单选题The varieties of the skills mentioned here as the proofs cover following EXCEPT _____.Alogical reasoningBgrammarCsense of humorDself assessment

The varieties of the skills mentioned here as the proofs cover following EXCEPT _____.

logical reasoning




sense of humor


self assessment




下列有关SARS病原学检查的叙述,错误的是( )A、血清SARS-CoV抗体由阴性转变为阳性提示为近期感染B、急性期到恢复期血清SARS-CoV抗体滴度升高4倍及以上,提示为近期感染C、SARS-CoV PCR测定结果阴性可除外SARSD、SARS-CoV PCR测定结果阳性可确诊SARSE、SARS-CoV分离培养阳性结果可确诊SARS

AU of the following adaptations of living things are mentioned in the passage except that in their______.A. structureB. ways to develop the survival skills of the youngC. production of the youngD. working system of the body

Register is a term widely used in sociolinguistics to refer to varieties according to use.()

SARS-CoV和MERS-CoV和下列哪种动物携带的病毒亲缘关系最近?() A、果子狸B、雪貂C、猴类等灵长类动物D、蝙蝠

SARS具有早期诊断意义的是 A、血常规B、SARS-CoV血清特异性抗体检测C、胸部X线片D、胸部CTE、SARS-CoV RNA检测

Another person’s face can be referred to directly and generously(慷慨地) promoted(促进). Take note(注意), though: the Confucian hierarchies(儒家的等级制度)play an important role here. If you are in the superior(级别、地位较高的)role (boss, teacher, father, customer, etc.), it gives face for you to praise your subordinates(级别、职位较低者). If you are in the inferior (级别、地位较低的)role (employee, student, salesman, etc.), your attempt to (试图)give face by praising your superior may label you a ‘poseur’ (装腔作势的人)(not aware of your own level). Alternatively(或者), praising your superior is understood as intending to curry favor (赢取好感、拍马屁). The Chinese have two colorful expressions(富有趣味的表达)describing this. A gen pi chong(跟屁虫)is a fart-following insect (‘brown noser’ in the West) who likes to pai ma pi(拍马屁)or ‘stroke the horse’s ass’. Face can be given to superior by letting them instruct you or give you face in front of others. They gain face by giving face, you gain face by retreating(退让).Confucian hierarchies of face are no more evident(显而易见的)than in the definition of family structure(家庭结构)through language. Every familiar relationship extending out in several branches carries a distinct (明显的、确切的) term. For example, older brother (gege) and younger brother (didi) are separate terms. Paternal grandmother(父亲的母亲)(zumu) and maternal grandmother(母亲的母亲)(wai zumu, literally (字面意思) ‘outside grandmother’) carry a distinct difference in tone(语气)and apparent class(显而易见的等级). The terms for ‘Mister’ is mot telling: xiansheng means ‘firstborn’ (as in first-born male heir), a person with whom the hope and future of the family resides(存在). In contrast(相对而言), the term for ‘Miss’ is xiaojie, which means ‘little big sister.’ If you are speaking English to your Chinese counterparts, you will not need to memorize all the different relations. However, you’ll need to remember how you fit into the hierarchy of face in each particular conversation in Chinese.In conclusion, one gains face by understanding the role one is in and what actions are appropriate(适宜的)to that role to maintain harmony(保持和谐).1. Why is Confucian hierarchy mentioned here?()A.It is mentioned here because it plays an important role in moral education.B.It is mentioned here because it is an important part of the Chinese face.C.It is mentioned here for both reasons stated in A and B.D.It is mentioned here for some reasons other than those stated in A or B.2. As a superior you give face ________.A.by praising your subordinatesB.by understanding your role in the hierarchyC.by gaining face through praising your subordinatesD.by instructing your subordinates3.As a subordinate you give face ________.A.by gaining face through praising your superiorB.by instructing your superiorC.by praising your superiorD.by letting your superior to give you face4.Why is Chinese family structure mentioned here?()A.It is mentioned here because it plays an important role in moral education.B.It is mentioned here because it shows Confucian hierarchies of face.C.It is mentioned here for both reasons stated in A and B.D.It is mentioned here for some reasons other than those stated in A or B.5.According to the author, how are face and harmony related?()A.One gives face by understanding what harmony is.B.One gives face by understanding what actions are appropriate to maintain harmony.C.One gains face by understanding the role he is in and act to maintain harmony.D.One gains face by understanding what harmony is.

it is important to develop listening skills together with other skills, especially _________. A、listeningB、writingC、speakingD、reading

