检查下面的代码: class E1 extends Exception{ } class E2 extends E1 { } public class Test{ public static void main(String[] args){ try{ throw new E1(); } // --X-- } } 下列语句,哪些可以放到--X--位置,而且保证编译成功。A.catch(Exception x){ }B.catch(Test x) { }C.catch(E1 x){ }D.catch(E2 x){ }

检查下面的代码: class E1 extends Exception{ } class E2 extends E1 { } public class Test{ public static void main(String[] args){ try{ throw new E1(); } // --X-- } } 下列语句,哪些可以放到--X--位置,而且保证编译成功。

A.catch(Exception x){ }

B.catch(Test x) { }

C.catch(E1 x){ }

D.catch(E2 x){ }

catch(Exception x){};catch(El x){}


interface A{int x = 0;}class B{int x =1;}class C extends B implements A {public void pX(){System.out.println(x);}public static void main(String[] args) {new C().pX();}}

下面程序输出的结果是什么? ( ) public class Quiz2 { public static void main(String args[]) { try {throw new MyException(); }catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("It's caught!"); }finally{ System.out.println("It's finally caught!"); } } } class MyException extends Exception{}A.It's finally caught!B.It's caught!C.It's caught!/It's finally caught!D.无输出

使下列程序正常运行并且输出“Hello!”,横线处应填写的内容是( )。 class Test { public static void main(string[]args){ Test t=new Test; start; } Public void run{ System.out.println("Hello!¨); )A.extends ThreadB.extends FloatC.extends IostreamD.extends Stdio

下列程序创建了一个线程并运行,横线处应填入的正确代码是( )。 public class Try extends Thread{ public static void main(String args[]){ Thread t=new Try; ; } public void runf System.out.println(”Try!"); } }A.t.startB.t.classC.t.threadD.t.static

以下程序调试结果为:public class Test {int m=5;public void some(int x) {m=x;}public static void main(String args []) {new Demo().some(7);}}class Demo extends Test {int m=8;public void some(int x) {super.some(x);System.out.println(m);}}A.5B.8C.7D.无任何输出E.编译错误

下列程序创建了一个线程并运行,请在下划线处填入正确代码。public class Try extends Thread{public static void main(String args[]){Threadt=new Try();【 】;}public void run(){System.out.println(“Try!”);}}

以下语句能顺利通过编译: abstract class class1 { } public class mainClass { public static void main(String args[]) { class1 cs1=new class1(); } } 。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

设有程序如下: abstract class absclass { abstract void method1(); } class conclass extends absclass { public void method1() { System.out.println("子类");} } public class mainclass { public static void main(String args[]) { absclass ac1=new absclass(); //语句1 absclass ac2=new conclass(); //语句2 ac2.method1(); //语句3 } } 则main()方法中的第一条语句(即语句1)可以顺利通过编译。()此题为判断题(对,错)。

现有:  class Parser extends Utils  { public static void main (String[]  args)    {     try{System.out.print (new Parser().getlnt("42"));      } catch (Exception e)    {      System.out.println("Exc");  }      }  int getlnt (String arg) throws Exception  {      return Integer.parselnt (arg);      }       class Utils  {  int getlnt (String arg)    {return 42;  }      }      结果为()    A、 42B、 ExcC、 42ExcD、编译失败

现有  class Parser extends Utils {  public static void main (String  []  args)  {  try  {  System.out.print (new Parser () .getlnt ("42"))       }  catch (Exception e) {  System.out.println ("Exc") ;  }      }  int getlnt (String arg)  throws Exception  {     return Integer.parselnt (arg) ;      }      }  class Utils {  int getlnt ()  {  return 42;  }     }  结果是什么?()      A、 42ExcB、 ExcC、 42D、编译失败

Which statements, when inserted at the indicated position in the following code, will cause a runtime exception when attempting to run the program?()   class A {}   class B extends A {}   class C extends A {}   public class Q3ae4 {   public static void main(String args[]) {   A x = new A();   B y = new B();   C z = new C();   // insert statement here   }   } A、x = y;B、z = x;C、y = (B) x;D、z = (C) y;E、y = (A) y;

class TestA {  public void start() { System.out.println(”TestA”); }  }  public class TestB extends TestA {  public void start() { System.out.println(”TestB”); } public static void main(String[] args) {  ((TestA)new TestB()).start();  }  }  What is the result?() A、 TestAB、 TestBC、 Compilation fails.D、 An exception is thrown at runtime.

public class A extends Thread {  A() {  setDaemon(true);  }  public void run() {  (new B()).start();  try {  Thread.sleep(60000);  } catch (InterruptedException x) {}  System.out.println(“A done”);  }  class B extends Thread {  public void run() {  try {  Thread.sleep(60000);  } catch (InterruptedException x) {}  System.out.println(“B done”);  }  }  public static void main(String[] args) {  (new A()).start();  }  }   What is the result?()  A、 A doneB、 B doneC、 A done B doneD、 B done A doneE、 There is no exception that the application will print anything.F、 The application outputs “A done” and “B done”, in no guaranteed order.

public class Test {  public static void aMethod() throws Exception {  try {  throw new Exception(); } finally {  System.out.println(“finally”);  }  }  public static void main(String args[]) {  try {  aMethod();  } catch (Exception e) {  System.out.println(“exception”);  }  System.out.println(“finished”);  }  }  What is the result?()  A、 finallyB、 exception finishedC、 finally exception finishedD、 Compilation fails.

