二级笔译 题目列表
单选题Statistics issued in New Jersey suggested that ______.Amany drivers were not of legal ageByoung drivers were often bad driversCthe level of drinking increased in the 1960sDthe legal drinking age should be raised

单选题Play being recognized as an important factor improving mental and physical health andthereby reducing human misery and poverty.ABy recognizing play asBTheir recognizing play asCRecognition of it beingDPlay is recognized as

单选题The words “its development” underlined in Paragraph 7 refer to the development of ______.Athe American nationBthe mail coachCroad buildingDthe postal service

单选题According to the passage, the sales tax is on all the following EXCEPT.AclothesBdesk padsCchildren shoesDportable computers

问答题Practice 1  在农业科技领域中,中国正逐年缩小与发达国家之间的差距。科技进步对中国农业的贡献比率从1949年的20%增加到42%。农业科技部门在生物科技、高新科技和基础研究、植物细胞与组织培养方面取得了巨大进步,其中花粉培养、单倍体繁殖及其应用研究方面已经达到世界先进水平。双线性杂交水稻、杂交玉米的繁殖和体现集约耕种的多谷物套种技术也达到或者接近世界先进水平。另外,在利用杂交豆类的优点方面,研究也取得了重要突破。自从1949年,中国农业科学家们已培养了40余种农作物,5000种高产、质优、抵抗力强的新品种和新混合作物。主要农作物的品种已历经四到五代新产品了。一般而言,一代新产品将会增产10%——30%。现在,农作物产量从1950年每公顷l.16吨增加到4. 0吨,增产了2.8倍。

单选题After the ______ exercises of prayer and song, the speaker of the day gave an address.AprejudicedBpreviousCprematureDpreliminary

单选题The phrase “out of sight and out of mind” underlined in Paragraph 3 probably means .Abeing unable to think properly for lack of insightBbeing totally out of touch with business at homeCmissing opportunities for promotion when abroadDleaving all care and worry behind

单选题From the passage, ______ are most likely to catch colds?Ainfant boysByoung girlsCteenage boysDelderly women

单选题Which of the following statements does NOT refer to smallpox?APrevious projects had failed.BPeople are no longer vaccinated for it.CThe World Health Organization mounted a worldwide campaign to eradicate the disease.DIt was a serious threat.

单选题According to the passage, which of the following is true?AIt is very difficult for the middle-aged to live in America.BAmerica is Kids Country because the majority of the American population is children.CKids Country was taking shape in America when immigrants poured into the country.DAmerica is more of Kids Country than any other countries in the world.

单选题Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AThe models of the online fashion stores were not suitable.BSome online fashion stores still make profits.CThere are online stores in Italy that make money.DSweden’s online stores are doing well by discount.

单选题Which of the following is true according to the passage?ADoctors have found effective ways to treat social-anxiety disorder.BDirect contact with the thing the patients fear proves wrong.CMedicine alone is impotent in controlling phobias.DVirtual fear is helpful in treating phobias.

单选题Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of what conceivesreality.Awhat it is conceivedBthat is conceivedCwhat is conceived to beDthat is being conceived of

单选题A work might be made of widely diverse and even discordant elements.AdissimilarBunappealingCunreliableDdistinctive

问答题Practice 2舞狮  咚咚锵!咚咚锵(Dong dong dong clang)!这喧闹的锣鼓声,不仅出现在中国新年的欢庆中,并还常出现于其他节日中的舞狮表演。虽然许多传统的中国习俗在现代社会中已逐渐失去它的魅力,不过舞狮在中国仍旧是最受欢迎的一种艺术表演,尤其是在吉庆的场合。  它之所以受欢迎,主要是因为表演者惊险的动作,及复杂困难的技巧。他们的杂技功夫每每只要一登场,便会吸引许多好奇的观众和看得懂门道的行家们。然而年轻的表演者要想在大众面前展示才艺之前,需要大约两年的训练才能学得所有的技巧。舞狮表演者的动作必须和他的伙伴协调一致。在艳丽的狮子服饰之中,一个人必须操控狮头,而另一个人必须控制尾巴。这样的团队表演,需要伙伴之间的默契配合。