有关SAR9病原学检查的叙述,错误的是A.血清SARS.CoV抗体由阴性转变为阳性提示为近期感染B.急性期到恢复期血清SARS.CoV抗体滴度升高4倍及以上,提示为近期感染C.SARS—CoV PCR测定结果阴性可除外SARSD.SARS—CoVPCR测定结果阳性可确诊SARSE.SARS—CoV分离培养阳性结果可确诊SARS

New curriculum promotes the three-dimensional teaching objective which includes__________.A.knowledge, skills and methodsB.emotional attitude and valuesC.knowledge, skills and emotionD.knowledge and skills; process and methods; emotional attitude and values

下列有关SARS病原学检查的叙述,错误的是( )A.血清SARS-CoV抗体由阴性转变为阳性提示为近期感染B.急性期到恢复期血清SARS-CoV抗体滴度升高4倍及以上,提示为近期感染C.SARS-CoV PCR测定结果阴性可除外SARSD.SARS-CoV PCR测定结果阳性可确诊SARSE.SARS-CoV分离培养阳性结果可确诊SARS

资料:Workforce planning helps an organization to estimate its future workforce requirements and calculate the numbers, nature and sources of potential employees who might meet that demand.Effective workforce planning helps companies identify and plan how to tackle their current and future workforce challenges and priorities. It provides a sound basis for developing an effective workforce strategy.An easy way of thinking about workforce planning it to get the right number of people, with the right skills, in the right place, at the right time. For our company, the right people will be those with relevant skills and capabilities to drive the company forward this year, next year and future years. Our company then provides training and development opportunities that enable people to enhance their skill sets and build their careers. This gives the company the continued benefit of experienced,committed and well-trained employees.Like other established companies,we may have a large number of long-standing employees with vast skills and experience. However, as people retire, it needs to replace those skills. Careful monitoring is essential to examine the age and skills profile of the workforce when compared with present and future company needs. This ensures the business can meet its objective.How does the company deal with its retired employees?A.it offers them regular training.B.it provides them with insurance.C.both A and B.D.not mentioned.

已知随机变χ与Y有相同的不为零的方差,则χ与Y相关系数ρ=1的充要条件是( )。 A、Cov(χ+y,χ)=0B、Cov(χ+Y,Y,)=0C、Cov(χ+y、χ-y):0 D、Cov(χ-Y,χ)=0

已知随机变量x与y有相同的不为0的方差,则X与Y,的相关系数ρ=1的充要条件是( )A.Cov(X+y.X)=0B.Cov(X+Y,y)=0C.Cov(X+Y,X-Y)=0D.Cov(X-Y,X)=0

根据Grabiner的理论,在数学和哲学方面,从见解到知识是依靠()。   A、why B、answer C、proofs D、how

性别变体(gender varieties)




语域变体(register varieties)


单选题有关SARS病原学检查错误的是(  )。A血清SARS-CoV抗体由阴性转变为阳性提示为近期感染BSARS-CoV PCR测定结果阳性可确诊SARSCSARS-CoV PCR测定结果阴性可除外SARSDSARS-CoV分离培养阳性结果可确诊SARSE急性期到恢复期血清SARS-CoV抗体滴度升高4倍及以上,提示为近期感染

名词解释题性别变体(gender varieties)

单选题要使E[Y-(aX+b)]2达到最小,则常数a=(  )。b=(  )。Aa=Cov(X,Y)/D(X);b=E(Y)-[E(X)Cov(X,Y)/D(X)D(Y)]Ba=Cov(X,Y)/D(X);b=E(Y)-[E(X)Cov(X,Y)/D(X)]Ca=Cov(X,Y);b=E(Y)-[E(X)Cov(X,Y)/D(X)]Da=Cov(X,Y);b=E(Y)-[E(X)Cov(X,Y)/D(X)D(Y)]

单选题New curriculum promotes the three-dimensional teaching objectives which include _____.Aknowledge, skills and methodsBemotional, attitude and valuesCknowledge, skills and emotionDknowledge and skills, process and methods, emotional attitudes and values

单选题Which of the following is the best version of the underlined portion of sentence 15 (reproduced below)?Also, very few young adults really think about what kinds of qualifications and skills the candidates might or might not have they just pick the one whom their parents or their friends like.A(as it is now)Bthe qualifications and skills of the candi- dates, but insteadCwhat kinds of qualifications and skills the candidates might have, they insteadDthe qualifications and skills of the candi- dates, theyEwhat are the qualifications and skills of the candidates, they instead

名词解释题语域变体(register varieties)

填空题()refers to varieties of language defined by their topic and context of use.