











Graphical displays of accumulated cost and labor hours, plotted as a function of time, are called:A.Variance reportsB.S curvesC.Trend analysisD.Earned value reportingE.Baseline control

A comparison of completion status to baseline is referred to as _____.A.Earned value measurement.B.Percent complete.C.ACWP.D.BCWSE.None of above.

The ability to achieve cost savings is inversely proportional to _____.A.the earned value achieved to dateB.the estimated costs to completeC.empowerment to the P.M.D.productivityE.None of the above.

24 A comparison of completion status to baseline is referred to as _____.A. Earned value measurement.B. Percent complete.C. ACWP.D. BCWSE. None of above

46 Graphical displays of accumulated cost and labor hours, plotted as a function of time, are called: A. Variance reportsB. S curvesC. Trend analysisD. Earned value reportingE. Baseline control

Believe it or not, no bread eaten by us is as sweet as _______ earned by our own labor. A.oneB.thatC.suchD.what

(ii) Briefly discuss TWO factors which could reduce the rate of return earned by the investment as per theresults in part (a). (4 marks)

Mrs.White couldn’t present at the meeting this afternoon because she ( ) the flu.A.obtainedB.caughtC.gainedD.receive

I _____a letter when she ____. A.write, callsB. wrote, calledC.was writing, callsD. was writing, called

The master's degree can normally be earned in ______ year by students holding a bachelor's degree in the field of study. A.oneB.twoC.threeD.four

This place has earned itself quite a ( ) for developing a green economy. A、reputationB、labelC、titleD、brand

Examine the data from the EMP table:The COMMISSION column shows the monthly commission earned by the employee.Which three tasks would require subqueries or joins in order to perform in a single step?()A. Deleting the records of employees who do not earn commission.B. Increasing the commission of employee 3 by the average commission earned in department 20.C. Finding the number of employees who do NOT earn commission and are working for department 20.D. Inserting into the table a new employee 10 who works for department 20 and earns a commission that is equal to the commission earned by employee 3.E. Creating a table called COMMISSION that has the same structure and data as the columns EMP_ID and COMMISSIONS of the EMP table.F. Decreasing the commission by 150 for the employees who are working in department 30 and earning a commission of more then 800.

A) vettedB) calledC) connected withD) contacted with

is ameasurable,verifiable work poduct such as specification.Feasibility study report,detail document,or working prototype.A.DeliverableB.Project charterC.Earned valueD.Milestone

Pilot Station,this is Chinese ship Jinsha________Over.A.callsB.calledC.callingD.call

He inspired many young people to take up sports.A:allowedB:calledC:advisedD:encouraged

()is the Budgeted amount for the work actually completed on the schedule activity or WBS component during a given period。 A.Planned valueB.Actual costC.Earned valueD.Cost variance

Mary has derived a good deal of benefit from her job.A:obtained B:accepted C:bribed D:produced

Jimmy‘s mother went out because________.A.she waited for hoursB.nobody calledC.she had to buy some breadD.she had to buy some milk

()is the budgeted amount for the work actually completed on the schedule activity or WBS component during a giving time period.A、PlannedvalueB、Earned valueC、ActualcostD、Costvariance

单选题I Should notice of acceptance of the Vessel’s classification records and of the Vessel not be received by the Sellers,the deposit together with interest earned shall be released immediately to the (),whereafter this Agreement shall be null and void.ABuyersBSellersCeither the Buyers or the SellersDneither the Buyers no the Sellers

单选题Who should consult page 78 of the directions?AThose who worked for an employer during 2006BThose who expect to receive a refund from the governmentCThose who did not have enough tax withheld from their payDThose who are not sure how much they earned in 2006

单选题It is certain that no food is as good as ______ earned by one’s own labor, whether physical or mental.AsuchBthatCwhatDone

单选题A student can rent a locker in the library if he _____.Acan afford the rental feeBattends certain coursedChas nowhere to put his booksDhas earned the required credits

单选题Should the Vessel become an actual,constructive or compromised()before delivery the deposit together with interest earned shall be released immediately to the Buyers whereafter this Agreement shall be null and void.Aentirely damagedBprejudiceCtotal lossDinjury

单选题He made a promise ____ he earned money, he would build a new school to help develop education.AwhatBthatCthat ifDwhat if

单选题Since his works earned him quite a reputation in Liverpool, he has stayed there most of his life, ________the visit to his hometown by chance.Aapart fromBinstead ofCthanks toDas for

单选题Lord Jim _____ a private school five years ago with the money he earned through hard work.AfindsBfoundCfoundsDfounded