单选题The shippers to load trucks and heavy cargo,and also to supply all necessary materials for lashing.The expenses will be charged to()account.Athe supercargo'sBthe shipper'sCthe merchant'sDthe consignee's

The shippers to load trucks and heavy cargo,and also to supply all necessary materials for lashing.The expenses will be charged to()account.

the supercargo's


the shipper's


the merchant's


the consignee's


解析: 暂无解析


What cargo does a jumbo boom or heavy derrick used for lifting?

What equipment can be used to load cargo?

Overcarriage is best prevented by ______.A.assuring heavy cargo is stowed low in the vesselB.checking the vessel's load line calculations carefullyC.inspection of the hold at completion of dischargeD.stowing the cargo which is to be discharged last on the bottom

During the process of loading,damages to cargo can be reduced to minimum by ______.A.Shippers who deliver the cargo to the ship on timeB.Stevedores who handle the cargo with cautionC.Ship's crew members who check the cargo in regular intervalsD.Consignees who take good care of the cargo

On a vessel proceeding from a very cold to a warm climate with a cargo of a nonhygroscopic nature in the holds,which is TRUE ________.A.Danger of heavy ship sweat exists;constant and vigorous ventilation is requiredB.There is danger of heavy cargo sweat if outside air is introduced by ventilationC.There is little danger of ship's sweat,slight possibility of cargo sweat;moderate ventilation is neededD.The possibility of any sweat problem,either cargo or ship,is remote

共用题干第二篇Railroad SupersystemIn recent years,railroads have been combining with each other,merging into supersystems, causing heightened concerns about monopoly.As recently as 1995,the top four railroads accounted for under 70 percent of the total ton一miles moved by rails.Next year,after a series of mergers is completed,just four railroads will control well over 90 percent of all the freight moved by major rail carriers.Supporters of the new supersystems argue that these mergers will allow for substantial cost reductions and better coordinated service.Any threat of monopoly,they argue,is removed by fierce competition from trucks.But many shippers complain that for heavy bulk commodities traveling long distances,such as coal,chemicals,and grain,trucking is too costly and the railroads therefore have them by the throat.The vast consolidation within the rail industry means that most shippers are served by only one rail company.Railroads typically charge such"captive"shippers 20 to 30 percent more than they dowhen another railroad is competing for the business.Shippers who feel they are being overcharged have the right to appeal to the federal government's Surface Transportation Board for rate relief,but the process is expensive,time consuming,and will work only in truly extreme cases.Railroads justify rate discrimination against captive shippers on the grounds that in the long run it reduces everyone's cost.If railroads charged all customers the same average rate,they argue, shippers who have the option of switching to trucks or other forms of transportation would do so, leaving remaining customers to shoulder the cost of keeping up the line.It's a theory to which many economists subscribe,but in practice it often leaves railroads in the position of determining which companies will flourish and which will fail."Do we really want railroads to be the arbiters of who wins and who loses in the marketplace?"asks Martin Bercovici,a Washington lawyer who frequently represents shippers.Many captive shippers also worry they will soon be hit with a round of huge rate increases.The railroad industry as a whole,despite its brightening fortunes,still does not earn enough to cover the cost of the capital it must invest to keep up with its surging traffic.Yet railroads continue to borrow billions to acquire one another,with Wall Street cheering them on.Consider the $10.2 billion bid by Norfolk Southern and CSX to acquire Conrail this year. Conrail's net railway operating income in 1996 was just$427 million,less than half of the carrying costs of the transaction.Who's going to pay for the rest of the bill?Many captive shippers fear that they will,as Norfolk Southern and CSX increase their grip on the market.It can be inferred from Paragraph 3 that________.A:shippers will be charged less without a rival railroadB:there will soon be only one railroad company nationwideC:overcharged shippers are unlikely to appeal for rate relief D:a government board ensures fair play in railway business

The jumbo boom can ().A、lift heavy cargoB、load and unloadC、join ropes togetherD、lift light cargo

大副告诉装卸工人不要用钩子装袋装货。()A、The chief officer told the stevedores not to use hooks to load the deck cargo.B、The bosun told the stevedores not to use hooks to load the bagged cargo.C、The chief officer told the stevedores not to use hooks to load the bagged cargo.D、The bosun told the stevedores not to use hooks to load the deck cargo.

