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国防、治安、消防等之所以不能让市场来调节,是因为(  )。







解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题国防、治安、消防等之所以不能让市场来调节,是因为(  )。A 在这些行业和领域,价格、供求、竞争等市场杠杆不能发挥作用B 让市场调节会严重危害公民的身心健康,败坏社会风气,影响社会安定C 这些行业和领域市场化进程缓慢,市场发挥作用的时机不成熟” 相关考题
考题 单选题A untilB whenC althoughD because

考题 单选题He ______ his hometown for twenty years. He really misses it!A has been away fromB leftC has leftD is away from

考题 单选题某酸性溶液中含有大量Fe2+、Ba2+、K3+3种阳离子,则该溶液中可能大量存在的阴离子是(  ).A S2-B CO32-C Cl-D SO42-

考题 单选题I _____ ping-pong quite well, but I haven’t had time to play since the new year.A will playB have playedC playedD play

考题 填空题实验中通过观察____来比较压力的作用效果.

考题 单选题Metal detectors were installed in 88 city schools, mainly to keep _____ out of Schools.A cell phonesB weaponsC alcoholD drugs

考题 问答题为什么必须在全面建成小康社会进程中实现富国和强军的统一?

考题 单选题Not a single song _____ at yesterday’s party.A she sangB sang sheC did she singD she did sing

考题 单选题It’s my ______ time to come to the bookstore this month because most of the books in it are my favorite.A forthB fourC fourth

考题 单选题He is such a man who is always _____ fault with other people.A puttingB seekingC findingD looking for

考题 多选题2008年11月4日,美国举行第56届总统选举。新当选的美国总统是(  )。A民主党的奥巴马B民主党的希拉里C共和党的麦凯恩

考题 单选题如果a<0,-1<b<0,那么(  ).A a>ab>ab2B ab2>ab>aC ab>a>ab2D ab>ab2>a

考题 单选题Over the past decades, sea ice _____ in the Arctic(北极) as a result of global warming.A had decreasedB will decreaseC has been decreasingD is decreasing

考题 填空题圆的弦长等于它的半径,那么这条弦所对的圆周角的度数是____.

考题 单选题下列做法符合安全用电常识的是(  ).A 用电器的三脚插头也可插入两孔插座中使用B 使用试电笔时,金属体笔尖应接触被测导线,手指按住金属体笔尾,不能碰到金属体笔尖C 有人触电时应迅速用手把他拉离电源D 家庭电路中开关接在火线或零线上都可以

考题 单选题The idea for Buy Nothing Day first started in _____ .A CaliforniaB AlbuquerqueC British ColumbiaD New Mexico

考题 问答题Rub this oil into your skin and your headache will soon disappear! Have a try!

考题 单选题A fire _____ during the night and a large number of houses _____ to ashes.A broke out, were burntB was broke out, were burntC broke out, burntD set out, were burned

考题 单选题—个苹果静止在水平桌面上.下列说法正确的是(  ).A 苹果受到的重力与苹果对桌面的压力是一对平衡力B 苹果受到的重力与桌面对苹果的支持力是一对平衡力C 苹果受到的重力小于桌面对苹果的支持力D 桌面对苹果的支持力大于苹果对桌面的压力

考题 单选题I don’t remember ______ the book yesterday.A where I putB where did I putC where will I outD where I will put

考题 单选题Three days later, word came _____ our country had sent up another man-made satellite.A whenB whichC thatD where

考题 问答题实现全面推进依法治国的总目标必须坚持哪些基本原则?

考题 单选题They went _____ the schedule for the conference again and again until they felt satisfied with every detail of it.A outB upC overD by

考题 单选题What does the underlined word ―optimistic mean?A Lucky and happy.B Hopeful and confident.C Helpful and creative.D Thankful and popular.

考题 单选题What is the purpose of the passage?A To tell people not to do dangerous sports.B To explain what volcano surfing and land diving are.C To talk about the world’s best volcano surfer and land diver.D To compare activities in Vanuatu with sports in New Zealand.

考题 单选题A timeB landC peopleD place

考题 问答题什么是真理?为什么说实践是检验真理的唯一标准?

考题 单选题现阶段我国各族人民的共同理想是(  )。A 建立人民当家作主的国家政权B 诚实劳动争取美好生活C 建设中国特色社会主义