单选题What will happen to the Concordia eventually?AIt will be pulled away to be broken up for scrap metal.BIt will be repaired and put into use again.CIt will be turned into a museum for tourists.DIt will be sunk to the ocean floor

What will happen to the Concordia eventually?

It will be pulled away to be broken up for scrap metal.


It will be repaired and put into use again.


It will be turned into a museum for tourists.


It will be sunk to the ocean floor


根据原文最后一段第一句话“The Concordia is expected to be pulled away from Giglio in the spring of 2014 and turned into scrap metal”可知:按照计划,歌诗达协和号将于2014年春天被拖离吉格里奥岛,而后被压成一堆废铁,故选A。


What may happen when a patient takes blood transfusion? () A. breathlessB. feel flushedC. feel itchyD. have chills

Risk exposure refers to _____ .A the amount at stake.B what might happen.C the likelihood of somethingD who is going to be held accountableE All of the above.

20 Risk exposure refers to _____ .A. the amount at stake.B. what might happen.C. the likelihood of somethingD. who is going to be held accountableE. All of the above

()that happen,what()we do? A、If…shallB、Suppose…shallC、Should…wouldD、Had…should

According to the writer, what eventually brought about the disappearance of the park?A. The drought.B. The crime.C. The beggars and the rubbish.D. The decisions of the city.

What are the experts afraid will happen?A. The Northern Pike will die.B. The wells will be polluted.C. Poisons will kill the Northern Pike.D. The Northern Pike will swim into other lakes.

If the derrick is overloaded, what will happen?

The intention of the()is to schedule, organize and control all activities to achieve the project goal eventually.no matter how difficult it is and what kind of risks are there.A.project work breakdownB.project security authenticationC.project managementD.project flowchart

—What (happen) to Herry last night? .—He_________ (fall) down and_________ (hurt) his leg.

What will happen if the lease is prolonged?A. Rent will increase monthly.B. Tenants will pay more per month.C. New rental restrictions will apply.D. Rent receipts will be required.

What drives us is our mission to acelerate the world' s transition to sustainable, clean energy ,but we will never achieve that missionwe______we eventually demonstrate that we can be sustainably profitable.A、untilB、unlessC、ifD、through

what will happen if u configure two router as NTP server (something like that).

The intention of the()is to schedule, organize and control all activities to achieve the project goal eventually.no matter how difficult it is and what kind of risks are there.A、project work breakdownB、project security authenticationC、project managementD、project flowchart

当将多个交换机加入到MST region当中会发生什么(what happen)?

单选题______ would happen if your mother knew you failed the final examination?AWill you guess thatBWhat you supposeCDo you suppose what DWhat do you suppose

单选题What will happen to the Concordia eventually?AIt will be pulled away to be broken up for scrap metal.BIt will be repaired and put into use again.CIt will be turned into a museum for tourists.DIt will be sunk to the ocean floor.

单选题According to the passage, the Concordia’s captain has been charged with causing the crash andAdrug useBalcohol abuseCabandoning his postDsetting fire

单选题According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?AThe Costa Concordia is three times the weight of the Titanic.BEngineers in Italy have successfully righted the wrecked Concordia after an operation that lasted around 12 hours.CThe salvage operation went ahead despite bad weather conditions.DAs a common means of righting wrecked ships, parbuckling had never been carried out on a vessel of the Concordia’s size.

单选题What will happen on August 1?AThe council will start accepting contributions.BConstruction on the swimming pool will begin.CThe opening ceremony will be held.DResidents will participate in a town meeting.

单选题Given the configuration shown in the exhibit, what will happen to traffic from source destined to The traffic will be rejectedB The traffic will be droppedC The traffic will be forwardedD The traffic will be policed

填空题What may happen to the user’s account if it is inactive for 9 months?The Gmail team may have to ____ the user’s account.

填空题What will happen if the duplicate copy of the letter is not returned by the deadline?This offer will be ____ on that date.

填空题What will happen if you do not touch the button “START”?The microwave oven ____.

单选题According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?AThe Costa Concordia is three times the weight of the Titanic.BEngineers in Italy have successfully righted the wrecked Concordia after an operation that lasted around l2 hours.CThe salvage operation went ahead despite bad weather conditions.DAs a common means of righting wrecked ships, parbuckling had never been carried out on a vessel of the Concordia´s size.

单选题Which of the following is the best title for the passage?AShip Safety ManagementBShipwrecks: an Environmental ThreatCThe Costa Concordia DisasterDThe Costa Concordia Salvage

填空题What will happen to the person who doesn’t take medicines properly?The medicines will do the person ____.

单选题Given the configuration shown in the exhibit, what will happen to traffic from source destined to The traffic will be rejected.B The traffic will be dropped.C The traffic will be forwarded.D The traffic will be policed.