I find it a great honor to write a preface to this collection of his essays.

I find it a great honor to write a preface to this collection of his essays.


–I’ve noticed most Americans are friendly to us Chinese.–(). A、Most of the time.B、True.C、Great!D、No, thanks.

The ring gesture, where you form. an "O" by holding the tip of your forefinger to the tip of your thumb, means in France that you think something is(). A、worthlessB、"I'll kill you!"C、goodD、great

一I'm very tired. I've please just finished work .--- ____.A. Well,you'd better go home and have a good restB. Oh,great! CongratulationsC.Ok,I'11 give it to you tomorrow.

The ring gesture, where you form. an "O" by holding the tip of your forefinger to thetip of your thumb, means in France that you think something is_____.A. goodB. "I'll kill you!”C. worthlessD. great

I .单择.(15分)( )1 The idea to climb the hill_________ great.A.tastesB.soundsC.smellsD.looks


默认情况下元素内容的边框是不可见的,如果需要preface元素的边框可见,且边框线为红色实线,线的粗细为5像素,下面正确的选项是()。A.preface{border-style:solid;border-color:red;border-width:5px}B.preface{border:solid red 5px}C.preface{border-style:solid;border-color:red;border-width:5pt}D.preface{border:solid red 5pt}

补全代码:执行下面程序,程序输出结果为:0 1 2 3 class Program{ public void printArray(){ int[] ia = new int[4]; for (int i = 0; i < ia.Length; i++){ ia[i] = i; Console.Write("{0} ", ia[i]); } } static void Main(string[] args){ Program lin = new Program(); ________; } }A.lin.printArray()B.Console.Write("{0} {1} {2} {3}");C.printArray()D.Console.Write(0123);


#将文件d:1.xls中第一次出现的"DPB"替换为“DPx” with open('d:1.xls','rb+') as fr: #打开文件 s=fr.read() #读取文件到s中 i=s.find(b'DPB') #查找s中二进制下DPB出现的位置 if(i!=-1): #如果找到 fr.______(i,0) #定位到第i个字节 fr.write(b'DPx') #写入