If the shippers insist on ________ the cargo in unsound condition, remarks to that effect must be inserted in their Mate's Receipt, unless they issue us the letter of guarantee.A.to loadB.loadingC.being loadedD.being loading

If the shippers insist on ________ the cargo in unsound condition, remarks to that effect must be inserted in their Mate's Receipt, unless they issue us the letter of guarantee.

A.to load


C.being loaded

D.being loading


● Project(71)is an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or a negative effect on at least one project objective, such as time, cost, scope, or quality.(71)A.riskB.problemC.resultD.data

Project ______is an uncertain event or condition that,if it occurs,has a positive or a negative effect on at least one project objective,such as time,cost,scope,or quality.A.riskB.problemC.resultD.data

Project(71)is an uncertain event or condition that,if it occurs,has a positive or a negative effect on at least one project objective,such as time,cost,scope,or quality.A.riskB.problemC.resultD.data

In most cases,the mere reception or dumping down of the cargo on the ship ______ involve completion of loading,because the operation of loading involves all that is required to put the cargo in a condition in which it can be carried.A.is notB.has notC.do notD.does not

A shipper who furnishes the carrier with written information concerning the cargo to be shipped has a right to insist the master or other agent of the carrier ______ a bill of lading incorporating the information so furnished.A.issuingB.writingC.givingD.making

Any shipper can insist upon the bill of lading incorporating a statement as to ______ of the goods.A.reasonable order and conditionB.apparent order and conditionC.rational order and conditionD.good order and condition

Yesterday afternoon 2 cargo surveyors appointed by the consignee came on board for investigation. I told them the cargo was loaded between Aug. 14th. and 16th. Under favorable weather without any remarks on __________.A.log bookB.short/over-loaded cargo listC.the mate’s receiptD.manifest

During the process of loading,damages to cargo can be reduced to minimum by ______.A.Shippers who deliver the cargo to the ship on timeB.Stevedores who handle the cargo with cautionC.Ship's crew members who check the cargo in regular intervalsD.Consignees who take good care of the cargo

______ refers to the stowage of cargo in a block of two or more adjoining cargo holds with the cargo holds adjacent to the block of loaded cargo holds empty.A.Alternate hold loading conditionB.Block hold loading conditionC.Part hold loading conditionD.Homogeneous hold loading condition

材料:When a clean bill of lading has been issued,estoppel arises or,in other words,the carrier is prevented from proving,as against a third party relying on the clean bill of lading,that there was any thing wrong.In the case of inherent vice,however,which is a natural defect in the thing shipped,the carrier is not estopped by his clean bill of lading,because a clean bill of lading,in stating that a certain cargo is on board,gives sufficient notice that this cargo,in the natural course of events,may have certain qualities or defects which all similar cargo normally has.For example,a cargo of flour will shrink slightly,and this fact does not have to be noted on the face of the bill of lading.Similarly,where cargo is unfit to withstand the ordinary incidents of the contractual voyage contemplated by the parties,owing to some inherent vice or hidden defect presented within it,the carrier is not estopped by the clean bill of lading from asserting the inherent defect exception,provided that the damage has not been aggravated by any conduct of the carrier or those for whom he is responsible.The carrier issuing a clean bill of lading is only bound by his statements as to the outward condition of the cargo and is therefore not estopped from proving inherent vice or hidden defect when that vice or defect was not apparent at the time of shipment.In other words,a clean bill of lading does not necessarily fulfill the shippers burden of proof in respect to inherent vice or hidden defect.问题:The slight shrinkage of flour is ________.A.an inherent defect of the cargoB.a damage which is always aggravated by the conduct of carrierC.a vice or defect which should be noted on face of B/L due to the fact that it is not apparent at the time of shipmentD.an outward condition of the cargoThe carrier issuing a clean bill of lading will only be bound by ________.A.any thing wrong in the natural course of eventsB.the conduct of the carrier or those for whom he is responsibleC.inherent vice or hidden defect presented within the cargoD.the apparent order and condition of the cargoOf the following,________ in the cargo shipped on board his vessel should be considered as a thing that will give rise to estoppel on the part of the carrier.A.ordinary incidentB.hidden defectC.inherent viceD.inherent defectIt is concluded that on issuing a clean bill of lading,the carrier ________.A.indicates that the cargo is unfit to withstand the ordinary incidents of the contractual voyage contemplated by the partiesB.gives sufficient notice that this cargo has no defects which all similar cargo normally hasC.will be prevented from proving there is any natural defect in the thing shippedD.will not be estopped from proving inherent vice or hidden defect when that vice or defect was not apparent at the time of shipment请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

