从A、B、C 3个选项中选出1个能填入所给句子空白处的最佳答案。
1. —Why do you like Mary?
—Because she is honest girl.
A. a B. an C. the
1.这项行农村建设的重点工程进展顺利,( )5月下旬,已完成年计划的70%。
A. 截至 B.截止 C.估计 D.预计
21. 1 4 16 49 121 ()
A.256 B .225 C. 196 D.169
1.能够使钢材的强度、硬度提高,而塑性、韧性不显著降低的化学元素为( )。
A.碳来源:建设工 程教 育网
1.内部控制的实质是( ).
2022年北京门头沟中考英语试题第一部分本部分共33题,共40分。在每题列出的四个选项中,选出最符合题目要求的一项。一、单项填空(每题0.5分,共6分)从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. My sister is only six, but _ can already help with some housework.A. heB. sheC. itD. theyB2. We have history class _ three oclock every Friday afternoon.A. atB. onC. inD. toA3. _ I take photos here?Sorry, you cant. Its not allowed in the museum.AMustB. NeedC. CanD. WillC4. After taking tennis classes, Tim is much _ than last year.A. strongB. strongerC. strongestD. the strongestB5. _ will Liu Yang stay in the ce station this time?For six months.A. How longB. How oftenC. How muchD. How soonA6. Mr. Smith has helped me a lot, _ Im thankful to him.A. orB. butC. forD. soD7. The workers _ the community center now.A. cleanedB. were cleaningC. will cleanD. are cleaningD8. Dont lose heart. If you keep working hard, you _ some day.A. will succeedB. succeedC. succeededD. have succeededA9. I _ about my sister when my phone rang. It was her!A. thinkB. will thinkC. was thinkingD. am thinkingC10. Jim _ a lot about Chinese culture since he began to study in our school.A. learnsB. learnedC. will learnD. has learnedD11. On our farm, the tea leaves _ by hand when they are ready.A. pickB. pickedC. are pickedD. were pickedC12. Do you know _ the new national park?Yes, I do. To protect wildlife and benefit the local people.A. why did China set upB. why China set upC. when did China set upD. when China set upB二、完形填空(每题1分,共8分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。Our Christmas GooseOn a cold morning that December, my brother Rick and I were sent to Uncle Tommies on the other side of Little Mountain to get a goose for Christmas dinner. This long journey over the mountain was hard but worth it.That morning, dark clouds were coming together overhead. I knew it was going to snow on the _13_.When we arrived, Uncle Tommie was already waiting for us. “Boys, Im not _14_ you off,” he said, “but the wind is picking up. Youd better get the goose and head for home soon.”After a quick thank-you and goodbye I took the goose and we left. Halfway up the mountain, it began to snow heavily. I held the goose _15_ to me.By the time we reached the top of the mountain. it showed more heavily. And the wind seemed to blow straight through my coat. I stepped in front of Rick. “You must be cold. Open your coat!”“Are you crazy?” Rick asked. “Ill lose what little warmth I have!” When he saw I was _16_, he slowly opened his coat.I placed the warm goose inside his coat. Rick sighed happily (舒了口气). My plan was _17_ .On the way down, I started to shiver (发抖). Rick said. “Dave. its your turn now.”He passed me the goose. For a long moment, I just stood and _18_ my freezing(冰冷的) hands on his body. We passed the goose back and forth (来回地) between us all the way. Finally, We got home.Sitting at the