Mrs.White couldn’t present at the meeting this afternoon because she ( ) the flu.A.obtainedB.caughtC.gainedD.receive

Mrs.White couldn’t present at the meeting this afternoon because she ( ) the flu.






The manufacturers _____ carried out one of the Chairman's proposals, but they didn't. A.must haveB.couldn't haveC.ought to haveD.shouldn't have

When the little girl saw her mother out, she() . A. can’ t help cryB. can’ t help cryingC. couldn’ t help cryD. couldn’ t help crying

I_______ have watched that movie —it’ll give me horrible dreams.A. shouldn’tB. needn’tC. couldn’tD. mustn’t

--Your phone number again? I _______ quite catch it. A.don'tB.can'tC.couldn'tD.didn't

“Must I return the book to the library in a week?”“No, you.”()A. couldn’tB. mustn’tC. needn’tD. won’t

您正在测试一个组件,该组件对Meeting 类实例进行序列化处理,以使它们能够保存到文件系统。Meeting具有如下定义:public class Meeting {private string title;public int roomNumber;public string[] invitees;public Interview(){}public Interview (string t){title = t;} }组件包含一个带有以下代码段的过程Meeting myMeeting = new Meeting(Objectives);myMeeting.roomNumber=20;string[] attendees = new string[2]{Amy, Ally};myMeeting.invitees = attendees;XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Meeting));StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(@C:\Meeting.xml);xs.Serialize(writer, myMeeting);writer.Close();/您需要确定作为运行此过程的结果写入C:\Meeting.xml 文件的XML 块。哪个XML 块代表将写入C:\Meeting.xml 文件的内容?()A.B.C.D.


To order tickets for 20080lympic Games,just call 952008.It__________be simpler.A.mustB.couldC.mustn’tD.couldn,t

There′s plenty of time,so you__________worry about it.A.needn'tB.couldn'tC.mustn'tD.wouldn't
