coal tarD.Heavy industrial fuel oil

This does not mean I will take it______from the rich and give it to the poor.A.upB.onC.inD.away

Can you give a concrete example to support your idea?A:specialB:goodC:realD:specific

VOC是()(volatile organic compounds)的简称。A、挥发性有机化合物B、甲醛气体


Which three statements concerning the use of the java.io.Serializable interface are true?()A、Objects from classes that use aggregation cannot be serializedB、An object serialized on one JVM can be successfully deserialized on a different JVMC、The values in fields with the volatile modifier will NOT survive serialization and deserializationD、The values in fields with the transient modifier will NOT survive serialization and deserializationE、It is legal to serialize an object of a type that has a supertype that does NOT implement java.io.Serializable

请指明该定义的含义并解释每个修饰关键词的作用:volatile const unsigned char UTRSTAT0。



挥发油(Volatile oils)


Which three statements concerning the use of the java.io.Serializable interface are true?()A、Objects from classes that use aggregation cannot be serialized.B、An object serialized on one JVM can be successfully deserialized on a different JVM.C、The values in fields with the volatile modifier will NOT survive serialization and deserialization.D、The values in fields with the transient modifier will NOT survive serialization and deserialization.E、It is legal to serialize an object of a type that has a supertype that does NOT implement java.io.Serializable.

问答题请指明该定义的含义并解释每个修饰关键词的作用:volatile const unsigned char UTRSTAT0。

单选题I can’t give you that for nothing. What do you take me_____?Aas BforCtoDafter

单选题—Who shall I give this dictionary to?—You can give it to ______. It doesn’t matter.AanybodyBsomebodyCeverybody

名词解释题挥发油(Volatile oils)

单选题What advantage does the purchase give Lenovo?ALenovo can use a world-famous brand name for some time.BLenovo can hold 18. 9% of the stocks of IBM.CLenovo can enter into the area of catering to businesses over the Internet.DLenovo can shake off a US $500 million debt.

多选题Which three statements concerning the use of the java.io.Serializable interface are true?()AObjects from classes that use aggregation cannot be serializedBAn object serialized on one JVM can be successfully deserialized on a different JVMCThe values in fields with the volatile modifier will NOT survive serialization and deserializationDThe values in fields with the transient modifier will NOT survive serialization and deserializationEIt is legal to serialize an object of a type that has a supertype that does NOT implement java.io.Serializable

单选题Before any machinery is put in operation,you should().Aventilate all compartments,see that the machinery is clean and there are no obstructionsBjust turn the key and start upCtake for granted that there are no fuel leaksDassume there are no volatile fumes in the engine space

多选题Which three statements concerning the use of the java.io.Serializable interface are true?()AObjects from classes that use aggregation cannot be serialized.BAn object serialized on one JVM can be successfully deserialized on a different JVM.CThe values in fields with the volatile modifier will NOT survive serialization and deserialization.DThe values in fields with the transient modifier will NOT survive serialization and deserialization.EIt is legal to serialize an object of a type that has a supertype that does NOT implement java.io.Serializable.
