











---- I’m sorry I can’t help you----- ___________.A. Not at all. B. It doesn’t matterC. Thank you all the same D. I’m sorry to hear that

IBM给出的电子商务形象公式是() A.EB=Web+BusinessB.EC=Information+BusinessC.EB=Web+IT+BusinessD.EB=Information+Web+Business

______ hard he tried, he could not lift it. A.WhateverB.No matterC.HoweverD.Although

― Where have you been lately? ― _________________. A.I’ve been to Shanghai on businessB.I’ve a lot of work to doC.Everything is fineD.Yes, I haven’t seen you either

Hedoesnothaveany__. A.businessB.commitmentsC.thingsD.businesses

He is unable to go to work _______ the fall from his bike. A. as a resultB. as a matterC. as a result ofD. as a matter of

Beast: She's no longer your (). 她已经跟你再也没关系了。 A、concernB、matterC、relationD、friend

The term "inventory" indicates () A. merchandise held for sale in the normal course of businessB. materials in the process of production or held for productionC. suppliesD. both A and B

According to Paragraph 3,who is the final victim of spam? 【 】A. The businessB. The advertiserC.The employeeD.The consumer

一I’m sorry.That wasn’t of much help.一Oh,_______.As a matter of fact,it was most helpful.A.sure it wasB.it doesn’t matterC.of course notD.thanks anyway

What would be the best title for the text?A. Misconceptions in BusinessB. Basic Beliefs in BusinessC. International Business CultureD. Successful International Business

-- Could I use your dictionary for a while?-- _____.A. It's wellB. It doesn't matterC. By all meansD. I have no idea

—Can I borrow your camera for a week? —__________________. A.Yes,you can borrowB.Sure,here you areD.It doesn’t matterC.Yes,bring it with you

Helen was seriously injured in a car ______. A.incidentB.matterC.eventD.accident

()是指利用先进的电子技术所进行的商务活动。 A.E-BusinessB.E-bankingC.E-financean DinvestmentD.E-Insurance

He asked who I voted for and I said it was my own ( ).A.thingB.matterC.dutyD.business

– I heard your motorcar was stolen.– ( ).A. I'm sorry to hear thatB. It doesn't matterC. Everybody knew it except youD. Mine wasn't but Bill's was

– Hey, Barbara. You look so pale.– ( ).A. I'm just getting over the fluB. It doesn't matterC. You didn't sleep well last nightD. I'm sorry to hear that

18.A.IfB.No matterC.AlthoughD.As

Are you feeling all right today? Not really.()A、Oh, I seeB、It doesn't matterC、You'd better be happyD、I am sorry to hear that

If A small business customer required mobility to be delivered via multiple access points, which wireless portfolio of solutions would be the best choice?.()A、small businessB、smallmultiproC、aironetD、small business pro

广义上的电子商务的英文名是()。A、Electronic BusinessB、Electronic CommerceC、Extranet BusinessD、Extranet Commerce

If A small business customer required mobility to be delivered viA multiple access points, which wireless portfolio of solutions would be the best choice?()A、small businessB、small multiproC、aironetD、small business pro

填空题In what area does he lack experience?He has no experience in ____.

单选题58 A experience B aim C reason D causeAABBCCDD

单选题The author’s experience shows that he was _____.AcreativeBambitiousCunrealisticDirrational

单选题_____AHe has a lot of experience.BHe appears to be a bit too quiet.CHe is nice-looking.DHe lacks experience.

单选题The author advises the college student to ______.Abe contemptuous to the craftsmanBbe patient in helping the craftsman with scientific termsClearn the craftsman’s experience by judging it carefullyDgain the craftsman’s experience without rejection