托业(TOEIC) 题目列表

单选题Who probably wrote this letter?AA landlordBA business ownerCA bank officerDAn accountant

单选题What is the primary focus of this passage?AThe different kinds of businesses returning to the stateBThe reasons why the state’s economy is improvingCThe policies of the previous governorDThe approval ratings of Governor Turner

单选题What will take place on November 23?AA meeting of the chamber of commerceBAn industry awards ceremonyCA speech by a prominent businessmanDA charity fundraising event

单选题_____Awill cooperateBcooperatesCwould be cooperingDhave cooperated

单选题_____AstayBstayedCam stayingDhave stayed

单选题Our company ______ Metro Messenger Service since 1998.AuseBusedChad usedDhas been using

单选题_____Ais supportingBis supportedCwas supportingDwas supported

单选题What does the marketing director want to get from the meeting?AThe nomination for a new department headBPermission to begin a print advertising planCAn agreement on the content of a TV commercialDFunding approval for the production of a new item

单选题Which site did Ms. Dorn most enjoy?AThe Valley of the KingsBThe Nile RiverCThe city of CairoDThe Pyramids of Giza

单选题The word “arrangements” in paragraph 2, line 1 of the letter is closest in meaning to ______ .ApreparationsBappointmentsCadjustmentsDcommitments

单选题What kind of position is the company advertising?AThe lead role for an upcoming productionBTemporary employment in stage designCA specialist to make theater costumesDA professor to teach theatrical history

单选题Because of the ______ traffic in cargo and air travel passengers, the existing airport needs to be expanded.AgrowBgrowingCgrownDto grow

单选题They have developed an ______ advertising campaign against their competitors for the new line of sportswear provided by Nike.AeligibleBimpressedCadhesiveDeffective

单选题It’s important that the clients ______ interested.Aare seemingBwill seemCis seemingDseem