class Top {  static int x = 1;  public Top(int y) { x *= 3; }  }  class Middle extends Top {  public Middle() { x += 1; }  public static void main(String [] args) {  Middle m = new Middle();  System.out.println(x);  }  }  结果为:() A、1B、2C、3D、编译失败

现有:      class TestA  {  public void start()  {  System.out.println("TestA");  }     }  public class TestB extends TestA  {  public void start()  {  System.out.println("TestB");  }     public static void main (string[]  args)  (     ((TestA)new TestB()).start();     )     }  运行结果是哪项?()     A、  TeStAB、  TeStBC、编译失败D、运行时抛出异常

现有:  class Birds {  public static void main (String  []  args)  {   try {  throw new Exception () ;    } catch (Exception e) {   try {   throw new Exception () ;  }  catch  (Exception e2)  {  System.out.print ("inner           "); }   System. out.print ( "middle" ) ;    }  System.out.print ("outer") ;    }    }  结果是()A、 inner outerB、 middle outerC、 inner middle outerD、.编译失败

class Birds {  public static void main(String [] args) {  try {  throw new Exception();  } catch (Exception e) { try {  throw new Exception();  } catch (Exception e2) { System.out.print("inner "); }  System.out.print("middle "); }  System.out.print("outer ");  }  }  结果为:()  A、innerB、inner outerC、middle outerD、inner middle outer

class Base {  Base() { System.out.print(“Base”); }  }  public class Alpha extends Base {  public static void main( String[] args ) {  new Alpha();  new Base();  }  }  What is the result?()  A、 BaseB、 BaseBaseC、 Compilation fails.D、 The code runs with no output.E、 An exception is thrown at runtime.

单选题public class Test {  public static void aMethod() throws Exception {  try {  throw new Exception(); } finally {  System.out.println(“finally”);  }  }  public static void main(String args[]) {  try {  aMethod();  } catch (Exception e) {  System.out.println(“exception”);  }  System.out.println(“finished”);  }  }  What is the result?()A finallyB exception finishedC finally exception finishedD Compilation fails.

单选题现有:  class Birds {  public static void main (String  []  args)  {   try {  throw new Exception () ;    } catch (Exception e) {   try {   throw new Exception () ;  }  catch  (Exception e2)  {  System.out.print ("inner           "); }   System. out.print ( "middle" ) ;    }  System.out.print ("outer") ;    }    }  结果是()A inner outerB middle outerC inner middle outerD.编译失败

单选题现有:  class Parser extends Utils  { public static void main (String[]  args)    {     try{System.out.print (new Parser().getlnt("42"));      } catch (Exception e)    {      System.out.println("Exc");  }      }  int getlnt (String arg) throws Exception  {      return Integer.parselnt (arg);      }       class Utils  {  int getlnt (String arg)    {return 42;  }      }      结果为()A 42B ExcC 42ExcD编译失败

单选题Which statements, when inserted at the indicated position in the following code, will cause a runtime exception when attempting to run the program?()   class A {}   class B extends A {}   class C extends A {}   public class Q3ae4 {   public static void main(String args[]) {   A x = new A();   B y = new B();   C z = new C();   // insert statement here   }   }Ax = y;Bz = x;Cy = (B) x;Dz = (C) y;Ey = (A) y;

单选题class Base {  Base() { System.out.print(“Base”); }  }  public class Alpha extends Base {  public static void main( String[] args ) {  new Alpha();  new Base();  }  }  What is the result?()A BaseB BaseBaseC Compilation fails.D The code runs with no output.E An exception is thrown at runtime.

单选题现有  class Parser extends Utils {  public static void main (String  []  args)  {  try  {  System.out.print (new Parser () .getlnt ("42"))       }  catch (Exception e) {  System.out.println ("Exc") ;  }      }  int getlnt (String arg)  throws Exception  {     return Integer.parselnt (arg) ;      }      }  class Utils {  int getlnt ()  {  return 42;  }     }  结果是什么?()A 42ExcB ExcC 42D编译失败

单选题public class A extends Thread {  A() {  setDaemon(true);  }  public void run() {  (new B()).start();  try {  Thread.sleep(60000);  } catch (InterruptedException x) {}  System.out.println(“A done”);  }  class B extends Thread {  public void run() {  try {  Thread.sleep(60000);  } catch (InterruptedException x) {}  System.out.println(“B done”);  }  }  public static void main(String[] args) {  (new A()).start();  }  }   What is the result?()A A doneB B doneC A done B doneD B done A doneE There is no exception that the application will print anything.F The application outputs “A done” and “B done”, in no guaranteed order.

单选题class TestA {  public void start() { System.out.println(”TestA”); }  }  public class TestB extends TestA {  public void start() { System.out.println(”TestB”); } public static void main(String[] args) {  ((TestA)new TestB()).start();  }  }  What is the result?()A TestAB TestBC Compilation fails.D An exception is thrown at runtime.

单选题下列程序的运行结果是(  )。class Shape{ public Shape(){ System.out.print("Shape"); }}class Circle extends Shape{ public Circle(){ System.out.print("Circle"); }}public class Test{ public static void main(String[]args){ Shape d=new Circle(); }}AShapeBCircleCShapeCircleD程序有错误