单选题They gave top priority to protecting endangered animals.AprecedenceBprivilegeCfavorDsignificance

They gave top priority to protecting endangered animals.









句意:他们把保护濒危动物放到第一位。precedence优先。give priority to=give precedence to。privilege特权。favor好处。significance重要性。


Cathy was born ________ an interest in animals. (A) with(B) by(C) of(D) on

All the girls swam in the lake except two, who_________halfway.A. gave offB. gave upC. gave awayD. gave out

● 若一个栈以向量V[1..n]存储,初始使栈指针top为n,则下面x入栈的正确操作是()。设top指针指向栈顶元素。() A. top=top+1;V[top]=x B. V[top]=x;top=top+1C. top=top-1;V[top]=x D. V[top]=x ;top=top-1

Everything had a name, and each name ________ a new thought.A gave birth toB gave a reception toC gave a turn toD gave access to

( ) are fierce animals. A、TigersB、TigerC、The tigersD、A tiger

(英译汉)There is no separation for you between work and home.Even when at home, your work is the top priority.You are totally committed and driven to work, and your happiness is found in your work.Work always seems to take precedence over family and leisure time.You have no social life other than work-related events.

AssumethescopedattributeprioritydoesNOTyetexist.Whichtwocreateandsetnewrequest-scopedattributeprioritytothevalue“medium”?() A.${priority=‘medium’}B.${requestScope[‘priority’]=‘medium’}C.c:setvar=priority”value=”medium”/D.c:setvar=”priority”scope=”request”medium/C:setE.c:setvar=”priority”value=”medium”scope=”request”/F.c:setproperty=”priority”scope=”request”medium/c:setG.c:setproperty=”priority”value=”medium”scope=”request”/

Protecting the confidentiality, integrity and availability of these information resources is a priority and a job responsibility for all employees at all levels of the company.


对于VRRP协议,我们把正常情况Master的优先级称为Priority(master),把正常情况下Backup的优先级称为Priority(backup),把监控端口失效时对Master优先级的影响成为Priority(reduced),则它们之间应满足如下关系()。 A.Priority(master)>Priority(backup)>Priority(master)-Priority(reduced)B.Priority(master)C.Priority(master)>Priority(backup)>Priority(reduced)D.Priority(master)

Assumetworoutersonthesamesubnet,R1andR2,bothconfiguredforHSRP.R1hasapriorityof120.WhichofthefollowingHSRPinterfaceconfigurationswillalwaysresultintheR2becomingtheprimary?() A.standby1priority110B.standby1priority120C.standby1priority130D.standby1priority110preemptE.standby1priority120preemptF.standby1priority130preempt

He_______smoking at last.A.gave upB.gave outC.gave inD.gave off

This rare bird has become()Aan endangered specieBendangered speciesCendangering speciesDan endangered species

This rare bird has become()A、an endangered specieB、endangered speciesC、endangering speciesD、an endangered species


Which of the following network cable types is MOST often used in environments where physicalsecurity of the data is the top priority?()A、UTPB、CoaxialC、Fiber opticD、STP

Assume the scoped attribute priority does NOT yet exist. Which two create and set new request-scoped attribute priority to the value “medium”?() A、 ${priority = ‘medium’ } B、 ${requestScope[ ‘priority’ ] = ‘medium’ } C、 c:set var=priority” value=”medium” / D、 c:set var=”priority” scope=”request”medium/C://set E、 c:set var=”priority” value=”medium” scope=”request” / F、 c:set property=”priority” scope=”request”medium/c:set G、 c:set property=”priority” value=”medium” scope=”request” /

Assume the scoped attribute priority does NOT yet exist. Which two create and set a new request-scopedattribute priority to the value "medium"?()A、${priority = ’medium’}B、${requestScope[’priority’] = ’medium’}C、c:set var="priority" value="medium" /D、c:set var="priority" scope="request"medium/c:setE、c:set var="priority" value="medium" scope="request" /

endangered area

单选题The passage is focused on _____.Ahow the scientists tried to protect endangered speciesBhow the symbolic endangered species has been chosenCthe relation between global warming and endangered speciesDthe problems in and the future of endangered species protection

单选题The speaker of the passage is of the opinion that ______.Aprotecting the farmland is more important than protecting wild animalBprotecting endangered species is more important than protecting the interests of the farmersCprotecting the farmland and the wild animals are equally importantDone can rely more on bees than mice to frighten beasts off the farm

单选题This rare bird has become()Aan endangered specieBendangered speciesCendangering speciesDan endangered species

单选题They gave top priority to protecting endangered animals.AprecedenceBprivilegeCfavorDsignificance

单选题Siegel and Cummings hoped to choose an animal to _____.Acall on people to take actions against global warmingBmake people aware of the danger of environmental damageCintroduce to people a new concept of environmental protectionDremind people of the importance of protecting endangered species

多选题Assume the scoped attribute priority does NOT yet exist. Which two create and set a new request-scopedattribute priority to the value "medium"?()A${priority = ’medium’}B${requestScope[’priority’] = ’medium’}Cc:set var=priority value=medium /Dc:set var=priority scope=requestmedium/c:setEc:set var=priority value=medium scope=request /

单选题The passage is chiefly about ______.Aan effort to protect an endangered marine speciesBthe civilian use of a military detection systemCthe exposure of a U.S. Navy top-secret weaponDa new way to look into the behavior of blue whales

多选题Assume the scoped attribute priority does NOT yet exist. Which two create and set new request-scoped attribute priority to the value “medium”?()A ${priority = ‘medium’ } B${requestScope[ ‘priority’ ] = ‘medium’ }Cc:set var=priority” value=”medium” /Dc:set var=”priority” scope=”request”medium/C://setEc:set var=”priority” value=”medium” scope=”request” /Fc:set property=”priority” scope=”request”medium/c:setGc:set property=”priority” value=”medium” scope=”request” /

单选题Which of the following is true about the U.S. Navy underwater listening net-work?AIt is now partly accessible to civilian scientists.BIt has been replaced by a more advanced system.CIt became useless to the military after the cold war.DIt is indispensable in protecting endangered species.