(作文)1)申请人: 黄海, 男, 1990年5月4日生于重庆市, 未婚。
2) 2008年毕业于重庆市一中, 2008---2012年就读于西安外国语学院英语系英语教育专业,获文学学士学位。
3) 毕业后在武汉大学任英语教师,擅长翻译并作过兼职翻译工作。
4) 联系地址: 武汉市松江路4号
联系电话: 65877910
Words for Reference: 文学学士学位 BA;兼职 part-time job
Name: Huang Hai
Address:No.4 SongJiang Rd., Wuhan city
Date of Birth: May 4, 1990
Place of birth: Chongqing city
Sex: Male
Marriage: single
Educational Records:
1.2008-2012 BA Degree in English Education Program, Xi'an Foreign Languages Institute.
2.2008 Graduated from Chongqing No 1 Middle School.
Employment History:
I have been working at Wuhan University as an English teacher since graduation in 2012.I am skillful at interpretation and have the practical experience as a part-time interpreter.
目录2010年四川外国语大学翻译学院211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2011年四川外国语大学翻译学院211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2012年四川外国语大学翻译学院211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2013年四川外国语大学翻译学院211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2014年四川外国语大学翻译学院211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解 2015年四川外国语大学翻译学院211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解 2010年四川外国语大学翻译学院211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解I. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the appropriate wordsderived from the words given in parentheses at the end of the sentences.(20ps.)1There is much _ that Dickens was acknowledged among the lowerclasses as a friend of the poor man. (evident)【答案】evidence【解析】句意:有证据表明,狄更斯受到下层阶级的认可,被视为穷人的朋友。there is后面接名词,所以用evidence。2The frequent tavern scenes in Thackeray assume their significance _in relation to the question of gender and the gentleman. (precision)【答案】precisely【解析】句意:萨克雷作品中时常出现的小酒馆场景恰到好处地反映了关于性别和绅士的问题。precisely副词修饰动词assume。3The redefined category of the gentleman in the nineteenth-century infusedclass with virtue, providing for _ and difference a moral argument thatwas nevertheless finally elusive. (distinctive)【答案】distinction【解析】句意:19世纪对绅士的重新定义将阶级与品德结合在一起,其中体现的道德观点和之前相比是不同的,但令人难以捉摸。and连接前后两词,形式应保持一致。所以用distinctive的名词形式distinction。4He _ himself by his knowledge, his ability to apply it, and hiswillingness to act on it. (differ)【答案】differentiates【解析】句意:他因自己的知识、应用知识的能力和将知识付诸实践的 意愿而与众不同。differ是不及物动词,表示不同,后面不能跟宾语himself。differentiate使区别于别人。5The feelings the figures allow him to experience _ their narrative andmoral justification. (constituent)【答案】constitute【解析】句意:书中人物带给他的感受构成了他们叙事及道义上的理由。本句缺动词,所以用constitute,表示组成,构成。6In the most famous of the _ tales, for instance, “The Tale of theSpaniard” Alonzo de Monada tells the story of his own incarceration at thehands of the Inquisition. (interpolate)【答案】interpolated【解析】句意:在最著名的插入故事,如在西班牙传说中,莫宁蒙卡讲述了自己被关在宗教裁判所里的故事。interpolate(在文章中)插入,添加内容。它与tale是被动关系,故用过去分词形式。7Not only can the British no longer preserve the order they take as a_for their rule; they are themselves responsible for its destruction. (justifiable)【答案】justification【解析】句意:英国再也无法维护被他们视为统治国家的正当理由的社会秩序。