1、从下列句子中选出一句最好的表达A.Every day, he labored from dawn to sundown, plowed his field, turned the soil, and tended to his pistachio (开心果) trees.#B.Every day, he plowed his field and turned the soil, tending to his pistachio trees and laboring from dawn to sundown.#C.Every day, he labored from dawn to sundown, plowing his field, turning the soil and tending to his pistachio trees.#D.Every day, laboring from dawn to sundown, plowing his field, and
A.Every day, he labored from dawn to sundown, plowed his field, turned the soil, and tended to his pistachio (开心果) trees.#B.Every day, he plowed his field and turned the soil, tending to his pistachio trees and laboring from dawn to sundown.#C.Every day, he labored from dawn to sundown, plowing his field, turning the soil and tending to his pistachio trees.#D.Every day, laboring from dawn to sundown, plowing his field, and参考答案和解析
Learning to write complex sentences is the best way to improve your writing style.;The tall, good-looking boy with the curly blond hair laughed uproariously at his best friend’s suggestion.;The green alligator eats quickly in the pool at 9:00 A.M. because he is hungry.
A)单项选择(共10小题,计10分)从A、B、C 3个选项中选出1个能填入所给句子空白处的最佳答案。1. —Why do you like Mary?—Because she is honest girl. A. a B. an C. the
一、选词填空(1~10题,每题0.5分,共5分):根据题意,从所给的词语中选出最恰当的词语填入空格内,从而 一、选词填空(1~10题,每题0.5分,共5分):根据题意,从所给的词语中选出最恰当的词语填入空格内,从而使句子的意思表达得最准确。1.每个政府或国家都应该对那些二氧化碳排放过多的企业征收一种特殊税,或者 这些排放大户购买更加环保的产品。A.要求 B.建议 C.强制 D.请求
下列句子表达有误的一句是________ A.Vegetables and fruits make a contribution to your health.B.He contributed many books to a primary school in the countryside.C.What you have done won't make a contribution to solve this problem.D.We contribute $5000 together.
二、语句表达:共10题。要求你从语气、词序、语法结构等方面对有关语句做出判断。例题:从给出的几句话中选出没有语病的一句( )。A.阅读理解与否,是衡量阅读能力好坏的重要标志B.阅读与理解,是衡量阅读能力好坏的重要标志C.阅读是否理解,是衡量阅读能力的重要标志D.阅读能力好坏的标志是理解解答:从给出的四句话来看,只有A没有语病。请开始答题:31.从给出的几句话中选出有歧义的句子( )。A.门没有锁,咱们进去吧B.雪终于停了,它好像累了C.文先生在苏州的地位让人羡慕D.烟雾中,熊辉陷入了对往事的回忆
一、 选词填空,共10题。要求你从四个选项种选出一个天空,使句子的意思表达得最准确。1.绘画,笔墨不必过周,以拙为巧,以空为灵,含不尽之意于画外,________ 更见幽远。( )A.画意B.境界C.意象D.诗情
根据提示,填写句子。(4分)(1)《曹刿论战》中能够体现“取信于民”的句子是:_______, _______,________。(2)请写出表达送别之情的两句古诗。________ , ________ 。