






The term computer describes a device made up of a combination of electronic and electromechanical components. By itself, a computer has no( )and is referred to as hardware, which means simply the physical equipment. The hardware cant be used until it is connected to other elements, all of which constitute the six parts of a computer-based information system, hardware, software, data/information, people, procedures and communications. A system is defined as a collection of related components that( )to perform a task in order to accomplish a goal. Any organization that uses information technology will have a computer-based information system to provide managers (and various categories of employees) with the appropriate kind of information to help them make decisions. Systems analysis and design is to ascertain how a system works and then take steps to make it ( )Often, a system approach is used to define, describe, and solve a problem or to meet a(an)( ) From time to time, organizations need to( )their information systems, in, response to new marketing opportunities, modified government regulations, the introduction .of new technology, merger with another company, or other developments. When change is needed, the time is ripe for applying the principles of systems analysis and design.A.information B.software C.intelligence D.dataA.interact B.work C.connect D.changeA.improved B.better C.good D.bestA.decision B.need C.standard D.objectiveA.modify B.replace C.changeD.transfer

( )Not an advantage of an object-oriented approach to development。( )不是面向对象开发方法的优点。A.Good adaptability to changes in demand对需求变化的适应性好B.Supporting software reuse支持软件重用C.Good maintainability可维护性好D.High Processing Efficiency程序处理效率高

Quality management ensures that an organization , product or service is ( ). A.guaranteed B.sustain C.good D.consistent

--How was your job interview yesterday?--Oh, I couldn′t feel__________. I couldhardly answer most of the questions they asked.A.better B.good C.worse D.bad

根据以下材料,回答题In a telephone survey of more than 2,000adults,21% said they believed the sun revolved (旋转) around the earth. An 51 7% did not know which revolvedaround 52. I have no doubt that 53 all of these people were 54 inschool that the earth revolves around the sun: 55 may even have written it 56 a test. But they never 57 their incorrect mental models ofplanetary(行星的) 58 because their everydayobservations didn′t support 59 their teachers told them: People seethe sun "moving" 60 the sky as morning turns to night, and theearth seems stationary(静止的) 61 that ishappening.Students can learn the right answers 62 heart in class, and yet never combinedthem 63 their working models of the world.The objectively correct answer the professor accepts and the 64 personal understanding of the world can 65 side by side, each unaffected bythe other.Outside of class, the students like to seethe 66 model because it has always worked well 67 that circumstance. Unless professorsaddress 68 errors in students′ personal models of the world, studentsare not 69 to replace them with 70 one. A.perfect B.better C.reasonable D.correct

根据以下材料,回答题He works ten hours a day, makes more thanUS $ 98000 a year, doesn′t 16 to take holidays, dresses 17 he pleases. He′s 18 been happier and is looking foranother job. This 33-year-old white, university-educated person is the typical Internetworker, according to a study by the Industry Standard, a San Francisco-basednews magazine.There is also a reasonable chance that hisemployer will arrange his dry cleaning,19 him to 20 his dog to work, offer him fleemassages and give him stock options. And he still thinks people in other 21are doing 22.The typical worker, it appears, not onlyenjoys an income about 23 the national average but also enjoys himself.At present 2.5 million people 24 by Internet firms in the US, The 25 ofthe study give plenty of reasons 26 so many people think the grass isgreener in Silicon Valley.27 after tech-stoeks sharply 28 in April,29 many start-ups, there is still mood of enthusiasmand special advantage among those still employed. So what 30 52 percent of them "veryhappy" "Demandingwork" is given as the main reason and "salary" is 31 close 32 .Those questioned in the study also listedworking weekends and 33 holidays as signs of the pleasure of theworkplaces.Only 13 percent were paid for 34hours work while 14 percent put more than 12 hours work on an average day."It wasn′t all about 35." wrote Mary Ann Thompson in theintroduction to the study, "It was fun." A.bad B.worse C.good D.better

问答题Look at the topic headings below, marked A, B, C, D E, and F, and match them with the paragraphs in the text below. There is one extra heading which you don’t need to use.  Questions 1-5 are based on the following passage.  A.Evening entertainment  B.Main tourist attraction  C.Good times to visit  D.Other places of interes  E.Introduction and location  F.the number of touristsDestination guidesEdinburgh  1 ______  Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, is in the south-east of the country. It is situated on the coast, and the beautiful, green Pentland hills are not far from the city centre. Castle Rock stands in the centre of Edinburgh and is the best place for fantastic views of the city.  With a population of almost half a million people, the city is an exciting mix of traditional and modern.  2 ______  The first stop for most visitors to the city is the castle on Castle Rock. It is certainly worth a visit and the area nearby is full of shops that sell whisky and tartans to the tourists. Edinburgh’s most famous street, the Royal Mile, runs from the castle to the Palace of Holyroodhouse and the Scottish Parliament. Along the street, you can see many interesting buildings and you can stop for a drink at a traditional, old Scottish pub.  3 ______  During your visit, you should certainly take the time to see other parts of the city. Prince’s Street has lovely gardens, museums and shops. The New Town is a superb area for walking with its attractive 18th century houses, offices and churches. Finally, the Grassmarket is an old part of the city which is full of cafes, bars and restaurants.  4 ______.  Edinburgh has a large student population and the nightlife is excellent. Clubs usually stay open until three in the morning. You can hear live music in many of the pubs, choose from a number of first-class cinemas or go to a “ceilidh” (a traditional Scottish dance).  5 ______.  The best time to come to the city is in August. Every year, thousands of people visit the Edinburgh Festival, the world’s biggest arts festival. With concerts, opera, theatre and art exhibitions, there is something for everyone. For winter visitors, Hogmanay (the Scottish New Year) is also an incredible experience that you will never forget.