“braised ox tongue with tomato sauce”的意思是()A、烩牛舌芥末少司B、烩牛肉配番茄少司C、焖牛舌D、焖比目鱼

“braised ox tongue with tomato sauce”的意思是()

  • A、烩牛舌芥末少司
  • B、烩牛肉配番茄少司
  • C、焖牛舌
  • D、焖比目鱼


Which of the following helps to develop traditional customs?A. The special role of oxen in farming.B. People's respect and love for oxen.C. The practical value of an ox's body.D. The contribution of oxen to the economy.

I want some_________ (tomato) for dinner.

How many ______ do you see in the kitchen?A、tomatosB、tomatoesC、tomatoD、the tomato

I can't remember her name. It's on the ______ of my tongue.A、endB、pointC、topD、tip

Traditional chinese medical doctors usually ________ illnesses by first looking at the color of the patient’s tongue and face. A.stutterB.adoptC.diagnoseD.tailor



He doesn't like______ (tomato).

拟建危险废物填埋场的天然基础层饱和渗透系数大于1.0X10-6cm/s,应选择渗透系数不大于()的人工合成材料进行防渗处理。A. l.OX l0 -7cm/s B. 1.0X10-9cm/s C. l.OX 10-12cm/s D. 1.0X10-11cm/s

A.OX9 1:160,B.OX2 1:20,OX19 1:160C.OXk 1:160D.OX2 1:160,OX19 1:160E.OX2 1:40,OX19 1:40可能为洛杉矶斑疹热

There are no major differences between how one reads in one’s mother tongue and how one reads in a foreign language.()

“braised beef in a crock”的意思是烤牛外脊。

“braised ox tongue with tomato sauce”的意思是焖牛舌。

“braised beefin a crock”的意思是()A、罐焖牛肉B、番茄牛肉C、烤羊肉D、焖牛肉卷

Braised rice译为中文意思是()A、炒米饭B、蒸米饭C、焖米饭D、煮米饭

()是红焖洋葱的英文意思。A、mashed peasB、baked onionC、fried potateD、braised onion

Braised rice译成中文是炒米饭。

以下属于鲁菜的是()。A、Roast Duck “Cantonese”StyleB、Barbecued Pork with HoneyC、Braised Sea Cucumber with ScallionD、Salted Duck





单选题More than 85 percent of French Canada’s population speaks French as a mother tongue and _____ to the Roman Catholic faith.AascribesBsubscribesCadheresDcaters

判断题There are no major differences between how one reads in one’s mother tongue and how one reads in a foreign language.()A对B错

单选题Fertilizer will()the growth of these tomato plants.AaccomplishBaccelerateCaccumulateDaccount

填空题Believe it or not, when first (introduce) ____ to Europe, tomato was thought to be poisonous.

单选题According to the spokeswoman for a local court, what is the most important feature of a tomato in deciding a tomato-throwing offense?AColor.BHardness.CWeight.DQuality.