单选题The instantaneous reduction in voltage of an AC generator, resulting from an increase in load, and prior to the automatic voltage regulator correcting the situation, is called voltage ().AdroopBdropCdipDregulation

The instantaneous reduction in voltage of an AC generator, resulting from an increase in load, and prior to the automatic voltage regulator correcting the situation, is called voltage ().









解析: 暂无解析


( ) can provide an asynchronous link between two ac electric power system with different nominal frequencies. A.The HVDC (high voltage DC) transmissionB.The EHV (extra-high voltage) AC transmissionC.The AC distributionD.Generators

The generator voltages are usually stepped up to the transmission voltage level by ( ). A.series capacitorB.parallel reactorsC.step-up transformersD.step-down transformers

Overspeed of the diesel engine driving an electric generator could cause ______.A.low voltage tripB.reverse power tripC.damage to windingsD.excessive exhaust temperatures

The output voltage of a 440 volt, 60 hertz, AC generator is controlled by theA.prime mover speedB.exciter output voltageC.load on the alternatorD.number of poles

The frequency of an AC generator is controlled by theA.rheostatB.governorC.exciterD.capacitor

The frequency of an AC generator is controlled by the ___.A.rheostatB.governorC.exciterD.capacitor

单选题The purpose of DC generator brushes is to ().Aneutralize armature reactionBconduct electric current to an outside circuitCconvert DC current to AC currentDprovide excitation to a DC generator

单选题A DC generator is used to supply direct current in order to maintain an AC generator field and is known as a/an ()ArotorBstatorCexciterDarmature

单选题Which of the listed items will stop a motor due to a reduction in voltage and restart it when the voltage is restored to normal?()ALow voltage protection circuitBNon-renewable link fuseCRenewable link fuseDLow voltage release circuit

单选题The voltage output of an AC generator is controlled by()Avarying the DC exciter voltageBvarying the reluctance of the air gapCregulating the speed of the prime moverDshorting out part of the armature windings

单选题The instantaneous reduction in voltage of an AC generator, resulting from an increase in load, and prior to the automatic voltage regulator correcting the situation, is called voltage ().AdroopBdropCdipDregulation

单选题The power factor of an AC generator operating singularly is determined by the ()Aconnected loadBprime mover speedCfield excitationDgenerators rated voltage

单选题When securing an AC generator, you should FIRST ().Aopen the generator circuit breakerBswitch the voltage regulator to “manual”Cdecrease the field excitation to minimumDreduce the load on the unit

单选题AC voltmeters are generally calibrated to read the ()Ainstantaneous voltageBaverage voltageCRMS voltageDpeak voltage

单选题The frequency of an AC generator is controlled by the ()ArheostatBgovernorCexciterDcapacitor

单选题Self-excited a-cgenerator with "error operated" voltage control systems draw the full excitation power for the machine terminalsThis dispenses with the current transformers, reactors and capacitors necessary for accurate compounding, but renders the excitation system vulnerable to variations in its output voltageWhich of the following is correct about the generator mentioned according to the sentences above ().AIt consumes no excitation powerBIt has current transformersCComponents are needed for accurate compoundingDIts excitation system is vulnerable to voltage variations

单选题Prior to starting an AC generator prime mover, the voltage regulator cutout switch should be placed in the ()Amanual positionBbus neutral positionCraise voltage positionDtransfer position

单选题The alternating current generator supplying a load has a voltage drop resulted from the loadWhen the load has a lagging power factor this voltage drop ().Ais smallBmay be neglectedCis usefulDis considerable

单选题The purpose of the commutator and brushes on a DC generator is to()Achange AC to DCcurrentBchange DC to AC currentCneutralize a armature reactionDcarry current to the outside circuit

单选题The output voltage of a 440 volt, 60 hertz, AC generator is controlled by the ().Aprime mover speedBexciter output voltageCload on the alternatorDnumber of poles

单选题The most inefficient method of voltage reduction from the stand point of power loss, is a/an ()Acapacitor in series with the loadBinductor in series with the loadCcapacitor and inductor in series with the loadDresistor in series with the load

单选题A diesel generator has just been paralleled with an AC turbo-generator, but the load can not be properly divided.This could be caused by()Aan incorrect diesel generator governor speed droop adjustmentBa faulty reverse power relay within the main circuit breaker assemblyCunsynchronized isochronous load distribution adjustmentsDa different speed setting on each unit

单选题The initial voltage of self-excitation generator set up by()Aresidual magnetismBvoltage regulatorCelectrical current for excitationDthe other running generator

单选题The overspeeding of the diesel engine driving an electric generator could cause ().Alow voltage trip to tripBreverse power trip to tripCdamage to windingsDexcessive exhaust temperatures

单选题Overspeed of the diesel engine driving an electric generator could cause().Alow voltage tripBreverse power tripCdamage to windingsDexcessive exhaust temperatures

单选题The number of cycles per second occurring in AC voltage is known as the ()Aphase angleBfrequencyCwave formDhalf mode

单选题When paralleling two AC generators, the frequency of the machine coming on-line, immediately prior to closing its breaker, should be ()Aslightly less than the oncoming generator frequencyBthe same as the bus frequencyCslightly greater than the bus frequencyDthe same as the bus voltage

单选题The voltage developed by an AC generator is controlled by varying the ()Aspeed of the prime moverBAC excitation to the fieldCDC excitation to the fieldDDC excitation of the voltage regulator