单选题A frequently cited example of the endangered species is the panda.AworriedBneglectedCreducedDmentioned
A frequently cited example of the endangered species is the panda.
187. It is hard to track the blue whale, the ocean’s largest creature, which has almost been killed off by commercial whaling and is now listed as an endangered species. Attaching radio devices to it is difficult, and visual sightings are too unreliable to give real insight into its behavior. So biologists were delighted early this year when, with the help of the Navy, they were able to track a particular blue whale for 43 days, monitoring its sounds. This was possible because of the Navy’s formerly top-secret system of underwater listening devices spanning the oceans. Tracking whales is but one example of all exciting new world just opening to civilian scientists after the cold war as the Navy starts to share and partly uncover its global network of underwater listening system built over the decades to track the ships of potential enemies. Earth scientists announced at a news conference recently that they had used the system for closely monitoring a deep-sea volcanic eruption for the first time and that they plan similar studies. Other scientists have proposed to use the network for tracking ocean currents and measuring changes in ocean and global temperatures. The speed of sound in water is roughly one mile a second, slower than through land but faster than through air. What is most important, different layers of ocean water can act as channels for sounds, focusing them in the same way a stethoscope (听诊器) does when it carries faint noises from a patient’s chest to a doctor’s ear. This focusing is the main reason that even relatively weak sounds in the ocean, especially low-frequency ones, can often travel thousands of miles. [共5题](1) The passage is chiefly about ________.(A) an effort to protect an endangered marine species(B) the exposure of a US Navy top-secret weapon(C) the civilian use of a military detection system(D) a new way to look into the behavior. of blue whales(2) The underwater listening system was originally designed ________.(A) to monitor deep-sea volcanic eruptions(B) to replace the global radio communications network(C) to study the movement of ocean currents(D) to trace and locate enemy vessels(3) The deep-sea listening system makes use of ________.(A) the unique property of layers of ocean water in transmitting sound(B) the capability of sound to travel at hligh speed(C) low-frequency sounds travelling across different layers of water(D) the sophisticated technology of focusing sounds under water(4) It can be inferred from the passage that ________.(A) blue whales are no longer endangered with the use of the new listening system(B) new radio devices should be developed for tracking the endangered blue whales(C) military technology has great potential in civilian use(D) opinions differ as to whether civilian scientists should be allowed to use military technology(5) Which of the following is true about the US Navy underwater listening network?(A) It has been replaced by a more advanced system.(B) It is now partly accessible to civilian scientists.(C) It became useless to the military after the cold war.(D) It is indispensable in protecting endangered species.
The Timber rattlesnake is now on the endangered species list, and is extinct in two eastern states in which it once _______ .A thrived B swelled C prospered D flourished
"Hidden" Species May Be Surprisingly CommonCryptic species animals that appear identical but are genetically quite distant—may be much more widespread than previously thought. The findings could have major implications in areas ranging from biodiversity estimates and wildlife management, to our understanding of infectious diseases and evolution.Reports of cryptic species have increased dramatically over the past two decades with the advent of relatively inexpensive DNA sequencing technology. Markus Pfenninger and Klaus Schwenk, of the Goethe-Universitat, in Frankfurt, Germany, analyzed all known data on cryptic animal species and discovered that they are found in equal proportions throughout all major branches of the animal kingdom and occur in equal numbers in all biogeographieal regions.Scientists had previously speculated that cryptic species were predominantly found in insects and reptiles, and were more likely to occur in tropical rather than temperate regions. "Species that are seemingly widespread and abundant could in reality be many different cryptic species that have low populations and are highly endangered. " Says Pfenninger. Until the genetic information of all species in at least one taxon is thoroughly studied, no one will know just how many cryptic species exist. "It could be as high as 30%. " Pfenninger says."I'm extremely surprised by their results. " Says Alex Smith of the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada. "It's a call to arms to keep doing the broad kind of genetic studies that we are doing. "Sampling as many individuals as possible, scientists hope to complete work on all fish and birds in another 5 to 10 years. Once either of these taxonomic groups is completed, Pfenninger says researchers will be able to decide how many cryptic species exist throughout the animal kingdom.Examples of cryptic species include the African elephant. A 2001 study found the elephants were actually two genetically distinct, non-interbreeding species, the African bush elephant and the African elephant. The species are currently listed as vulnerable and threatened, respectively, by the World Conservation Union (WCU).The reclassifications are more than an academic exercise. They define populations that have evolved independently of each other and whose genetic differences can have significant consequences. In the early 1900s misidentification of mosquito species based on morphology confused attempts to control malaria in Europe. Ultimately, what was thought to be a single species was actually made up of six sibling species, only three of which transmitted the disease. "The basic unit in biology is always the species, and you have to know what you are dealing with. " Pfenninger says. Much previous research is now no longer used, he says, because it is not clear what species was being studied.Which of the following about the significance of the research on cryptic species is NOT true?A.The results of the research can help the development of many other research areas.B.The results of the research can help the development of biodiversity estimates.C.The results of the research can help our understanding of infectious disease evolution.D.The results of the research can help our understanding of "survival of the fittest. "
