







STEM课程的开发不仅需要高层次专家的引领,还需要组建“协同教研”团队。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

中小学设置STEM课程(科学,工程,技术,数学)的本意和价值追求是()。 A.培养学生的科学精神和实践能力B.培养学生综合运用知识解决问题的能力C.丰富综合实践活动课程内容D.丰富学校校本课程类型与特色

融合的STEM课程通常以科学探究为中心,鼓励儿童提出问题,实施探究,形成推论。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

STEM的育人功能涵盖课程育人、文化育人、活动育人、实践育人、管理育人和协同育人,由此可以认为,它和我国的素质教育没有本质性差异。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

在幼儿园开展STEM教育,最关键的是教师要有一种()。 A.STEM知识B.STEM修养C.STEM能力D.STEM素养

下列哪一项不属于国内学校STEM教育常见的三种模式?() A.从科学类课程切入B.从技术类课程切入C.从数学类课程切入D.从科技实践活动切入

STEM教育要促进学生按照科学的原则设计作品,基于证据验证假设、发现并得出解决问题的方案。这体现了STEM教育的()特征。 A、设计性B、验证性C、实践性D、协作性

对于STEM教育,以下选项中不正确的理解是()。 A、STEM教育强调全社会共同参与教育创新实践B、STEM教育强调跨学科C、STEM教育面向所有学生并培养综合素质D、STEM教育注重传统知识的灌输

STEM课程倡导跨学科整合,下列选项中比较行之有效的整合模式是()。 A.基于学科知识整合课程B.基于学校传统整合课程C.基于教师特长整合课程D.基于生活经验整合课程

A frame with two,or sometimes four,arms through which are threaded the guidelines and which is used to keep the drill stem and bit in line with the center opening in the temporary guide base is the ______.A.drill stem guideB.guide frameC.drill string frameD.casing guide

root and stem






有时风大流急,船舶靠码头时必须掉头顶流。()A、A ship has to turn to stem the tide because the wind is strong when she is getting alongside a wharf.B、Sometimes the wind is strong and the current is rough, so a ship has to turn to stem the tide when she is getting alongside a wharf.C、The wind is big, a ship must get alongside a wharf so she has to turn to stem the tide.D、A ship has to turn to stem the tide so she can get alongside a wharf.

定向干细胞(committed stem cell)


名词解释题somatic stem cell (成体干细胞)

单选题A frame with two,or sometimes four,arms through which are threaded the guidelines and which is used to keep the drill stem and bit in line with the center opening in the temporary guide base is the().Adrill stem guideBguide frameCdrill string frameDcasing guide

单选题A built-up exhaust valve is one in which ().Athe stem and heads are made of different materialBlow-alloy steel is used throughoutCa replaceable valve disk is welded to the headDthe self-centering action comes from motion of the valve stem in the guide

名词解释题hematopoietic stem cell,HSC (造血干细胞)

名词解释题stem cells, SC (干细胞)

单选题How should the lifeboat sea painter be rigged?()ASpliced into the ring on the stem postBSecured to the inboard side of a forward thwart and led inboard of the fallsCSecured by a toggle to the stem post and led outboard of the fallsDSecured by a toggle around the outboard side of a forward thwart

名词解释题muscle stem cell (肌肉干细胞)


单选题有时风大流急,船舶靠码头时必须掉头顶流。()AA ship has to turn to stem the tide because the wind is strong when she is getting alongside a wharf.BSometimes the wind is strong and the current is rough, so a ship has to turn to stem the tide when she is getting alongside a wharf.CThe wind is big, a ship must get alongside a wharf so she has to turn to stem the tide.DA ship has to turn to stem the tide so she can get alongside a wharf.