Life cycle costing is the total cost to the customer for the acquisition and ownership over its full life. Life cycle costing categories include the cost of _____, _____, and _____.A . R D, maintainability, operation and support.B . R D, production, operation and support.C . Acquisition, operations, maintenance.D . Production, operations, maintenance.E . None of the above
Life cycle costing is the total cost to the customer for the acquisition and ownership over its full life. Life cycle costing categories include the cost of _____, _____, and _____.
A . R & D, maintainability, operation and support.
B . R & D, production, operation and support.
C . Acquisition, operations, maintenance.
D . Production, operations, maintenance.
E . None of the above
Which of the following are included in the Acquisition phase(s) of the project life cycle.A . concept and developmentB . development and planningC . execution and phase-outD . planning and implementationE . concept and planning
178 In performing an impact analysis, the most effective tool to ensure all risks are identified on large projects is the:A. Work breakdown structureB. milestone review and schedule techniqueC. cost/schedule control systemD. planning programming budget systemE. program and evaluation review technique
171 Resource leveling _____.A. Allocates resources to activities to find shortest schedule within fixed resource limits.B. Smoothes out resource requirements by rescheduling activities within their float time.C. Smooths out resource requirements by substituting activities with unassigned resources.D. Attempts to reduce resource requirements within a constraint on project durationE. B or D
48 Guidelines for estimating time durations include:A. Assuming a normal level of labor and equipment.B. Assuming a normal work week.C. Using consistent time unitsD. Using past actual durations as guides.E. All or part of each of the above
一个项目的设计估算为100000美元,在决定是否采用这个估算是时候,我们预期这个估算的正确范围应该是:( )A.+10% to -15%B.+25% to -10%C.+10% to -5%D.+10% to -25%
57 Which of the following are types of status reports?A. document, variance, trend and exceptionB. cost, trend, schedule and acquisitionC. cost, schedule, technical performanceD. analysis, cost, performance and scheduleE. All of the above.
119 Using the figure in the Special window, Activity "D" has a latest start time of _____ weeks and a latest finish time of _____ weeks.A. 2, 10B. 4, 12C. 6, 14D. 7, 15E. 9, 17
一个项目的文化对项目不同阶段的成功会有重大的影响。作为一个由不同文化背景的人们组成的国际项目团队的经理,你应该在项目进行过程中创造一个使团队努力最大化的环境。很多人根据他们自己的文化来看待其他文化的价值,项目文化的重点在项目的不同阶段将会有所改变。在收尾阶段,重点基本上是—— ( )A.参与式的B.竞争式的C.聚焦于信息的传送D.合作式的
● The first step in building a PERT/CPM network is to:A Create a flow chartB Determine the critical pathC Show task relationshipsD Create a work breakdown structureE None of the above.
如果事件1发生的概率为80%,事件2为70%,而且两个事件均是独立事件,则它们都发生的概率是:A、6%B、 15%C、 24%D、 56%