“braised celery with bacon”的意思是()A、焗西兰花荷兰汁B、烤培根洋葱C、培根焖芹菜D、煎蔬菜土豆饼

“braised celery with bacon”的意思是()

  • A、焗西兰花荷兰汁
  • B、烤培根洋葱
  • C、培根焖芹菜
  • D、煎蔬菜土豆饼


Francis Bacon is best known for his_______ which greatly influenced the development of this literary . A.oemsB.fictionC.laysD.essays

Question 66~70 refer to the following letter and information.APPLE AND CELERY SALAD100ml mayonnaise50g chopped fresh cilantro leaves8 celery stalks6 crisp red applesWhisk together mayonnaise, cilantro, and lemon juice in a small bowl until combined. Add salt and people to taste. Cut celery and apply into pieces. Toss together celery, apple, and dressing.Total preparation time: 5 minutes.Serves 8 as a side dish.To: Editors of Eat Right MagazineAs a long-time subscriber to Eat Right Magazine, I have frequently sampled your recipes and must credit you with some excellent results. Your recent April-May issue was, as always, packed with healthy, delicious meals, many of which I have already prepared at home.Several days ago, however, I attempted to make the apple and celery salad from the recipe on page 57 of the magazine in the Healthy, Quick, and Easy section. While the salad was flavorful, I was not satisfied with the recipe for two reasons. First, it should be noted that a salad containing100ml of mayonnaise, to be divided among eight servings, is not particularly healthy. I was surprised to find a recipe with so much mayonnaise in an Eat Right recipe. Second, while the directions suggested that five minutes' preparation time was sufficient, I found the time to be underestimated by quite a bit. Finely slicing so much celery and so many apples was quite time consuming and certainly took longer than five minutes. You might adjust this assessment when you publish this recipe in the future.I look forward to receiving the next issue of Eat Right Magazine, and I hope that it will contain more of the simple, nutritious recipes that I have come to expect.Sincerely.Francesca BertoliniWhat does Ms. Bertolini suggest?A. Printing an apology in the next issue of the magazine.B. Omitting mayonnaise from the recipe.C. Modifying the stated preparation time of the recipe.D. Verifying ingredients with an editor before publication.

Question 66~70 refer to the following letter and information.APPLE AND CELERY SALAD100ml mayonnaise50g chopped fresh cilantro leaves8 celery stalks6 crisp red applesWhisk together mayonnaise, cilantro, and lemon juice in a small bowl until combined. Add salt and people to taste. Cut celery and apply into pieces. Toss together celery, apple, and dressing.Total preparation time: 5 minutes.Serves 8 as a side dish.To: Editors of Eat Right MagazineAs a long-time subscriber to Eat Right Magazine, I have frequently sampled your recipes and must credit you with some excellent results. Your recent April-May issue was, as always, packed with healthy, delicious meals, many of which I have already prepared at home.Several days ago, however, I attempted to make the apple and celery salad from the recipe on page 57 of the magazine in the Healthy, Quick, and Easy section. While the salad was flavorful, I was not satisfied with the recipe for two reasons. First, it should be noted that a salad containing100ml of mayonnaise, to be divided among eight servings, is not particularly healthy. I was surprised to find a recipe with so much mayonnaise in an Eat Right recipe. Second, while the directions suggested that five minutes' preparation time was sufficient, I found the time to be underestimated by quite a bit. Finely slicing so much celery and so many apples was quite time consuming and certainly took longer than five minutes. You might adjust this assessment when you publish this recipe in the future.I look forward to receiving the next issue of Eat Right Magazine, and I hope that it will contain more of the simple, nutritious recipes that I have come to expect.Sincerely.Francesca BertoliniHow many serving does this recipe make?A. Four B. FiveC. Six D. Eight

Question 66~70 refer to the following letter and information.APPLE AND CELERY SALAD100ml mayonnaise50g chopped fresh cilantro leaves8 celery stalks6 crisp red applesWhisk together mayonnaise, cilantro, and lemon juice in a small bowl until combined. Add salt and people to taste. Cut celery and apply into pieces. Toss together celery, apple, and dressing.Total preparation time: 5 minutes.Serves 8 as a side dish.To: Editors of Eat Right MagazineAs a long-time subscriber to Eat Right Magazine, I have frequently sampled your recipes and must credit you with some excellent results. Your recent April-May issue was, as always, packed with healthy, delicious meals, many of which I have already prepared at home.Several days ago, however, I attempted to make the apple and celery salad from the recipe on page 57 of the magazine in the Healthy, Quick, and Easy section. While the salad was flavorful, I was not satisfied with the recipe for two reasons. First, it should be noted that a salad containing100ml of mayonnaise, to be divided among eight servings, is not particularly healthy. I was surprised to find a recipe with so much mayonnaise in an Eat Right recipe. Second, while the directions suggested that five minutes' preparation time was sufficient, I found the time to be underestimated by quite a bit. Finely slicing so much celery and so many apples was quite time consuming and certainly took longer than five minutes. You might adjust this assessment when you publish this recipe in the future.I look forward to receiving the next issue of Eat Right Magazine, and I hope that it will contain more of the simple, nutritious recipes that I have come to expect.Sincerely.Francesca Bertolini According to the recipe, what should be done first?A. The apple should be peeled.B. The mayonnaise, cilantro, and lemon juice should be mixed.C. The celery should be chopped.D. The salt and pepper should be measured.

