An electrical device which employs a stationary armature and a rotating electromagnetic field is used aboard as aA.magnetic amplifierB.ship's service alternatorC.three-wire DC generatorD.saturable core reactor

An electrical device which employs a stationary armature and a rotating electromagnetic field is used aboard as a

A.magnetic amplifier

B.ship's service alternator

C.three-wire DC generator

D.saturable core reactor


The last paragraph suggests that Thomas ______.A. works full-time in a diabetes charityB. employs 22 people for his websiteC. helps diabetics in his own wayD. ties to find a cure for diabetes

媒体查询特性中,()定义输出设备中的屏幕方向。 A、resolutionB、device- heightC、device- widthD、orientation

WhichoftheseisaLayer2transportarchitecturethatprovidespacket-basedtransmission optimizedfordatabasedonadual(counter-rotating)ringtopology?() A.DTPB.RPRC.SDHD.CWDME.DWDM



一质点在空中运动,只受重力作用。设质点作自由落体运动时,其惯性力为FI1;质点被铅直上抛时,其惯性力为FI2;质点沿抛物线运动时,其惯性力为FI3,则()。A.FI1= FI2= FI3;B.FI1¹ FI2¹ FI3;C.FI1=FI2¹ FI3;D.FI1¹ FI3¹ FI2 。

直流电机的主要结构包括() The main structure of DC motor includes ()A.主磁极Main magnetic poleB.电刷brushC.换向器commutatorD.电枢armature



【单选题】以下哪个是设置布线安全间距的规则A.Routing→WidthB.Routing→Width LayersC.Electrical→ShortCircuitD.Electrical→Clearance