若信用证中规定装运港为Chinese main port,则在托运单中的装运港应填Chinese main port,以保持单证一致。

若信用证中规定装运港为Chinese main port,则在托运单中的装运港应填Chinese main port,以保持单证一致。




若信用证中规定装运港为Chinese main port,则在托运单中的装运港应填Chinese main port,以保持单证一致。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

What does "shipping documents" mean in Chinese?A、信用证B、资信证明C、造船文件D、运输单证

下面程序运行输出的结果是【】。 include using namespace std; int main(){char a[]="C 下面程序运行输出的结果是【 】。include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){char a[]="Chinese";a[3]='\0';cout<<a<<endl;return 0;}

以下程序的输出结果是 ( ) main( ) { static char a[10] ={"Chinese"}; printf("%d",strlen(a)); }A.7B.2C.9D.10

When the ship, its main propulsion device equipped with clutch, arrived at the port and finished with the engine, the correct operation should be______.A.disengaging the clutch firstly, then stopping the main engineB.stopping the main engine firstly, then disengaging the clutchC.stopping the cooling water pump firstly, then stopping the main engineD.stopping the main engine and disengaging the clutch at the same time

After an occurrence of oil pollution,what shall be done first by a vessel in Chinese port? ______.A.use oil dispersion agent and wait for investigationB.try to collect the oil on deck or in waterC.report to Harbor MasterD.B and C

汉译英:“装运港;卸货港”,正确的翻译为( )。A. port of transfer ; port of discharge B. port of loading ; port of dischargeC. port of transfer ; port of destination D. port of loading ; port of desdnafion

“装运港”栏应填(  ).A.新西兰B.釜山C.纽约D.新加坡

若L/C对装货港规定为“Chinese Ports”,为做到单证一致,在提单上可以照抄。A对B错

若L/C对装货港规定为“Chinese Ports”,为做到单证一致,在提单上可以照抄。


信用证规定装运港为Chinese Port,缮制提单时,装运港一栏应照样填Chinese Port以免单证不符。

如果信用证中规定的loadingport(装运港)是Chinese port,description of Goods(货物描述)里贸易术语是CIF CHINA,那么以下单据填法正确的是:()A、提单中装运港为SHANGHAI,发票单价中写CIF SHANGHAIB、提单中装运港为SHANGHAI,发票单价中写CIF CHINAC、提单中装运港为Chinese port,发票单价中写CIF CHINAD、提单中装运港为Chinese port,发票单价中写CIF SHANGHAI

What are three main phases of an attack?()A、DoSB、exploitC、propagationD、port scanningE、reconnaissance

单选题Prior to a ship’s departure from any port () should be tested with deck officer to ensure satisfactory operation.Afire fighting pumpBthe steering gearClife boat engineDthe main engine

单选题If your vessel has a list to port due to negative GM and off-center weight,the first corrective measure you should take is to().Amove port-side main-deck cargo to the starboard sideBfill the starboard double-bottomCpump water from the port double-bottom to the starboard double-bottomDpump water from the port double-bottom over the side

单选题按FOB Under Tackle术语成交时,其货物风险转移是(  )。A以装运港船舷为界B以装运港船舱为界C以装运港船边为界D以装运港吊钩下为界

单选题The main advantage of a Chinese stopper over the one line stopper is that it().Awill not jam on the mooring lineBis strongerCis easier to use when under heavy tensionDis safer to use when under heavy tension

单选题The SOLAS Convention is the main international convention()Aabout marine pollution preventionBcovering safety of lifeCabout marineDabout ship and port security

问答题某农产品进出口公司向国外某贸易公司出口一批花生仁,国外客户在合同规定的开证时间内开来一份不可撤销信用证,证中的装运条款规定:“Shipment from Chinese port to Singapore in May, Partial shipment prohibited.”农产品进出口公司按证中规定,于5月15日将200公吨花生仁在福州港装上“嘉陵”号轮,又由同轮在厦门港签发的两套提单。农产品公司在信用证有效期内到银行交单议付,却遭到银行以单证不符为由拒付货款。问:银行的拒付是否有理?为什么?

单选题The MARPOL Convention is the main international convention()Aabout marine pollution preventionBcovering marine protection of lifeCabout marineDabout ship and port security

单选题After an occurrence of oil pollution,what shall be done first by a vessel in Chinese port? ().Ause oil dispersion agent and wait for investigationBtry to collect the oil on deck or in waterCreport to Harbor MasterDB and C

单选题When the ship, its main propulsion device equipped with clutch, arrived at the port and finished with the engine, the correct operation should be()Adisengaging the clutch firstly, then stopping the main engineBstopping the main engine firstly, then disengaging the clutchCstopping the cooling water pump firstly, then stopping the main engineDstopping the main engine and disengaging the clutch at the same time

判断题若L/C对装货港规定为“Chinese Ports”,为做到单证一致,在提单上可以照抄。A对B错

单选题The main purpose of port State control is not to()Aprevent an unsafe ship proceeding to seaBprevent a ship threatening the marine environmentCfine the shipsDconfirm a safe sailing

单选题The Owners to take over and pay all fuel remaining in the Vessel’s bunkers on re-delivery at current price at the port of redelivery,or at the nearest main bunkering port,if the bunker price at the port of redelivery is not available. This indicates that the Owners are to take over and pay the remaining bunkers().Aat current price at the nearest main bunkering portBat current price at the port of redelivery if it is not available to obtain the current price at the nearest main bunkering portCat current price at the nearest main bunkering port if it is cheaper than that at the port of redeliveryDat current price at the port of redelivery if it is obtainable,even the price is higher at the nearest main bunkering port

判断题信用证规定装运港为Chinese Port,缮制提单时,装运港一栏应照样填Chinese Port以免单证不符。A对B错