肛管癌选用A. Miles 手术 B. Dixon 手术 C. Bacon 手术 D. Hartmann 手术

Passage ThreeAmericans are well known for the strange diets they always seem to be following.It seems that Americans like to diet almost as much as they like to eat.New types of diet plans are always coming out.Usually,though,they don't stay popular for long.There are many diets on the market.It is often difficult to know which ones really work.It's also hard to believe how fast a dieter is supposed to shed pounds.A lot has been written about dieting.And some interesting facts about diets and foods have been discovered.For example,did you know that the more celery you eat,the more weight you will lose?Celery has“negative”calories.The body burns up more calories digesting a piece of celery than there are in the celery stick itself.Dieters?shun?potatoes because they think they are fattening.But they aren't.A potato has about the same number of calories as an apple.To gain a single pound,you would have to eat eleven pounds of potatoes!Some dieters even worry about getting fat from licking postage stamps.But they have nothing to worry about.The glue on an average stamp has only about one-tenth of a calorie.Maybe a diet of post-age stamps would be popular?This passage is all about______A.vegetablesB.fadsC.AmericansD.dieting

Passage ThreeAmericans are well known for the strange diets they always seem to be following.It seems that Americans like to diet almost as much as they like to eat.New types of diet plans are always coming out.Usually,though,they don't stay popular for long.There are many diets on the market.It is often difficult to know which ones really work.It's also hard to believe how fast a dieter is supposed to shed pounds.A lot has been written about dieting.And some interesting facts about diets and foods have been discovered.For example,did you know that the more celery you eat,the more weight you will lose?Celery has“negative”calories.The body burns up more calories digesting a piece of celery than there are in the celery stick itself.Dieters?shun?potatoes because they think they are fattening.But they aren't.A potato has about the same number of calories as an apple.To gain a single pound,you would have to eat eleven pounds of potatoes!Some dieters even worry about getting fat from licking postage stamps.But they have nothing to worry about.The glue on an average stamp has only about one-tenth of a calorie.Maybe a diet of post-age stamps would be popular?One could conclude from this passage that______A.dieting is not a healthy practiceB.everyone dietsC.there is only one good way to lose weightD.dieting can be confusing

Passage ThreeAmericans are well known for the strange diets they always seem to be following.It seems that Americans like to diet almost as much as they like to eat.New types of diet plans are always coming out.Usually,though,they don't stay popular for long.There are many diets on the market.It is often difficult to know which ones really work.It's also hard to believe how fast a dieter is supposed to shed pounds.A lot has been written about dieting.And some interesting facts about diets and foods have been discovered.For example,did you know that the more celery you eat,the more weight you will lose?Celery has“negative”calories.The body burns up more calories digesting a piece of celery than there are in the celery stick itself.Dieters?shun?potatoes because they think they are fattening.But they aren't.A potato has about the same number of calories as an apple.To gain a single pound,you would have to eat eleven pounds of potatoes!Some dieters even worry about getting fat from licking postage stamps.But they have nothing to worry about.The glue on an average stamp has only about one-tenth of a calorie.Maybe a diet of post-age stamps would be popular?Celery is a good food for the dieter because______A.it has a lot of proteinB.vegetables are not fatteningC.it has“negative”caloriesD.it is easy to digest

“braised beef in a crock”的意思是烤牛外脊。

“braised beefin a crock”的意思是()A、罐焖牛肉B、番茄牛肉C、烤羊肉D、焖牛肉卷


Braised rice译为中文意思是()A、炒米饭B、蒸米饭C、焖米饭D、煮米饭

“braised ox tongue with tomato sauce”的意思是()A、烩牛舌芥末少司B、烩牛肉配番茄少司C、焖牛舌D、焖比目鱼

()是红焖洋葱的英文意思。A、mashed peasB、baked onionC、fried potateD、braised onion

“braised sole with white wine sauce”的意思是()A、煮三文鱼白酒汁B、焖比目鱼白酒汁C、烩兔肉红酒汁D、蒸鱼木司白酒汁

Braised rice译成中文是炒米饭。

“baked scallop with bacon”的意思是()A、奶酪焗猪排B、焗蜗牛C、焗生菜牡蛎卷D、培根焗鲜贝

以下属于鲁菜的是()。A、Roast Duck “Cantonese”StyleB、Barbecued Pork with HoneyC、Braised Sea Cucumber with ScallionD、Salted Duck



单选题Bacon's idea of such an approach is made _____ in one of his aphorisms; commonly used symbols for understanding nature are those of the ant and spider.AmetaphoricallyBironicallyCeuphemisticallyDcynically

单选题I()bacon and eggs every morning.Aam used to eatBused to eatingCam used to eatingDam using to eat


单选题Does Mr. Bacon think animals are good for people’s health?AYes, they are companion to old people.BNo.CNot mentioned.


单选题Is Mr. Bacon still very much interested in his job?AYes, he loves it.BNo, he would like a lot less paperwork.CNot mentioned.

单选题What is Mr. Bacon’s job specifically? AVeterinary surgeonBDoctorCNurse