Advance freight together with other charges ______ due on shipment.A.isB.areC.hasD.have

Advance freight together with other charges ______ due on shipment.






Students in New York State who possess and sell advance copies of state Regents examinations have to face _________ misdemeanor charges. A. correspondenceB. cooperateC. crimeD. criminal

Whatever advance has been made in science and technology ( ) education. A、owe toB、owing toC、is due toD、due to

We have traced your remittance of £300 () payment of the 20% of freight due.A、atB、onC、forD、 in

it is important to develop listening skills together with other skills, especially _________. A、listeningB、writingC、speakingD、reading

As freight is prima facie payable on delivery of the goods, the burden of making out a case for advance freight is on ________.A.the shipperB.consigneeC.the shipownerD.consigner

At common law the Shipowner has possessory liens on the cargo for ______.A.advance freightB.freight payable on deliveryC.freight not earnedD.freight payable after delivery

All dues,taxes and charges or any other expenses in connection with the goods shall be paid by ______.A.the carrierB.the merchantC.the ownerD.the shipper

If the ship cannot finish the voyage,the Shipowner must forward the goods by some other means ______ his claim to freight is lost.A.thenB.andC.whenD.or

翻译:Neither the consignee nor the holder of the bill of lading shall be liable for the demurragedead freight and all other expenses in respect of loading occurred at the loading port unless the bill of lading clearly states that the aforesaid demurragedead freight and all other expenses shall be borne by the consignee and the holder of the bill of lading。

翻译:If the freight, contribution in general average demurrage to be paid to the carrier and other necessary charges paid by the carrier on behalf of the owner of the goods as well as other charges to be paid to the carrie have not been paid in full nor has appropriate security been given the carrier may have a lien to a reasonable extent on the goods.

The freight forwarders, on behalf of the consignee, would arrange customs clearance and pay duties, fees and other charges to the customs and other public authorities.

For consolidated shipments, the freight forwarder may dispatch the consignments of several independent shippers together under one air waybill, known as ().A、a substitute AWBB、a neutral AWBC、a master AWBD、a house AWB

A customer is evaluating the purchase of a new p570 8-way Express to replace their current set of ten 2-way database and application servers that are more than five years old.  In addition to savings potential in the areas of operating system and database charges, what other significant savings component should be highlighted?()A、Maintenance savings due to warranty on new machinesB、Reliability savings of using one machine versus tenC、Financial savings due to cash outlays now versus laterD、Power savings even if the current power usage is unknown

单选题Sometimes the contract()that the lump sum freight must be paid in advance and will not be returnable even if the vessel and/or her cargo are lost.AprovideBprovidesCprovidingDbe provided

单选题When the carrier is liable for compensation in respect of loss of or damage to the goods such ()shall be calculated by reference to the invoice value of the goods plus freight charges and insurance if paid.AcostBcompensationCvalueDprice

问答题翻译:Neither the consignee nor the holder of the bill of lading shall be liable for the demurragedead freight and all other expenses in respect of loading occurred at the loading port unless the bill of lading clearly states that the aforesaid demurragedead freight and all other expenses shall be borne by the consignee and the holder of the bill of lading。

单选题Advance freight must()to the Shipowner even if the goods are lost (by excepted perils) before payment,where they are lost after the due date of payment; nor is it recoverable if the goods are so lost after payment.ApayBbe payingChave paidDbe paid

单选题If the goods shipped are perishable,low cost goods,live animals,deck cargo,etc.,the freight and all related charges shall be paid().Aat the time of shipmentBon vessel's arrivalCat the time of sailingDat the time the voyage has been accomplished

判断题The freight forwarders, on behalf of the consignee, would arrange customs clearance and pay duties, fees and other charges to the customs and other public authorities.A对B错

问答题翻译:If the freight, contribution in general average demurrage to be paid to the carrier and other necessary charges paid by the carrier on behalf of the owner of the goods as well as other charges to be paid to the carrie have not been paid in full nor has appropriate security been given the carrier may have a lien to a reasonable extent on the goods.

单选题Advance freight together with other charges()due on shipment.AisBareChasDhave

单选题Given: What is the result?()A An Exception is thrown with no other outputB followed by an ExceptionC Compilation fails due to an error on line 9D Compilation fails due to an error on line 14

单选题As freight is prima facie payable on delivery of the goods,the burden of making out a case for advance freight()on the Shipowner.AhasBhaveCisDare

单选题If the ship cannot finish the voyage,the Shipowner must forward the goods by some other means ()his claim to freight is lost.AthenBandCwhenDor

单选题For consolidated shipments, the freight forwarder may dispatch the consignments of several independent shippers together under one air waybill, known as ().Aa substitute AWBBa neutral AWBCa master AWBDa house AWB

单选题Where advance freight is agreed upon,payment does not depend on delivery and must be made ()the ship is lost and the cargo never delivered.AUnlessBWhenCBecauseDEven though