单选题The report focused on the ______ of the study.AfoundlingsBfindsCfindingsDfound

The report focused on the ______  of the study.











Norah made plans for the ________ of an attic room into a study.A transitionB transmissionC transformationD transportation

Many schools place weight ________ analytical study.A toB withC atD on

I had better explain that I was a ______ visitor to the headmaster ’s study.A: rareB: sillyC: strangeD: frequent

While the secretary ____ his desk, he found the long lost report. A.had been cleaningB.is cleaningC.has been cleaningD.was cleaning

The derrick to be laid down on deck,cargo blocks,span tackles,guide rollers and all moving parts of derrick to be dismantled,cleaned and greased with special grease.This sentence is most possibly found in ________.A.Chief Mate's remark on stowage planB.Store list made by Chief EngineerC.Collision Report made by MasterD.Repair List

Turning accessories on the posts to be dismantled,examined,cleaned,greased,repaired if necessary and refitted.This sentence is most possibly found in ________.A.Chief Mate's remark on stowage planB.Store list made by Chief EngineerC.Collision Report made by MasterD.Repair List

4 sanitary storm valves to be dismantled,cleaned,grounded and coated with anti-corrosive paint,then refitted in order.This sentence is most possibly found in ________.A.Chief Mate's remark on stowage planB.Store list made by Chief EngineerC.Collision Report made by MasterD.Repair List

Which teaching combines form-focused teaching with communication-focused teaching __________ ?A.PPPB.TBLTC.CLTD.TPR

--Have you found the information about famous people__________ you can use for the report? --Not yet. I′ ll search some on the Internet.A.whichB.whomC.whatD.who

下列哪项任务超出了网络评估服务的范畴?()A、验证FEATURE配置B、kpi gap analysis to global nsn referencesC、implementation of corrections based on findingsD、将无线参数和默认/推荐值进行对比

The EMPLOYEES table is stored in the USERS tablespace. You need to check if the EMPLOYEES table is affected by the block corruption found in the USERS tablespace. Which option would you use?()A、 the RMAN LIST commandB、 the DBNEWID utilityC、 the RMAN REPORT commandD、 the RMAN BLOCKRECOVER commandE、 the RMAN CROSSCHECK commandF、 the ANALYZE command

There was media failure and you need to check the data files for any block corruption. Which option would you use to create a report on any corruptions found within the database?() A、the DBNEWID utilityB、the DBVERIFY utilityC、the ANALYZE commandD、the RMAN REPORT commandE、the RMAN CROSSCHECK commandF、the CHECK_OBJECT procedure of the DBMS_REPAIR package

单选题下列哪项任务超出了网络评估服务的范畴?()A验证FEATURE配置Bkpi gap analysis to global nsn referencesCimplementation of corrections based on findingsD将无线参数和默认/推荐值进行对比

单选题There was media failure and you need to check the data files for any block corruption. Which option would you use to create a report on any corruptions found within the database?()Athe DBNEWID utilityBthe DBVERIFY utilityCthe ANALYZE commandDthe RMAN REPORT commandEthe RMAN CROSSCHECK commandFthe CHECK_OBJECT procedure of the DBMS_REPAIR package

单选题According to the passage, the problems of Marinnation focused on here are mainly ______.AhumanBengineeringCpoliticalDsocial

单选题Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? ______ABilly is living with a generous person.BBilly has found his brother.CBilly bought a diamond ring.DBilly appeared in the news report.

单选题You are developing a tax report for the payroll application. You created a before parameter form report trigger to create three temporary tables to store text that are need while the report is executed. Which report trigger would you use to delete these temporary tables?()ABefore parameter form. BAfter parameter form. CBefore report. DAfter report.

判断题General linguistics, which relates itself to the research of other areas, studies the basic concepts, theories, descriptions, models and methods applicable in any linguistic study.A对B错

单选题Which teaching method combines form-focused teaching with communication-focused teaching?APPP.BTBLT.CCLT.DTPR.

判断题Historical linguistics equals to the study of synchronic study.A对B错

单选题Which teaching method combines form-focused teaching with communication-focused teaching?APPPBTBLTCCLTDTPR

单选题Which of the following commands will fail?()A report schemaB report need backupC report need backup days 3D report userE report obsolete

单选题Which report will provide information on the most recently completed  plan?()A Report 08 - Job HistogramB Report 07 - Job History ListingC Report 10B - Actual Production DetailD Report 11 - Planned Production Schedule

单选题The EMPLOYEES table is stored in the USERS tablespace. You need to check if the EMPLOYEES table is affected by the block corruption found in the USERS tablespace. Which option would you use?()Athe DBNEWID utilityBthe ANALYZE commandCthe RMAN LIST commandDthe RMAN REPORT commandEthe RMAN CROSSCHECK commandFthe RMAN BLOCKRECOVER command

单选题It is a Rule requirement that the Owner should advise LR of any damage which may affect the classification of a ship and that all repairs necessary for the ship to retain her class are carried out to the satisfaction of the Surveyors. In which circumstances, the Owner/Master may not necessary report to the classification?()APortside anchor lostBStarboard auxiliary engine broken downCFresh water cock in Kitchen found drip leakingDCargo hold hopper plating cracked by grab

单选题_____ATo fax the report.BTo write the report.CTo copy the report.DTo email the report.

单选题Which of the following is most accurate in describing the required types of FCP zoningconsiderations when implementing a SAN Volume Controller (SVC)?()Azoning is typically limited to controlling access to physical storageBzoning is focused on access control between SVC nodes and host systemsCzoning is focused on access to physical storage arrays, SVC clusters, and hostsDzoning is focused on the access relationship between SVC nodes and the physical storagearrays