单选题There is a drilling rig established()position 24.1E 25.2N.AatBonCinDabove

There is a drilling rig established()position 24.1E 25.2N.









解析: 暂无解析


grammar practice is usually divided into two categories, _______________. A. meaningful drilling and communicative drillingB. mechanical drilling and meaningful drillingC. mechanical practice and meaningful practiceD. meaningful practice and communicative practice

grammar pratice is usually dividied into two categories:_________________. A、mechanical drilling and meaningful drillingB、mechanical practice and meaningful practiceC、meaningful drilling and communcative drillingD、meaningful practice and communicative practice

How is a Martini Layer 2 MPLS VPN established?() A. established using LDPB. established using BGPC. established using RSVPD. established using IP

A mobile offshore drilling unit under tow is approaching a fog bank. When should fog signals be started?A.When the towing vessel enters the fogB.When the drilling rig enters the fogC.When the towing vessel can no longer be seen from the rigD.Immediately

A mobile offshore drilling unit will show the day-shape in DIAGRAM 10 to indicate that it is ______.A.at anchorB.being towedC.agroundD.drilling

A jack-up drilling rig being towed must ______.A.turn off all lights that interfere with the navigation lightsB.turn on all available working lights on deckC.ring the bell rapidly for five seconds once a minuteD.display two black diamonds in a vertical line during the day

When a marine surveyor is employed to assist in the move of a mobile offshore drilling unit,he ______.A.becomes responsible for the safe movement of the rigB.relieves the Offshore Installation Manager at the moment the rig is free from the bottomC.must be designated as the person in charge of the rigD.is a specialist who is hired to provide advice and guidance on aspects of the move

It is the responsibility of the person in charge to ______.A.revise the operating manual when rig personnel changeB.be fully aware of the provisions in the operating manualC.maintain the rig's construction portfolioD.All of the above

A heavy steel device that is set on the sea floor and used as a drilling template in offshore drilling operations is called a ______.A.temporary guide baseB.permanent guide baseC.guide frameD.foundation template

In weather report, POSITION GOOD means that ______.A.the position is suitableB.the position is reliableC.the position is changeableD.the position is fixable

把引航员梯装在下风舷。()A、Fit the rope ladder in the lee side.B、Rig the rope ladder in the lee side.C、Rig the pilot ladder on the lee side.


Please ()the pilot ladder.A、riggedB、to rigC、riggingD、rig

How is a Martini Layer 2 MPLS VPN established?()A、established using LDPB、established using BGPC、established using RSVPD、established using IP

单选题A mobile offshore drilling unit under tow is approaching a fog bank. When should fog signals be started? ()AWhen the towing vessel enters the fogBWhen the drilling rig enters the fogCWhen the towing vessel can no longer be seen from the rigDImmediately

单选题MV SUDAN/MEAN AT 0200UTC IN POSITION 40.44N 141.52E PASSED A DERELICT ABOUT 40 TONS HALF SUBMERGED AND IS DRIFTING. This cable says that she met with possibly().Aa floating wreckBa survivor at seaCa man who had fallen overboardDa drilling rig

单选题A heavy steel device that is set on the sea floor and used as a drilling template in offshore drilling operations is called a().Atemporary guide baseBpermanent guide baseCguide frameDfoundation template

单选题When a marine surveyor is employed to assist in the move of a mobile offshore drilling unit,he().Abecomes responsible for the safe movement of the rigBrelieves the Offshore Installation Manager at the moment the rig is free from the bottomCmust be designated as the person in charge of the rigDis a specialist who is hired to provide advice and guidance on aspects of the move

单选题Under the regulations implementing MARPOL, a mobile offshore drilling unit is required to have an International Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) certificate when the unit ().Ais drilling on the Outer Continental ShelfBmoves to a new drilling location in U-SwatersCengages in a voyage to a port of another country which is a party of MARPOLDAll of the above

单选题Fighting a rig fire in the ballast pumproom with hoses would adversely affect the stability of the rig most by().Aincreasing the permeability of the pumproomBreduction of drill water from the storage tanksCa list caused by water filling the compartmentDa reduced KG caused by water filling the compartment

单选题Fighting a rig fire in a watertight compartment with hoses could reduce the stability of the rig by().Aprogressive downfloodingBreducing the level of drill water from the storage tanksCcausing a list due to the water in the compartmentDreducing the KG to minimum allowable

单选题Midships refers to rudder to be held().Ain position to starboardBin position to portCin position to anywhereDin position fore and aft

单选题It is the responsibility of the person in charge to().Arevise the operating manual when rig personnel changeBbe fully aware of the provisions in the operating manualCmaintain the rig's construction portfolioDAll of the above

单选题A jack-up drilling rig being towed must().Aturn off all lights that interfere with the navigation lightsBturn on all available working lights on deckCring the bell rapidly for five seconds once a minuteDdisplay two black diamonds in a vertical line during the day

单选题Where would you find the call sign or call letters of the radio station on your ship?()AIn the rig safety manualBOn the Certificate of InspectionCOn the Ship Station LicenseDOn the rig Watch Bill

单选题Where would you find the “call sign” or “call letters”of the radio station on your rig?()AIn the rig safety manualBOn the Certificate of InspectionCOn the Ship Station LicenseDOn the rig Watch Bill

单选题The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea contain the requirements for ().Alights that must be displayed on anchor buoysBthe display of load line markingsCminimum horsepower for tugs involved in rig movesDlighting of mobile offshore drilling units being towed

单选题There is a drilling rig established()position 24.1E 25.2N.AatBonCinDabove