他们自己应该为国家的消亡负责。justifiable是形容词,意为“有理由的,正当的”。而不定冠词a后面跟名词,所以填justifiable的名词形式justification。8With regard to literary history, Smollett was the first of the majoreighteenth-century British novelists to descant freely on the _ betweenmetropolitan arid provincial values. (dialectical)【答案】dialect【解析】句意:说到文学史,斯莫利特是第一位自由穿插使用城市和乡村方言的18世纪英国小说家。这里需要填名词dialect,表示“城市和乡村 方言”。9I would like to see if we can, by _ these comments, restore theirroughness of surface and make them useful again. (highlight)【答案】highlighting【解析】句意:我想试一下,通过强调这些评论,能否恢复它们的本来面目,让它们再次变得有用。by是介词,表示“以方式”,后面接v-ing形式。10The noveleither because of its formal freedom, or because of the kindof audience it attracted, or because the era was increasingly shaped by amercantile cast of mind, or because of the fortuitous combination of all thesefactorsallowed for what we might call the _ of personality.(commodify)【答案】commodification【解析】句意:无论是因为形式上的自由、它吸引的读者,还是因为这个被商业洗脑的时代,或是这些因素的偶然结合小说允许我们的所谓人格商业化。这里意思是“人格的商业化”,of前应该用名词形式。11When he goes to America to fight in the war against the colonies, he isimmediately captured andin a _ of the popular racist and sexistAmerican captivity narrativescared by a noble Indian chief. (subversive)【答案】subversion【解析】句意:他去美国参加对抗殖民地的战争,随即被捕并由一名高贵的印第安酋长照顾,这是对流行的带有种族主义、性别偏见的美国战俘文学的颠覆。不定冠词a一般修饰名词,所以应该填名词形式subversion。12The voice reminds the reader that Chartist disturbances _ disprovethe idea that some lasting good has come out of past actions. (constancy)【答案】constantly 【解析】句意:这个声音提醒读者们,宪章派一直不赞同“过去的行为带来了一些好结果”,并由此引发骚乱。constantly副词形式修饰动词disprove。13The questions they _ ask haunt the history of the novel, urging us toremember how uneasy English fiction has been with what does not exist.(repeat)【答案】repeatedly【解析】句意:他们反复提出的问题贯穿小说史,督促我们牢记英国小说的出现是多么不易。副词repeatedly(反复地)修饰动词ask。14_ unusually for a novelist, Bennett was interested in the way peopleremain in ignorance of themselves, and in the way such ignorance creates anidentity. (much)【答案】Most【解析】句意:班涅特对人们的自我忽视和这种忽视产生的自我认同很感兴趣,这对一个小说家来说很不寻常。这里用最高级表示不寻常的程度,更有强调效果。15Realism is not primarily a matter of confining a story to the realm of thepossible or even the probable; rather, it involves a particular _ position.(philosopher)【答案】philosophical【解析】句意:现实主义的首要特征不是将一个故事锁定到现实范围里,而是包含了特定的哲学定位。position为名词,应该用形容词修饰,所以填philosophical(哲学的)。16The demand that art serve the cause of social reform or revolution has attimes seemed undeniable in this century of unprecedented _ brutality.(institutionalize)【答案】institutional 【解析】句意:在这个制度上的暴行已经是司空见惯的世纪,有时似乎无法否认一种需求艺术是为社会改革或革命服务的。brutality(暴行)为名词,所以要用形容词形式institutional来修饰。17Joseph Conrad is not only one of the greatest _ who has written inEnglish, but he is particula
B.显赫一时 一鼓作气 挥洒自如
C.名噪一时 文不加点 炉火纯青
D.蜚声中外 一蹴而就 登峰造极
B.显赫一时 一鼓作气 挥洒自如
C.名噪一时 文不加点 炉火纯青
D.蜚声中外 一蹴而就 登峰造极
B.显赫一时 一鼓作气 挥洒自如
C.名噪一时 文不加点 炉火纯青
D.蜚声中外 一蹴而就 登峰造极
B.显赫一时 一鼓作气 挥洒自如
C.名噪一时 文不加点 炉火纯青
D.蜚声中外 一蹴而就 登峰造极
B.显赫一时 一鼓作气 挥洒自如
C.名噪一时 文不加点 炉火纯青
D.蜚声中外 一蹴而就 登峰造极
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