The driver pulled up at the traffic lights.A:stopped B:drewC:stared D:hesitated

The driver pulled up at the traffic lights.



解析:司机在红绿灯前把车停住。stop“停止,中断”,例如:stop a car/ train/ bicycle , etc使汽车/火车/自行车等停下来。draw“画,渐渐移动”,例如:Christmas is drawing near.圣诞节日渐临近。stare“盯着看”,例如:Do you like being stared at?你愿意人家盯着你看吗? hesitate"扰像,不情愿”,例如:I should hesitate before accepting such an offer.我得先斟酌一下,才能决定是否接受这样的提议。只有stop意思上和pull up最接近。


– Excuse me. How can I get to the girl’s dorm? –() (A)Is it too far to walk?(B) You’re welcome.(C) Sure. Go down the street and you’ll see it at the first traffic lights.(D) Pardon? I have no idea.

The policeman signaled to him to _______ to get the traffic moving again. (A)pull in(B) pull out(C) pull over(D) pull up

When he caught a ______ of his girlfriend in the rain, Jack asked the taxi driver to stop to pick her up. A. glanceB. glareC. glimpseD. stare

Traffic in India means a mixture of all kinds of vehicles on the road. About 700,000 new cars (1) in India in the last twelve months, and about twice that many used cars have been traded. The country's 35 million motorcycles and scooters make it the world's largest two-wheel market. But because there are still big differences (2)() people's incomes, the roads are full of a whole variety of (3) , lots of them not motorised.A ride (4) a taxi driver in New Delhi gives a flavour of a typical Indian-style. traffic with all kinds of vehicle held up in city streets or in long lines (5)() narrow country lanes. Cars, lorries and buses back up behind a cart (6) by one animal or another. "India has everything on the roads," the taxi driver says. "You have to (7) for pedestrians, bicycles, carts, cows, donkeys and even elephants. Three things (8) to drive here, a horn, brakes and good luck." Just then we were stopped (9) a young boy and his cow. Given the hazards, it's not surprising (10) special ceremonies are held for new car owners in which the steering wheel and the driver are both blessed.(1).A、have been soldB、had been soldC、have been selling(2).A、ofB、betweenC、in(3).A、carsB、vehiclesC、bikes(4).A、inB、afterC、with(5).A、inB、onC、at(6).A、pulledB、pullingC、to pull(7).A、waitB、searchC、watch out(8).A、were recommendedB、to be recommendedC、to recommend(9).A、toB、byC、after(10).A、whatB、whyC、that

When _________a hill, the driver should build up speed early in order to cut down gasoline consumption.A. approachedB. to approachC. approachD. approaching

The driver ____at the crossroads as the traffic lights flashed red.A. pulled offB. pulled upC. pulled roundD. pulled over

The doctor had almost lost hope at one point, but the patient finally ___. A.pulled upB.pulled throughC.pulled overD.pulled out

The _________ driver was seriously hurt in the traffic accident. A、40-years-oldB、40-year-oldC、40 year old

The train pulled ()and all the passengers got()., offB.up, onC.down, outD.out, off

The police pulled()in front of the store and was in time to arrest the two robbers. A、outB、onC、downD、up

Taxi driver: Here you are, sir. Queens Hotel.Passenger: How much is it?Taxi driver: Three dollars and seventy-five cents.Passenger: Here is four dollars. _____________.A: It ’s not necessary to give me the coinsB: Don’t giv e me the restC: Keep the changeD: I give up the pocket money

The car ________ and stopped at the red traffic lights.Agot onBgot offCslowed downDpicked up

—Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the post office? —_______A、Don’t ask that.B、Go stragiht down this street. Turn left at the first traffic lights. You can’t miss it.C、No, I can’t say that.D、No, you’re driving too fast.

Which of the following protocols allow the set up, teardown and streaming of VoIP traffic? ()(SelectTWO) A.NTPB.VNCC.RTPD.SIPE.TLS

AOne evening last old car broke down on a highway. It was an hour before sunset.and I was 25 miles from home. I couldn-t reach anyone to pick me I decided to take a bus.After a while.a bus pulled up and I asked the driver how far she was going."Four more lights."she said. She dropped me off at the end of her routes(线路) and told me which to look for. After waiting 30 minutes.l began to think about a very expensive taxi to ride home.Then a bus pulled up and the door opened."1 just can.t leave you here."she said. "I'll give you a ride home."You'll drive nie home in the .bus?"l asked.confused(迷惑不解)."No.l'II take you in my car."she said."It's a long way."I answered."Come on.sir."she said. "I have nothing else to do. "On the way.she told me a story. A few days earher.her brother had run out of gas. A good Chinese man had picked him up.taken him to a gas station and then back to his car. "I.ll just passing the favor along."she said.When I offered her money as a thank-you.she wouldn-t acceptc接受) it. "That wouldn' t make it a favor."she said. "Just do something nice for somebody. Pass it along. "( )21.ln the first paragraph."pick... up" best means "______"A. take hold of and lift...B. choose... carefullyC. give... a rideD. hear on learn...

