6 Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of message filtering?A. semanticsB. mediaC. ethicsD. organizational statusE. reputation

6 Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of message filtering?

A. semantics

B. media

C. ethics

D. organizational status

E. reputation


100 The most common method for pricing out non-burdened labor hours for a three year project would be to:A. Price out the hours at the actual salary of the people to be assigned.B. Price out the work using a company-wide average labor rate.C. Price out the work using a functional group average labor rate.D. All of the above.E. A and B only

163 Many companies self insure against some risk. Problems which can arise from self-insurance include:A. failure to reserve funds to handle worst case scenarios (low probability events) resulting in severe financial damage to the companyB. stiff competition from insurance companiesC. confusion of business risks with insurable risks.D. A and CE. All of the above

34 Three types of written media used in organizations are _____, _____, and ______.A. manual, letters, guidelinesB. individually-oriented, legally-oriented, organizationally orientedC. guidelines, forms, proceduresD. letters, guidelines, brochuresE. letters, contracts, policies

123 In the project environment, the individual ultimately responsible for quality control is:A. The line workers who must strive "to do things right the first time" to avoid quality problems.B. the company's quality control manager who must work with the project members to ensure the quality control program is effective.C. The head of the production department who retains ultimate quality control responsibility for all the company's projects.D. The project manager who has ultimate responsibility for the entire project.E. the customer who must ensure that he is receiving a quality product from the vendor

你负责保证卖方的绩效满足合同的需要。为了有效地管理合同,你应该——( )A.举行一个招标会B.确定适当的合同形式C.招待合同变更控制系统D.写出一份工作报告

下列哪一项被看作回收期payback period( )A.弥补原始投资所需的时间段数B.投资返还率C.根据事前实施状况将项目成本按原始预算进行回补所需的时间段数D.还贷计划

对于一个环境治理项目,一个增值变更的例子是:( )A.由于一个新或者修改的政府规则引起,迫使重新设计项目B.使用了一种在最初设定范围的时候没有出现的技术,这种技术可以降低项目成本C.使用一个材料单√定义项目范围,材料单上包括了所有的配件和主件D.矫正设计系统的时候遗漏掉的一个必备特性

( )包含详细的工作包说明。A.WBS词典B.工作范围C.预算估算D.成本估算

一个公司为改善沟通和团队协作可以选择使用一个紧密的矩阵。这种方法还能促进a. 快速追踪b. 协作工程c. 资源平衡d. 地理上分散或虚拟团队的工作