Heavy cargo might break ()cargo, so it can’t be stowed on top of it.A、lightB、bulkC、dangerousD、wet

重吊杆用于吊大的重件。()A、Heavy derrick is used for lifting large heavy cargo.B、Derrick is used for lifting large heavy cargo.C、Heavy derrick is used for lifting dry bulk cargo.D、Derrick is used for lifting dry bulk cargo.

The ()(重吊杆) can lift heavy cargo.A、heavy cargo derrickB、heavy deckC、jumbo boomD、heavy block

湿货要远离干货。()A、Wet cargo must be kept away from dry cargo.B、Heavy cargo must be kept away from dry cargo.C、Light cargo must be kept away from dry cargo.D、Wet cargo must be kept away from light cargo.

Is this()longer or shorter?A、cargo wireB、wire cargoC、wire of cargoD、heavy cargo

Some general cargo is handled by ().A、shore cranesB、heavy derricksC、containersD、equipment

单选题杂货船可以用自己的吊杆装卸货物。()AGeneral cargo ships may load and discharge by her own winch.BBulk carriers may handle cargo by her own derricks.CGeneral cargo ships may load and discharge by her own derricks.DGeneral cargo ships may load and discharge by cranes.

单选题The ()(重吊杆) can lift heavy cargo.Aheavy cargo derrickBheavy deckCjumbo boomDheavy block

单选题TRANSVERSE MOVEMENT OF CARGO,ESPECIALLY BULK,CAUSED BY ROLLING OR A HEAVY LIST defines().AShifting cargoBMoving cargoCRemoving cargoDTrimming cargo

单选题The ship is now too much listing to portside. Which is the best way to keep the vessel upright?().APut all the remaining cargo on starboard sideBPut light cargo on starboardside and heavy cargo on port sideCPut light cargo on port side and heavy cargo on starboard sideDA,B,C are all correct

单选题On a vessel proceeding from a very cold to a warm climate with a cargo of a nonhygroscopic nature in the holds,which is TRUE?().ADanger of heavy ship sweat exists; constant and vigorous ventilation is requiredBThere is danger of heavy cargo sweat if outside air is introduced by ventilationCThere is little danger of ship's sweat,slight possibility of cargo sweat; moderate ventilation is neededDThe possibility of any sweat problem,either cargo or ship,is remote

单选题The shippers hope each mate’s receipt is to be signed right after().Athe cargo is loadingBthe cargo is dischargedCthe cargo is on boardDthe cargo is damaged

单选题重吊杆用于吊大的重件。()AHeavy derrick is used for lifting large heavy cargo.BDerrick is used for lifting large heavy cargo.CHeavy derrick is used for lifting dry bulk cargo.DDerrick is used for lifting dry bulk cargo.

单选题大副告诉装卸工人不要用钩子装袋装货。()AThe chief officer told the stevedores not to use hooks to load the deck cargo.BThe bosun told the stevedores not to use hooks to load the bagged cargo.CThe chief officer told the stevedores not to use hooks to load the bagged cargo.DThe bosun told the stevedores not to use hooks to load the deck cargo.

单选题The shippers hope each mate’s receipt is to be signed right after the cargo()is loaded.ArelatedBconcernedCrelevantDconneted

单选题The expenses for the loading of trucks and heavy cargo and the necessary materials for lashing thereof will be charged to()account.Athe supercargo'sBthe shipper'sCthe shipowner'sDcarrier's

单选题Please arrnge for the workers to do the()work during loading the trucks and heavy cargo on the ship, and also supply the necessary materials for the work.AlashingBshiftingCliftingDtallying

单选题0vercarring is best prevented by().Aassuring heavy cargo is stowed low in the vesselBchecking the vessel's load line calculations carefullyCinspection of the hold at completion of dischargeDstowing the cargo which is to be discharge last on the bottom

单选题Overcarriage is best prevented by().Aassuring heavy cargo is stowed low in the vesselBchecking the vessel's load line calculations carefullyCinspection of the hold at completion of dischargeDstowing the cargo which is to be discharged last on the bottom