下列句子表达有误的一句是________ A.Vegetables and fruits make a contribution to your health.B.He contributed many books to a primary school in the countryside.C.What you have done won't make a contribution to solve this problem.D.We contribute $5000 together.
A.Vegetables and fruits make a contribution to your health.
B.He contributed many books to a primary school in the countryside.
C.What you have done won't make a contribution to solve this problem.
D.We contribute $5000 together.
1 从下列句子中选出一句最好的表达A.A.Every day, he labored from dawn to sundown, plowed his field, turned the soil, and tended to his pistachio (开心果) trees.#B.B.Every day, he plowed his field and turned the soil, tending to his pistachio trees and laboring from dawn to sundown.#C.C.Every day, he labored from dawn to sundown, plowing his field, turning the soil and tending to his pistachio trees.#D.D.Every day, laboring from dawn to sundown, plowing his fi
1、从下列句子中选出一句最好的表达A.Every day, he labored from dawn to sundown, plowed his field, turned the soil, and tended to his pistachio (开心果) trees.#B.Every day, he plowed his field and turned the soil, tending to his pistachio trees and laboring from dawn to sundown.#C.Every day, he labored from dawn to sundown, plowing his field, turning the soil and tending to his pistachio trees.#D.Every day, laboring from dawn to sundown, plowing his field, and
从下列句子中选出一句最好的表达A.Each person has a unique way to say, to hear, to touch, as well as tasting and thinking.B.Each person has a unique way of saying, hearing, touching, tasting and thinking.C.Each person has a unique way to say and hear, touching, tasting, and thinking.D.Each person has a unique way: saying, hearing, touching, tasting and thinking.
从下列句子中选出一句最好的表达A.Every day, he labored from dawn to sundown, plowed his field, turned the soil, and tended to his pistachio (开心果) trees.#B.Every day, he plowed his field and turned the soil, tending to his pistachio trees and laboring from dawn to sundown.#C.Every day, he labored from dawn to sundown, plowing his field, turning the soil and tending to his pistachio trees.#D.Every day, laboring from dawn to sundown, plowing his field, and