- A、如考生没有中文姓名,可以不填写
- B、应使用2B铅笔填涂,否则会影响成绩
- C、考生序号应填涂准考证号的最后5位
- D、考点代码可选择不填涂
- A、考生未经监考员同意,在考试过程中擅自离开考场。
- B、考生将试卷、答题卡、草稿纸等考试用纸带出考场。
- C、考生用规定以外的笔或者纸答题,或者在答题卡规定以外的地方书写姓名、准考证号。
- D、考生在答题卡上填写与本人身份不符的姓名和准考证号等信息。
- A、检查试卷、答题卡袋上封面填写内容是否准确
- B、缺考考生条形码粘贴区域(位置)是否正确
- C、检查封条及监考物品是否齐全、《考场情况记录表》的内容和相关材料
- D、检查《考场情况记录表》、答题卡袋考场条形码是否按规定粘贴
- E、检查清点试卷、答题卡份数(30),是从小号到大号理顺
- F、缺考空考卷卡是否按规定收齐全
- A、《考场情况记录表》
- B、试卷袋
- C、答题卡袋
- D、答题卡
- A、考生忘记携带或遗失准考证、居民身份证
- B、发现考生本人与准考证、居民身份证或考场座次表的照片不符
- C、发现试卷或答题卡袋口或密封有异常迹象
- D、启封答题卡后,将答题卡袋内塞舌头裁断
- E、启封后,发现部分试卷或答题卡混装、错装
- F、考生向监考员报告,在答题卡上答错区域,或超出规定区域答题等。
2022-2023学年高考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考场号和座位号填写在试题卷和答题卡上。用2B铅笔将试卷类型(B)填涂在答题卡相应位置上。将条形码粘贴在答题卡右上角条形码粘贴处。2作答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。答案不能答在试题卷上。3非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答无效。4考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1When the girl did _ the courage to tell her parents what had happened, unfortunately her own family didnt believe her.Awork outBwork upCwork atDwork on2 How is the test that you took yesterday? Unfortunately, not even one of the hundred students who took the test _ passed.Ahas Bhave Care Dis3At the back of the old temple _ twelve huge stone statues together with _ pagoda.Adoes stand; a 8-storeyedBdo stand; a 8- storyCstands; an 8-storeyDstand; an 8- storied4- Do you think I should join the singing group, Mary?- _ If I were in your shoes, I certainly would.ANone of your business BIt depends.CWhy not? DI dont think so.5My teacher asked me to copy _ article _ second timeAan; the Ban; a Cthe; a Dthe; the6I appreciate _ the opportunity to work in your company two years ago.AgivingBto giveCbeing givenDto be given7Newly-built wooden cottages line the street,_ the old town into a dreamland.AturnedBturningCto turnDhaving turned8Our society would be better off but for the fact that the economy _ by the current global financial crisis.Ahad been affectedBwere affectedCshould be affectedDis affected9The police are offering _ reward of $50,000 for information leading to the arrest of _ murderer.Athe; theBa; aCthe; aDa; the10We the top of the mountain but for this awful weatherIt rained all dayAwill reachBwould reachChave reachedDwould have reached11The exchange student from Kenya often shares with us the news of his country and _of his neighbouring countries.AthoseBthatCitDthe one12He works very hard in order to get himself _ into a key university.AacceptedBreceivedCannouncedDadmitted13The news of the newly-elected presidents coming to China for a visit was _ on the radio just now.Agiven awayBgiven inCgiven offDgiven out14In my opinion,_ shouldnt be any doubt that China will become one of the most powerful countries in the near futureAthisBthatCitDthere15Sometimes we have to face embarrassing moments _ we can only keep silent.AwhoBwhichCwhenDwhy16 worries the public that air pollution is becoming more and more serious these days.AItBThatCWhatDThis17 How can I wake up so early?Set the alarm at 5:00 am., you will make it.AandBbutCorDso18Thanks to her determination and perseverance on the piano lesson, she has a _ grasp of the subject.AcomprehensiveBconfidentialCconservativeDcompulsory19-We want someone to design the new art museum for me.