单选题_____AhusbandsBothersCmenDother women








other women





单选题We think it possible _____ the local government will be able to solve the housing problem.AforBthatCwhenDhow


单选题I remember _____ to the zoo by my father when I was little.Abeing takenBtakingChave been takenDto have taken


单选题We did a marketing study for yellow telephone boxes and found the _____ too strong.AresistanceBcontradictionCassistanceDevolution

问答题Practice 10  (1) Advertisement can be thought of “as the making known in order to buy or sell goods or services.” Advertisement aims to increase people’s awareness and arouse interest. It tries to inform and to persuade. (2) There can be no doubt that the growth in advertisement is one of the most striking features of the western world in this century.



单选题Advertisement is mainly paid for by _____.Athe customerBthe producerCincreased salesDreduced prices

单选题A person _____ is more likely to become a genius.Awhose parents are cleverBoften thinking about difficult problemsCoften helped by his parents and teachersDborn with a good brain and putting it to active use

单选题It is _____ he is determined.Abuying a new car thatBto buy a new car thatCto buy a new car whatDbuying a new car which

问答题练习2  The 2011 is a historic moment in Chinese urbanization process, when the urban population surpassed the rural population for the first time. During the next 20 years, it is estimated that about 350 million rural population will move to cities. Such large-scale of urbanization is both a challenge and an opportunity to the urban traffic. The Chinese government has always been advocating “people-oriented” developing concept, emphasizing that people should travel by buses instead of by private cars. It also calls for the construction of “resource saving and environment friendly” society. With this explicit goal, China can have a better-planned urbanization process, and therefore divert more investment to the development of safe, clean and economical transportation system.

单选题It is worthwhile to study the various ways in which Shakespeare used English because _____.AEnglish words have changed a lot since Shakespeare’s timeBby doing so one can be fully aware of the richness of the English languageCEnglish words are now being used in the same way as in Shakespeare’s daysDof none of the above

单选题_____Aher heartBherselfCher positionDher husband

单选题What is the most important service of trees to man according to the passage?AThey help him make money.BThey give him wood and other products.CThey help him prevent droughts and floods.DThey give him shade.

单选题_____ the watch been repaired yet? I badly need it.ADoesBHasCIsDAre



单选题His decision was _____, since he could not see the action from where he was standing.AarbitraryBordinaryCcasualDaccurate

单选题_____ no gravity, there would be no air around the earth.AWere thereBThere wereCWas thereDThere be


单选题According to this passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?ACompany workers started to dress down about twenty years ago.BDress-down has become an everyday phenomenon since the early l990s.C“Dress-down Friday” was first given as a favor from employers.DMany workers want to wear casual clothes to impress people.

单选题I’ll tell you _____ he told me last week.Aall whichBall whatCthat allDall

单选题It is because she is very devoted to her students _____ she is respected by them.AthatBwhichCwhatDwho

单选题Many people are still in _____ habit of writing silly things in _____ public places.Athe; theB/; /Cthe; /D/; the


单选题—What _____ the population of China?—One third of population _____ workers here.Ais; areBare; areCis; isDare; is