随机文件以 [11] 为单位读写,二进制文件以 [12] 为单位读写。
读写教程3网络学习第十单元Vocabulary Task 11 harness2 percentage3 im pose4 authorities5 dreading6 draw backs7 universe8 extension9 broaden1 0 practically1 1 dynam ic1 2 spacecraft1 3 specimenVocabulary Task 21 on2 with3 to4 with5 by6 to7 At8 as9 for1 0 on1 1 for1 2 forBanked Cloze1 accom plish2 overtake3 handicap4 tension5 w iden6 guilty7 challenge8 ruin9 survive1 0 m aintainCloze1 share2 severe3 hostile4 all the more5 How ever6 effective7 unless8 im prove9 acknow ledge1 0 allow for11 arise1 2 positive1 3 get rid of1 4 contribute15 Once16 approach1 7 rather than1 8 as1 9 on the other hand20 associatedTranslation Task 11 I went to the library and read whatever I could find about the causes of themysterious disappearances of the ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle.2 Continue treating friends like this,and you will lose them all.3 They m ust know their product thoroughly and know how to prom ote sales byword of mouth,telephone or letter.4 1 1 suddenly daw ned on m e that money couldnt m ake up for all that he hadsuffered in the past five years.5 Some people refer to translation as science while others take it as art.6 I nstead of imposing personal views upon others,we should promotedemocracy.Translation Task 21 当然新演员绝对不能停步不前,而应该尽可能地创造机会。2 他得寸进尺。3 我想我们的关系很好,我们是朋友。但是我们现在正在竞争,将来也会。无论我们做什么,无论我们在什么地方,我们将还会相互竞争。4 退休后,他远离政治,开始打网球。他发现打网球是一种很好的放松方式。5 过了一会,显然带着不情愿,他在电话里承认了自己的身份,并请求我原谅他。6 在我看来,当老师的唯一缺陷,是它不太会引起公众的注意。W riting TaskShopping has changed in recent years.Going shopping took time and strength in the past.Ifyou were to buy food,household items and clothing,you had to visit different shops.Sometimes they were not within walking distance.Ybu had to take a bus to go from one placeto another.It was not unusual that shopping would take you a whole day and at the time youreturned home,youd be completely exhausted.In contrast,shopping nowadays has become something enjoyable.A lot of supermarkets,inwhich prices are usually lower and a wider variety of items are offeredmainly food,household items,clothing,bedding and furniture or even anything that is out of yourimagination.So you can buy everything you need in a single supermarket.Most of thesupermarkets operate on the serve yourself method:Ybu go in,pick up a basket,walkround it and choose what you want.At the exit there is a checkout lane where you pay foreverything at one time.Reading Skills1 D enotation:the curved or circular shapeC onnotation(s):the act of going around som ew here.The im plied m eaning isthat the policeman was going around the area,trying doors and consequentlyseeing now and then the lights of an emergency dental office or som ething ofthe sort.2 D enotation:make a deep hollow soundC onnotation(s):loudly spread to the streets.The im plied meaning is that thestreets were quiet,and that even bars were careful not to get their loud m usicinto the streets.3 Denotation:say w hat m edicine a sick person should or m ust haveC onnotation(s):The West is tough enough to make a man strong.Here theWest is com pared to a doctor.4 D enotation:(of an army or the police)surround a place and try to gain controlof it or force someone to come out of itC onnotation(s):blow hard on the city streets.The im plied meaning of thesentence is that the wind w as very strong and blew hard on the city streets likean army making a fierce attack on its enemy.5 Denotation:productionC onnotation(s):his achievements.The implied meaning of the sentence is thatthe man from the West was boasting about how he made his achievem ents0:rising to the top by means legal or illegal,etc.6 Denotation:(cause to)change shape,the true or intended meaning,ordirectionC onnotation(s):change a good man into a bad one.The use of the word Mtw istsuggests that the man was not only changed in appearance but also in nature.Com prehension Task1 D2 A3 C4 A5 C6 D7 B8 AVocabulary Task 11 sucked2 visible3 booming4 fared5 output6 installed7 routines8 prescribe9 tore1 0 em itting11 stripes1 2 tw ists1 3 strap1 4 deduct1 5 certificateVocabulary Task 21 run into trouble2 let alone3 free of4 deducted from5 torn down6 rise to the top7 toying with8 laid siege to9 m aking her way1 0 on my wayFurther Reading 11 Y2 N3 N4 N5 Y6 Y7 NG8 weight training9 inactivity1 0 these extra caloriesFurther Reading 21 N2 N3 Y4 Y5 N6 Y7 NG8 unemployment9 broken homes1 0 youth education programs
C.Showing work.
D.Mechanical practice.
题干问下列哪一项不是词汇任务型教学的内容。词汇的任务型教学包括pre-senting (展示),tasks (任务),showing their work (汇报),evaluating and practice (评价)四个环节。D所说的机械练习不在包含之列,故此题的正确答案为D。
C.Showing work.
D.Mechanical practice.
题干问下列哪一项不是词汇任务型教学的内容。词汇的任务型教学包括pre-senting (展示),tasks (任务),showing their work (汇报),evaluating and practice (评价)四个环节。D所说的机械练习不在包含之列,故此题的正确答案为D。
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