Passage FiveIn America, every student in his or her second year of high school is required to take a class in driver's education.The course is divided up into two parts: class time for learning laws and regulations and driving time to practice driving. Each student is required to drive a total of six hours. The students are divided up into groups of four. The students and the instructor go out driving for two hour blocks of time. Thus, each student gets half an hour driving time per outing. Drivers Ed cars are unlike other cars in which they have two sets of brakes, one on the driver's side and one on the other side where the instructor sits. Thus, if the student driver should run into difficulties the instructor can take over.After a student has passed the driver's education course and reached the appropriate age to drive (this age differs in every state but in most cases the person must be 16 years old), he must take his driver's test. The person must pass all three tests in order to be given a driver's license. If the person does well in his or her driver's education class, he or she will pass the test with flying colors and get a driver's license.51. In America, the driver's course mentioned above______.A. is considered as part of the advanced educationB. is given to anyone wanting to get a driver's licenseC. is carried on after students graduate from high schoolD. is offered to all the students of Grade 2 in high school

When the train __________ , all the school students were surprised to see that the Carlisle team had one man only.A.pulled downB.pulled onC.pulled offD.pulled in

The driver kept one eye on__________traffic and the other on__________map.A.不填;aB.a;aC.the;theD.the;不填

Which of the following protocols allow the set up, teardown and streaming of VoIP traffic? ()(SelectTWO)A、NTPB、VNCC、RTPD、SIPE、TLS

You install a 16-Bit ISA sound card on your Windows 2000 Professional computer. You install the manufacturer’s device driver for the sound card. You then restart the computer. During the start up process, the computer stops loading and Windows 2000 Professional. You restart the computer, and again the computer stops loading Windows 2000 Professional computer.  You start the computer in Safe Mode. What should you do next?()A、Remove the sound card device driver by enabling driver signing.B、Remove the sound card device driver by disabling driver signing.C、Disable the sound card device driver by using the disable command.D、Disable the sound card device driver by using computer management.

多选题Which of the following protocols allow the set up, teardown and streaming of VoIP traffic? ()(SelectTWO)ANTPBVNCCRTPDSIPETLS

单选题What will happen to the Concordia eventually?AIt will be pulled away to be broken up for scrap metal.BIt will be repaired and put into use again.CIt will be turned into a museum for tourists.DIt will be sunk to the ocean floor.

多选题Which two statements are true regarding IDP?()AIDP can be used in conjunction with other JUNOS Software security features such as SCREEN options,zones, and security policy.BIDP cannot be used in conjunction with other JUNOS Software security features such as SCREEN options, zones, and security policy.CIDP inspects traffic up to the Presentation layer.DIDP inspects traffic up to the Application layer.

单选题Tourist: Can you take me to the US Botanical Gardens, please?  Driver: I’ll do my best. Traffic is pretty bad, though. It could take a while. Walking there will probably be faster. It isn’t that far away.  Tourist: Where is it? I have no idea where we are.  Driver: It’s easy. Go up this street about five blocks.  Tourist: OK.______  Driver: You’ll see the US Capitol on the right-hand side. Turn right at Independence Avenue, and it’s about two blocks down on your right.AHow many turns shall I make?BFive blocks is a piece of cake.CWhich side is it on?DCan you give me any landmarks?

单选题According to the passage, the smart-highway technology is aimed to _____.Adevelop sophisticated facilities on the interstate highwaysBprovide passenger vehicle with a variety of servicesCoptimize the highway capabilitiesDimprove communication between driver and the traffic monitors

单选题What will happen to the Concordia eventually?AIt will be pulled away to be broken up for scrap metal.BIt will be repaired and put into use again.CIt will be turned into a museum for tourists.DIt will be sunk to the ocean floor

单选题You have anchored in the wrong position obstructing other traffic. You must().Apick up your anchorBheave up your anchorCkeep radio be silentDdrag your anchor