-_ the young fellow have a try?AShallBMayCWillDNeed20I have been decorating the apartment recently, so can you lend me some money?Sorry, all my money has gone to the stock market. _.AId rather not.BI am in the black.CI wouldnt bet on it.DI am a little shy.第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分) Fashions have a lot of rules. Most of them, however, are just wrong. But theres one rule that goes beyond tradition and into the field of scientific study of the brain: Black garments are slimming. It all comes down to how your visual system processes the light. The below holes in each square are the same in size, yet the white hole looks bigger than the black hole.In the 1500s, Galileo Galilei noticed that some of the planets looked larger when viewed with the naked eye (肉眼) than they did when viewed through a telescope, making the white light of Venus (金星) appear eight to ten times larger than Jupiter (木星) in the night sky. He knew something strange must be going on with his vision to cause this illusion, but he wasnt sure what it was. Luckily, scientists never stopped wondering, and in 2014, they figured it out.Our visual system operates via two main channels: “on” neurons (神经元) that are sensitive to light things and “off” neurons that are sensitive to dark things. When it came to the dark “off” neurons, the researchers found that they responded predictably to dark shapes on a light background the greater the contrast between the two, the more active these neurons were. But the light “on” neurons behaved unpredictably. Even with the same amount of contrast, light objects on a dark background caused a greater response in these neurons.This makes some sense, evolutionarily speaking. In the dark of night, youd want to be able to take in every bit of light you can get, so a
- A、将缺考考生的条形码粘贴在《考场情况记录表》上规定区域内
- B、用0.7黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡袋封面上填缺考准考证号及相关内容
- C、用0.7黑色墨水的签字笔在缺考答题卡上填写缺考考生姓名和准考证号
- D、用0.7黑色墨水的签字笔在《考场情况记录表》上规定区域填写缺考考生姓名和准考证号
- E、用0.7黑色墨水的签字笔分别在缺考考生试卷、答题卡和尾考场的空白试卷、空白答题卡左上角空白处注明“缺考”或“空白”字样
- F、用2B铅笔填涂缺考考生答题卡的缺考标记
- A、在答题卡右上角注明“缺考”字样
- B、在答题卡上填涂缺考标记
- C、在答题卡指定位置填写姓名、准考证号
- D、在答题卡指定位置粘贴准考证条形码
- E、在答题卡左上角注明“缺考”字样
- A、姓名
- B、座位号
- C、准考证号
- D、考籍号
- E、考生号
- A、分发草稿纸
- B、粘贴缺考考生条形码
- C、粘贴《考场情况记录表》的考场条形码
- D、粘贴已到考生条形码
- E、分发答题卡
- F、答题卡袋上考场条形码
- A、答题卡袋右上角的考场条形码
- B、《考场情况记录表》右上角的考场条形码
- C、试卷袋条码右上角的条形码
- D、缺考考生条形码
- E、实考考生条形码
- F、空考条形码
- 在高血压危险分层中,下列哪项不应列入()。A、男性55岁,女性65岁B、长期精神应激,高交感神经负荷C、吸烟、糖尿病、高脂血症D、左心室肥厚E、有脑卒中、主动脉夹层等并发症
- 垂体瘤目前最常用的分类方法是()A、按病理B、按肿瘤的大小C、按细胞的分泌功能D、按肿瘤的性质E、按电镜及亚微结构
- 与X线照片的密度、对比度、锐利度三者都有关系的是下面哪项()A、增感屏B、摄影时间C、管电流D、水洗E、摄影距离
- 新闻侵权
- 症见腹部胀痛,痞满拒按,胸闷不舒,烦渴引饮。大便秘结,或溏滞不爽,身热自汗,小便短赤。舌苔黄腻,脉滑数。证属()。A、寒邪内阻B、湿热壅滞C、气机郁滞D、饮食停滞E、瘀血阻滞
- 下列哪些情况可有P-R间期缩短()。A、交感神经兴奋B、室间隔缺损C、血管神经循环无力症D、心内膜缺血E、预激综合征
- 患者男性41岁,巨脾,诊断为脾功能亢进,拟行脾切除术。术前血常规检查:Hb50g/L,红细胞1.8×1012/L,白细胞3×109/L,血小板60×109/L,APTT35s,PT11s。如选连续硬膜外麻醉,下列哪项最正确()A、不宜复合镇痛镇静药B、加大局麻药的肾上腺素量C、用细穿刺针,避免反复多次穿刺D、不宜用酯类的局麻药E、用较低浓度的局麻药
- 按照是否发行股份可以将公司分为()。A、股份有限公司、有限责任公司B、股份有限公司和有限责任公司和国有独资公司C、有限公司和无限公司D、人合公司和资合公司
- 灸疮自行痊愈脱落,一般在灸后()。A、2-3周左右B、3-4周左右C、4-5周左右D、5-6周左右E、6-7周左右
- 还盘(Counter Offer)