The loss of biological diversity has become most spectacularly noticeable in extinction or decline of populations of large and well-known animals.Many animal species have become extinct since the 1700’s, among them the California grizzly bear, the dodo, and the passenger pigeon.Hundreds of other animal species are threatened.In North America, endangered species include the black-footed ferret, the California condor, the desert tortoise, and the whooping crane.Most species in danger of extinction anywhere in the world are suffering from the intrusion (侵入) of human beings.The Asian elephant, for example, has become an endangered species due to the expansion of the human population throughout its range in southern Asia.In Africa, the African elephants are being killed off for their tusks.Monkeys and other primates throughout the world are threatened by hunting, capture for medical use, and the destruction of their habitats.And the rhinoceroses, lions, and other large mammals of the African savanna (grassy plains with scattered trees) compete for land and life with some of the most rapidly growing human populations in the world.The loss of biological diversity is most severe, however, in the tropical rain forests.The forests of the tropics are particularly vulnerable to disturbance because the soils have a low capacity for retaining nutrients.Most of the forests’ nutrient elements are held in the tissues of plants.When loggers and farmers destroy existing plant cover, the nutrients are washed from the land into streams, and the land itself becomes less able to support life.Destruction of these forests destroys the habitat of hundreds, sometimes thousands, of species from such creatures as the howler monkey and indigo macaw, to less visible species of plants, insects, and microbes, many of which are not yet known to science.1.The author points out that species extinction ().A.is most noticeable in North AmericaB.is mainly taking place among large animalsC.quickened with industrialization of the societyD.never took place before the 1700’s2.Which of the following is NOT mentioned with regard to human intrusion?A.Elephants are killed off for their tusksB.Some primates are hunted for medical useC.Growing human population results in the competition for land and life among animalsD.Men live increasingly on animals as their source of food.3.The chief cause of the gradual disappearance of biological diversity is ().A.human crueltyB.human interferenceC.the increase of human populationD.the disappearance of the forests4.In tropical forests,().A.animals live a hard life due to competitionB.a lot of species die out for lack of foodC.rains constitute the major threat to speciesD.a greater number of animals are yet to be known5.It can be inferred that species extinction ().A.proceeds of a faster rate than noticeableB.is the worst among well-known animalsC.is the most severe in AfricaD.is chiefly due to competition among species
The destruction of habitats(栖息地)all over the world is the primary reason species are?becoming extinct(灭绝)or endangered.Houses,highways,dams,industrial buildings,and?ever-spreading farms now dominate?21?formerly occupied by forests,deserts,and wetlands.22?the beginning of European settlement in America,23,over 65,000,000 acres of?wetlands have been drained.One million acres alone vanished24?1985 and 1995.Habitat destruction can be?25?or it can be subtle,occurring over a26?period of time?without being noticed.27?such as sewage from cities and chemical runoff fromfarms,can change?the?28?and quantity of water in streams and rivers.To?29?living in a delicately balanced?habitat,this disturbance can be as30?as the clear-cutting of a rainforest.31?remaining habitats are carved into smaller and smaller pockets or islands,remaining?species are forced to exist in these?32?areas,which causes further habitat?33?These?species become less adaptable to environmental?34;in fact,they become?35?endangered.Scientists believe that when a habitat is cut by 90%,one-half of its plants,animals and insects will?become extinct.第34题的答案是( )A.improvementsB.ChangesC.protectionD.development
共用题干第二篇The Book of LifeSo far, scientists have named about 1.8 million living species(物种),and that's just a small part of what probably exists on Earth.With so many plants,animals,and other creatures covering the planet,it can be tough to figure out what type of spider is moving up your leg or what kind of bird is flying by.A soon-to-be-launched Web site mighit help. An international team of researchers has announced the creation of a Web-based Encyclopedia(百科全书)of Life(EoL).The project aims to catalog every species on Earth in a single,easy-to-use referenice guide.To get the encyclopedia started,the creators will use information from scientific databases(数据库)that already exist. And eventually , in special sections of the site , nonscientists with specialized(专门的) knowledge will get to join in Bird-watchers,for example,will be able to input which birds they'ye seen and where.The technology for this kind of tool has only recently become available.As the EoL develops,you might find it useful for school projects.The site will feature special pages for kids who are studying ecosystems(生态系统)in their neighborhoods. To make sure the encyclopedia is accurate,scientists will review much of the information added to it.People who visit the site will be able tochoose to leave out pages that haven't been reviewed.Another convenient feature of the EoL is that you'11 be able to pick the level of detail you see to match your interests,age,and current knowledge.If you wanted to learn about bears for a science class report,for example,you could use the"novice"setting to get basic information about the animals.On the"expert" setting,on the other hand,you could get much more detailed information about the history,literature,andexploration of bears.It now takes years for scientists to collect all the data they need to describe and analyze species.The creators of the Encyclopedia of Life hope that their new tool will speed that process.The goal of the creation of the EoL is to________.A:collect enough data to analyze the living species on EarthB:enlarge an existing Web site of the living species on EarthC:work out an easy-to-use catalog of every living species on EarthD:add new information to the existing databases of the living species on Earth
The 1983 report"A Nation At Risk"cited as example of the decline of educational standards()Ahigh rates of adult illiteracyBdeclining SAT scoresClow scores of American students in key subjects as compared with scores of students of other countriesDAll of the above
This rare bird has become()Aan endangered specieBendangered speciesCendangering speciesDan endangered species
This rare bird has become()A、an endangered specieB、endangered speciesC、endangering speciesD、an endangered species
单选题It can be learned that the polar bear _____.Awas first considered by Siegel to be the iconic animal in 1998Bwas first proposed by Siegel to be the endangered species in 2004Cwas not qualified scientifically as the endangered species until 2005Dwas not officially under the government protection until 2008
单选题Which of the following can best summarize Sallon’s Plant Project?ADiscovering new species.BProtecting rare species.CRestoring extinct species.DReforming existing species.
