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国家开放大学电大本科高级英语(1)2023期末试题及答案(试卷号:1351) Information for the examinees: This examination consists of 4 parts. They are:Part I : Vocabulary and Grammar (30 points)Part II : Reading comprehension (30 points)Part Hl : Cloze (10 points)Part IV : Writing (30 points) The total marks for this examination are 100 points . Time allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes. There will be no extra time to transfer answers to the Answer Sheet ; therefore , you should write ALL your answers on the Answer Sheet as you do each task.I Vocabulary and Grammar(2 points each,30 points in total)Choose the best answer for each blank from the four choices given. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.1. At the moment, I lots of new friends.A. makeB. s makingC. m makingD makes2. They women in the Carshalton Club.A. arent wantingB. arenwt wantC. doesnt wantD. dont want3. They together for ten months.A. playB. have playingC. have been playingD dont play4. I had an accident because 1 at the road.A. wasnt lookingB. hadnt lookedC. didnt lookD. hasnt looked5. When he crashed the car, he six bottles of beer.A. drankB. was drinkingC. drinksI), had drunk6. Nineteenth century travellers use credit cards because they didnt exist then.A. couldB.couldn,tC. had toD.has to7. Scientists are certain that the sea level rise in the next 200 years.A. is going toB.mayC. willD.should8. Today, the motel by members of the same family.A. is managedB. was managedC. will be managedD. has been managed9. She told me that she a car since 1990.A. hadnt drivenB. wasnt drivingC. didnt driveD. wouldnt drive10. You have seen her at the station. she was at home with me!A. mustntB. shouldC. couldntD. may11. The game is complex so you need patience to learn it.A. someB.manyC. a fewDnot much12. I buying her a cookery book for her birthday.A. thought aboutB.expectC. manageD.might13. He asked her a degree.A. did shehaveB.if shehadC. does shehaveD.if shehas14. We always on time for school on Monday.A. areB.arriveC. comeD.get15. Can you help me? My phone is out of.B. placeA. workingD. timeC. orderI . Reading comprehension (30 points)Passage A(4 points each.20 points in total)Read the article and then judge whether the statements followed are true (T) or false (F)? Write T or F at the corresponding place on the answer sheet.Like Father, Like Son?Perhaps Not A new report suggests that our brain chemistry at birth is asimportant as our upbringingGo into a busy newsagent and have a look at what kind of things people are reading. The chances are that the women are reading about fashion, beauty, romance or relationships and the men are reading about cars, photography equipment or sport. This ought not to be a surprise、. After all, these choices are also seen in typical male and female hobbies-men generally enjoy things such as looking after their cars, buying new parts for their stereos, bird-watching or playing computer games while women seem to prefer keeping in touch with friends and entertaining.For a long time, experts thought that these differences between male and female interests depended on how parents brought up their children and indeed society in general. However, when we look at young babies, we see that boys and girls have interests which we can call typically male or f
B. 户籍为少数民族的学生
C. 入学时年满40周岁及以上
D. 具有本科学历
下列可以申请到国家助学贷款的是( )。
- 机混炼时逆辊法投料顺序为()A、炭黑-软化剂-小料-炭黑-橡胶B、炭黑-小料-炭黑-橡胶-软化剂C、炭黑-小料-炭黑-软化剂-橡胶D、橡胶-小料-炭黑-软化剂-炭黑
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- 中央设计局
- 企业选定记账本位币,应当考虑的因素有()。A、该货币主要影响商品和劳务的销售价格,通常以该货币进行商品和劳务的计算和结算B、该货币主要影响商品和劳务所需人工、材料和其他费用,通常以该货币进行上述费用的计价和结算C、融资活动获得的货币D、影响当期汇兑差额数额的大小E、保存从经营活动中收取款项所使用的货币
- 承租人采用融租方式租入一台设备,该设备尚可使用年限为10年,租赁期为8年,承租人租赁期满时以1万元的购价优惠购买该设备,该设备在租赁期满时的公允价值为30万元。则该设备计提折旧的期限为()年。A、10B、8C、2D、9
- 重合剖面的轮廓线用()画出。A、细实线B、粗实线C、细点划线D、粗点划线
- 点焊电极间电阻包括工件本身电阻、()、电极与工件间接触电阻。
- 密炼机塑炼时压力一般在()A、0.5MpaB、1MpaC、2MpaD、3Mpa
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