如果存在如下过程:Private Function FMax(a() As Integer)Dim First As Integer, Last As Integer, i As IntegerFirst=LBound(A)Last=UBound(A)Max=a(First)For i=First To LastIf a(i) Max Then Max=a(i)Next iFMax=MaxEnd Function在窗体上添加一个命令按钮,然后编写如下事件过程:Private Sub Command1_Click()ReDim m(1 To 4) As Integerm(1) =20: m(2) =30: m(3) =50: m(4) =100c=FMax(m)Print cEnd Sub单击命令按钮,其输出结果为 【12】 。


Private Function FMax(a() As Integer)

Dim First As Integer, Last As Integer, i As Integer




For i=First To Last

If a(i) > Max Then Max=a(i)

Next i


End Function


Private Sub Command1_Click()

ReDim m(1 To 4) As Integer

m(1) =20: m(2) =30: m(3) =50: m(4) =100


Print c

End Sub

单击命令按钮,其输出结果为 【12】 。


在窗体上画一个命令按钮,然后编写如下事件过程:Sub BTC(oldCopy() As Integer, newCopy() As Integer)Dim i As IntegerFor i=LBound(oldCopy() ) To UBound(oldCopy() )newCopy(i) =oldCopy(i)Next iEnd SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Dim m(10) As Integer, n(10) As IntegerFor i=1 To 10m(i) =i  iNext iCall BTC(m, n)Print n(5)End Sub程序运行后,单击命令按钮输出结果为( )。A.0B.2C.10D.25

下列子过程语句中正确的是 A.Sub f1(By Val()As Integer) B.Sub f1(n()As Integer)As Integer C.Function f1(f1 As Integer)As Integer D.Function f1(By Val f As Integer)

如果存在如下过程:Private Function Fun(a() As Integer)Dim First As Integer, Last As Integer, i As IntegerFirst=LBound(a)Last=UBound(a)Max=a(First)For i=First To LastIf a(i) Max Then Max=a(i)NextFun=MaxEnd Function在窗体上添加一个命令按钮,然后编写如下事件过程:Private Sub Command1_Click()ReDim m(1 To 4) As Integerm(1)=20: m(2)=30: m(3)=50: m(4)=100c=Fun(m)Print cEnd Sub单击命令按钮,其输出结果为 【 】。

设程序中有如下数组定义和过程调用语句: Dim a(10)As Integer … Call D(a) 如下过程定义巾,正确的是( )。A.Private Sub p(a As Integer)B.Private Sub p(a( )As Integer)C.Private Sub p(a(10)As Integer)D.Private Sub p(a(n)As Integer)

数组A在子过程或函数中定义为形参,正确的语句是( )。 A、Private Sub sele(ByVal A( ) As integer)B、Private Function sale(A() As Integer) As StringC、Private Sub sale(A() As Integer) As IntegerD、Private Sub sale(A(i) As Integer)

设程序中有如下数组定义和过程调用语句:Dim a(10) as integer……Call p(a)如下过程定义中,正确的是A)Private Sub p(a as integer)B)Private Sub p(a() as integer)C)Private Sub p(a(10) as integer)D)Private Sub p(a(n) as integer)

在窗体上画一个命令按钮,然后编写如下事件过程: Sub BTC(old Copy( ) As Integer,new Copy( ) As Integer) Dim i AS Integer For i=LBound(oldCopy( ))To UBound(oldCopy( )) newCopy(i)=oldCopy(i) Next i End Sub Private Sub Command1 _ Click( ) Dimm(10) As Integer,n(10)As Integer For i=1 To 10 m(i) =i*i Next i Call BTC(m,n) Print n(5) End Sub 程序运行后,单击命令按钮输出结果为A.0B.2C.10D.25

设程序中有如下数组定义和过程调用语句: Dim a(10) As Integer …… Call p(a) 如下过程定义中,正确的是A.Private Sub p(a As Integer)B.Private Sub p(a() As Integer)C.Private Sub p(a(10) As Integer)D.Private Sub p(a(n) As Integer)

下面定义过程语句说明合法的是______。A.Sub f1(ByVal n(2) As Integer)B.Sub f1(ByVal n() As Integer) As IntegerC.Function f1(ByVal f1 As Integer) As IntegerD.Function f1(ByVal n As Integer)