table, we explained how the goose kept us from freezing. “We cant have him for dinner! This goose helped _19_ our lives,” I said.Later, we named the goose Charley and he lived out his life in the yard, bossing around the chickens and another goose we bought to keep him company. A life as the most important bird was fitting for our _20_.13. A. mountainB. islandC. lakeD. beach14. A. payingB. rushingC. showingD. calling15. A. lightlyB. secretlyC. highD. close16. A. frightenedB. regretfulC. seriousD. surprised17. A. workingB. continuingC. improvingD. changing18. A. raisedB. driedC. warmedD. examined19. A. reB. saveC. treasureD. give20. A. leaderB. bossC. guideD. hero13. A14. B15. D16. C17. A18. C19. B20. D【13题详解】句意:我知道山上要下雪了。mountain山;island岛;lake湖;beach沙滩。根据前文“on the other side of Little Mountain”可知,是山上,故选A。【14题详解】句意:孩子们,我不是要赶你们走。paying付钱;rushing冲;showing展示;calling打电话。根据“but the wind is picking up. Youd better get the goose and head for home soon.”可知,风越来越大了,叔叔建议我们最好赶快带上鹅回家,但本意不是赶我们走,故选B。【15题详解】句意:我把鹅抱紧。goose.tosecretlygoose.toclosegoose.toaygoose.tountain, it began to snow heavily. I held the goose.to me.”可知,雪越下越大,把鹅抱紧取暖,故选D。【16题详解】句意:当他看到我是认真的,他慢慢地打开他的外套。frightened害怕的;regretful后悔的;serious严肃的,认真的;surprised惊讶的。联系上下文,下雪很冷,我让弟弟把衣服敞开,当他看到我是认真的,他才这样做,故选C。【17题详解】句意:我的计划奏效了。working工作,有效;continuing继续;improving提升;changing改变。根据“I placed the warm goose inside his coat. Rick sighed happily (舒了口气).”可知,鹅给了弟弟温暖,所以我的计划奏效了,故选A。【18题详解】句意:有很长一段时间,我只是站在他身上,用冻僵的手取暖。and.myand.myand.myand.myned检查。根据“I just stood and.my freezing(冰冷的) hands on his body”可知,用鹅给自己温暖,故选C。【19题详解】句意:这只鹅救了我们的命。helped.helped.surehelped.helped.t have him for dinner! This goose helped. our lives,”和上文内容可知,鹅使我们免于冻僵,所以是救了我们,故选B。【20题详解】句意:作为最重要的鸟是我们一生的英雄。leader领导;boss老板;guide导游;hero英雄。鹅救了
1.—How about camping this weekend, just for a change?
—OK, you want.
第一节 语法和词汇知识(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
1. —Here’s your change.
A. Thank you.
B. Don’t mention it.
C. No problem
D. With pleasure.
21. __at my classmates' faces, I read the same excitement in their eyes.
A. Looking
B. Look
C. To look
D. Looked
- 刘先生是某广告公司设计部的主管,他发现手下员工的士气普遍比较低落,工作业绩也一直没有起色。刘先生在员工中进行了调查,结果发现员工普遍感觉工作内容十分枯燥,每天只能按部就班地完成上面分配下来的工作,缺乏成就感.针对这种情况,为了调动员工的积极性,刘先生决定在设计部每月评选一名工作出色的员工,并给予重奖;但是这项措施实行一段时间之后,情况没有任何改观;有员工表示,每月优秀员工的评选缺乏客观的指标,无法反映个人的真实工作情况。 根据赫兹伯格的双因素理论,设计部员工所关注的是( )。 A。保健因素 B.激励因素 C。工资因素 D.安全因素
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- 设有容积为10m”的无盖圆柱形桶,其底用铜制,侧壁用铁制。已知铜价为铁价的5倍,试建立做此桶所需费用与桶的底面半径r 之间的函数关系?
- 根据弗罗姆的期望理论,员工对一旦完成任务就可以获得报酬的信念称为( )。 A。效价 B。期望 C.工具 D.动机
- 对贷款逾期期间不能按期归还的利息,按规定计收复利。
- 把自己自身的感觉强加于对方是哪种自我防御机制( )。A.合理化B.升华作用C.投射D.转移
- 小张毕业后进入了一家广告公司,凭着过硬的专业素质和不懈的努力很快成为公司的业务骨干,并被提拔为部门经理。但让公司领导略感意外的是,小张升为主管后虽然依然工作勤恳,但他所管理的部门的整体业绩反而较先前有所下降。通过私下询问,员工们普遍反映小张对下属缺乏适当的管理和激励,他似乎并不关心下属的工作绩效问题。问题一:从小张的表现可以看出,他具有较高的( )。 A.亲和需要 B.安全需要 C。权力需要 D.成就需要问题二:具有小张这种较高需要的入,通常有以下特点( )。 A.责任感较弱 B。希望别人顺从自己的意志 C。喜欢得到及时的反馈情况 D.经常选择做有适度风险的工作问题三:根据麦克里兰提出的需要理论,亲和需求高的人常常( )。A。不易受他人影响 B。在组织中充当管理者的角色 C。看重能否被他人接受 D.喜欢能体现其地位的场合
- 中国武装力量是由人民解放军、武装警察部队和()组成。A. 基干B. 普通民兵C. 民兵D. 后备部队
- 根据马斯洛的需要层次理论,获得友好和睦的同事关系的需要属于( )。A。生理需要 B.安全需要 C。归属和爱的需要 D。尊重的需要