Management calls a meeting to explain to all employees the new benefits package for the rank and file. This is an example of:A Upward communicationB Downward communicationC One-way communicationD Two-way communicationE None of the above.
Management calls a meeting to explain to all employees the new benefits package for the rank and file. This is an example of:
A Upward communication
B Downward communication
C One-way communication
D Two-way communication
E None of the above.
Chinese people are often surprised at the frequency with which their English friends () to one another over trivial things. A、apologizeB、confessC、shoutD、explain
(ii) Explain, with reasons, the relief available in respect of the fall in value of the shares in All Over plc,identify the years in which it can be claimed and state the time limit for submitting the claim.(3 marks)
您正在测试一个组件,该组件对Meeting 类实例进行序列化处理,以使它们能够保存到文件系统。Meeting具有如下定义:public class Meeting {private string title;public int roomNumber;public string[] invitees;public Interview(){}public Interview (string t){title = t;} }组件包含一个带有以下代码段的过程Meeting myMeeting = new Meeting(Objectives);myMeeting.roomNumber=20;string[] attendees = new string[2]{Amy, Ally};myMeeting.invitees = attendees;XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Meeting));StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(@C:\Meeting.xml);xs.Serialize(writer, myMeeting);writer.Close();/您需要确定作为运行此过程的结果写入C:\Meeting.xml 文件的XML 块。哪个XML 块代表将写入C:\Meeting.xml 文件的内容?()A.B.C.D.
I’m very busy, so I can’t ________ that problem with you for the moment. A.discussB.quarrelC.answerD.explain
SeethebuildinstructionsformanagingCoherencevia&e SeethebuildinstructionsformanagingCoherenceviaJMXandputthestepsinorder.()1.Updateset-env.cmd(orset-env.shifyouarebuildingonUNIX)toreflectyoursystemenvironment.2.Openacommandshellandexecuteset-env.cmd(orsourceset-env.shifyouarebuildingonUNIX),run’antclean’
Refer to Topic in iPAD document.What happens to the network when TestKingX is reconnected and a trunk exists between the two switches?() A. All VLANs except the default VLAN will be removed from all switches.B. All existing switches will have the students, admin, faculty, Servers, Management,Production, and no-where VLANs.C. The VLANs Servers, Management, Production, and no-where will replace the VLANs on SwX.D. The VLANs Servers, Management, Production, and no-where will be removed from existing switches.
材料:Navigation in the canalIt is not recommended that any person shall be allowed on the bridge or in the pilot house except the pilot and other representative of the Canal,and Master and such officers and other members of the crew of the vessel as may be necessary for its navigation and control,management,operation and safety.Navigational aids are difficult to maintain and are reported to be unreliable in this waters.A considerable amount of shipping uses the canal and,in addition,many local fishing craft with nets may be encountered in the area.Since passage through the canal entails a run of more than 250 miles,long periods of considerable vigilance are necessary in order to maintain safe standards of navigation.问题:PILOT HOUSE is referred to ______ in this passage.A.the cabin in which the pilot staysB.the space in which the rudder is locatedC.the bridge of vesselsD.the cabin which is prepared for the pilotSHIPPING is referred to ______ in this passage.A.he operations of transportation of goods by seaB.the procedures of marine transportation businessC.the management of marine transportation businessD.the vessels and shipsThe author implies that ______ .A.even by making use of modern instrument it is difficult to maintain safety in this areaB.mariners should take it easy when navigating in this areaC.modern instrument should be used to control the safety of navigation in this is dangerous when navigating in this areaThe person on the bridge or in the pilot house shall be those ______ .A.who are recommendedB.who are familiar with the navigation,management,operation and safety controlC.who are directly involved in the navigation,management,operation and safety controlD.who have nothing to do with the navigation,management,operation and safety control请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!
The doctor explained to the students the hazards of radiation upon human beings.A:dangers B:evilsC:impacts D:benefits