25、Does ____ (他) give _____ (它) to ______(她).

25、Does ____ (他) give _____ (它) to ______(她).

a. Make some investments.


瓦莱丽目前具有消极的心境,所以她决定和她的朋友一起在家里看电影来提高她的情绪,这样做会对他的积极情绪有什么影响?() A、强烈降低它B、适度减少它C、很少或没有影响D、适度增加它E、强烈增加它

Why does the woman invite the man to tea?A.She needs some friends to talk with.B.She will give the man some useful information.C.She needs some help from the man.

Why does the World Health Organization give help to national governments to wipe out malaria?A. The author does not give any reason in the whole passage.B. Local governments are not skillful enough to kill mosquitoes.C. Current sprays are not powerful enough to kill mosquitoes.D. No new poisons have been developed to kill mosquitoes so far.

如果你有一间地段非常不好的店面要出售,正好你的一个外地朋友急着想在你所在的城市找一问店面,你的做法是( )。A.卖给他(她),并且不告诉他(她)这里地段不好B.先卖给他(她),然后再告诉他(她)这里地段不好C.如实告诉他(她)地段非常不好,让他(她)自己决定D.告诉他(她)这里的地段稍微有点不好,让他(她)自己决定

When will John give the feedback to Miller() A. After he talks with his manager.B. After he makes a careful calculation.C. After he does a market survey.

()It will be held on the 3rd floor of Shakiraton Hotel.A. When will you give a speech?B. Does your speech still go on?C. What is the address of your speech?

咨询师首要的工具就是____________。 A.他(她)这个人B.他(她)的专业知识C.他(她)的口才D.他(她)的人际交往能力

Volatile:a) What does the keyword volatile mean? Give an exampleb) Can a parameter be both const and volatile? Give an examplec) Can a pointer be volatile? Give an example

假如你的上司在学识、能力上都稍逊于你,你与他(她)相处时会( )。(A)不服从他(她),因为他(她)学识差、能力低(B)在心里不服气,但表面上会过得去(C)只管干自己的事情,不过多理睬他(她)(D)积极配合他(她)工作,提出更好的意见给他(她)

This does not mean I will take it______from the rich and give it to the poor.A.upB.onC.inD.away


Which()teacher()lessons to you every day?A、/;givesB、does;giveC、do;give



()(正是由于她太没有经验) that she does not know how to deal with the situation.




单选题This Rule does not relieve the give-way vessel()her obligation to keep out of the way.AoutBoffCfromDof

单选题What does Ms. Weatherall mention about the book?AIt does not compile stories from various sources.BIt does not give any leads on Burton’s whereabouts.CIt does not disclose the truth of the story.DIt does not include an appendix at the end.

单选题Which personal detail does the man give?ASurname.BFirst name.CAddress.


问答题他要她放弃工作在家照顾孩子,但是她觉得这个要求太过分了。(give up)



单选题Lucy's parents give her everything she asks; what else does she need?AeverythingBasksCwhat elseDneed


单选题The author states thatAlooking good does not give you an advantage.Bnervousness can put people off.Cinterviewers mistake aggressiveness for assertiveness.Dsmiling and eye contact are important.