质量计划的艺术是:a. 确认那一个质量标准同项目有关并决定如何满足它.b. 准备设计客户的规格.c. 检测项目结果决定其是否符合要求.d. 组织在质量上的意图和方向.


a. 确认那一个质量标准同项目有关并决定如何满足它.

b. 准备设计客户的规格.

c. 检测项目结果决定其是否符合要求.

d. 组织在质量上的意图和方向.


The methods and techniques for determining the economic costs, the environmental impact, the economic returns, and the probability for success are called:A . Feasibility studies.B . Bills of materials.C . Pert charts.D . Managerial reserves.E . None of the above

Management calls a meeting to explain to all employees the new benefits package for the rank and file. This is an example of:A Upward communicationB Downward communicationC One-way communicationD Two-way communicationE None of the above.

41 In the project environment, the individual ultimately responsible for quality control is:A. The line workers who must strive "to do things right the first time" to avoid quality problems. B. the company's quality control manager who must work with the project members to ensure the quality control program is effective.C. The head of the production department who retains ultimate quality control responsibility for all the company's projects.D. The project manager who has ultimate responsibility for the entire project.E.the customer who must ensure that he is receiving a quality product from the vendor

项目章程最少应该:( )A.描述项目经理和职能经理的职责和权利B.探讨项目的风险和限制以及针对这些问题的计划C.指定项目的组织结构D.说明执行组织的商业目标

强矩阵和弱矩阵用在项目组织的矩阵结构中是指:( )A.组织实现目标的能力B.项目团队成员相互之间以及和项目经理之间的物理接近度C.项目经理对小组资源的权利度D.团队成员的凝聚力

最大的不确定性存在于项目生命周期的哪个阶段?A、 概念B、 计划编制C、 执行D、 收尾

除了范围说明书外,范围计划编制的输出是什么?A、 范围管理计划、支持细节B、 项目章程、分配项目经理C、 WBS、范围管理计划D、 项目章程、范围管理计划



项目沟通系统的关键元素是:( )A.进展报告B.项目指令C.项目经理D.客户