单选题The validity of personality tests as accurate measures of a person’s innate capacities and desires have been frequently called into question.Ahave been frequently called into questionBare often called into questionChas been frequently called into questionDis frequently called into questionEare frequently being questioned
单选题The passage is focused on _____.Ahow the scientists tried to protect endangered speciesBhow the symbolic endangered species has been chosenCthe relation between global warming and endangered speciesDthe problems in and the future of endangered species protection
单选题Contrary to popular belief, not every snake with reddish or brownish scales is a copperhead; a wide variety of perfectly harmless snakes that are frequently mistaken for copperheads.Acopperhead; a wide variety of perfectly harmless snakes that are frequently mistakenBcopperhead; a wide variety of perfectly harmless snakes that are frequently mistookCcopperhead; there is a wide variety of perfectly harmless snakes that people frequently mistookDcopperhead; there is a wide variety of perfectly harmless snakes that people frequently mistakeEcopperhead; a wide variety of perfectly harmless snakes that people frequently mistake
单选题The speaker of the passage is of the opinion that ______.Aprotecting the farmland is more important than protecting wild animalBprotecting endangered species is more important than protecting the interests of the farmersCprotecting the farmland and the wild animals are equally importantDone can rely more on bees than mice to frighten beasts off the farm
单选题This rare bird has become()Aan endangered specieBendangered speciesCendangering speciesDan endangered species
单选题The problem with Elkhorn and stag horn corals lies in that _____.Athey were not much-liked by many peopleBthey were not well-known enough to be an iconCthey were not considered animals by many peopleDthey were not added to the list of Endangered Species
单选题Siegel and Cummings hoped to choose an animal to _____.Acall on people to take actions against global warmingBmake people aware of the danger of environmental damageCintroduce to people a new concept of environmental protectionDremind people of the importance of protecting endangered species
单选题The new Ford cars are cited as an example to show that _____.Ait is foolish to criticize a famous brandBone should not always agree to others’ opinionsCpersonal tastes are not something to be challengedDit is unwise to express, one’s likes and dislikes in public
单选题Which of the following can be cited as an example of the use of money in exchange for services?ATo sell a bicycle for $20.BTo get some money for old books at a garage sale.CTo buy things you need or want.DTo get paid for your work.
单选题Why is the case of Ainu, the Japanese dialect, mentioned in the passage?AAs an example of endangered language.BTo show the diversity of languages in Japan.CTo testify the effectiveness of multilingual approach.DTo criticize neglect of minority tongues by Japanese government.
单选题A great number of national parks have been set up to________ endangered species from extinction.AconserveBpreserveCreserveDobserve
单选题Which of the following is true about the U.S. Navy underwater listening net-work?AIt is now partly accessible to civilian scientists.BIt has been replaced by a more advanced system.CIt became useless to the military after the cold war.DIt is indispensable in protecting endangered species.
单选题Which of the following is NOT cited as an example of the resurgence of Welsh national identity?AWelsh has witnessed a revival as a national language.BPoverty-relief funds have come from the European Union.CA Welsh national airline is currently in operation.DThe national symbol has become a familiar sight.
单选题The reference to the peppered moth in line 43 is used to ______.Aprovide an example of a species that has been shown to undergo macroevolutionBdemonstrate that many species have undergone the process of microevolutionCprove that all living things descended from a common ancestorDquestion the use of the fossil record to support DarwinismEhighlight the dangers to the environment of pollution from industrial complexes
单选题Why are elephants endangered?AThey are changing living habits.BThey are driven into thick forests.CTwo species of disease threaten their lives.DDemand from ivory market leads to their killing.