单选题The tallying of cargo refers to such kind of work that the amount and condition of all cargo should be checked().Aafter its arrival at the destinationBduring the ship's voyage at seaCbefore they come to the dockDduring the time when the loading or diacharging is going on

单选题Whose uty is it to examine and verify the state and condition of the cargo carried on board?().ATally man'sBMarine surveyor'sCCargo surveyor'sDBoarding inspector's

单选题In most cases,the mere reception or dumping down of the cargo on the ship()involve completion of loading,because the operation of loading involves all that is required to put the cargo in a condition in which it can be carried.Ais notBhas notCdo notDdoes not

单选题Yesterday afternoon 2 cargo surveyors appointed by the consignee came on board for investigation. I told them the cargo was loaded between Aug.14th.and 16th. Under favorable weather without any remarks on().Alog bookBshort/over-loaded cargo listCthe mate's receiptDmanifest

单选题Which variable factor affects the initial lashing requirements aboard Ro-Ro vessels? ()AAge of vehicle or cargo unitBSize and weight of vehicle/cargo unitCReputation of shipper concerning condition of cargoDAir pressure in the vehicles tires

单选题The advantage of container transportation is to().Aprovide the better working condition for stevedore and crewBtake the advantage of cargo handling and keep a good maintenance of the vesselCstandardize the size and package of the general cargoDreduce handling cost and damage of cargo and shorten the ship's turn round time in port

单选题That the Shipowner has broken a condition precedent will()the Charterer from the liability to provide a cargo.AdischargeBpertainCretainDremain

单选题I’ve already put down the remarks deck cargo()shipper’s risk in the shipping order.AinBonCatDfor

单选题Whose duty is it to examine and verify the state and condition of the cargo carried on board?().ATallyman'sBMarine surveyor'sCCargo surveyor'sDBoarding inspector's

单选题Any shipper can insist upon the bill of lading incorporating a statement as to()of the goods.Areasonable order and conditionBapparent order and conditionCrational order and conditionDgood order and condition

单选题The shippers hope each mate’s receipt is to be signed right after().Athe cargo is loadingBthe cargo is dischargedCthe cargo is on boardDthe cargo is damaged

单选题Which characteristic or condition will have the greatest effect on increasing a hydraulic oils viscosity?()APour pointBCloud pointCVacuumDPressure

单选题The shippers hope each mate’s receipt is to be signed right after the cargo()is loaded.ArelatedBconcernedCrelevantDconneted

单选题The greatest detrimental effect on idle electrical equipment, such as cargo pump motors, is the().Aloss of residual magnetismBabsorption of moisture in the insulationCinsulation varnish flakingDdirt collecting on the windings

单选题The shippers to load trucks and heavy cargo,and also to supply all necessary materials for lashing.The expenses will be charged to()account.Athe supercargo'sBthe shipper'sCthe merchant'sDthe consignee's

单选题The Bill of Lading is described as()if the shipowners agree that the cargo were received on board in good condition.AcleanBdirtyCfoulDclaused

单选题Which of the factors listed has the greatest effect on the mechanical efficiency of a diesel engine?()Atemperature of the intake airBfriction within the engineCmechanical condition of the superchargerDmechanical condition of the turbocharger