单选题Based on the information given in the passage, which of the following would be most effective in preventing a person infected with malaria from developing a hemorrhagic fever?ASurgical removal of the spleenBA medicine that prevents changes to the surface proteins of red blood cellsCAn effective vaccine against malariaDA potent pesticide that reliably kills the Anopheles mosquito without producing any negative consequences for the environment or for human healthEA small infusion of a weaker variant of the Plasmodium protozoan that will then compete with the existing parasitic infection

Based on the information given in the passage, which of the following would be most effective in preventing a person infected with malaria from developing a hemorrhagic fever?

Surgical removal of the spleen


A medicine that prevents changes to the surface proteins of red blood cells


An effective vaccine against malaria


A potent pesticide that reliably kills the Anopheles mosquito without producing any negative consequences for the environment or for human health


A small infusion of a weaker variant of the Plasmodium protozoan that will then compete with the existing parasitic infection


推断题。根据第四段最后一句“If the sticky surface proteins affect a particularly large number of cells, the malaria can transform into a hemorrhagic fever, the most deadly form of malaria.”可知,B项是正确的。


Passage ThreeQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.One of the most exciting races ever run is now in progress between doctors fighting malaria(疟疾)and mosquitoes. According to the most recent counts 225 million people a year suffer attacks of malaria and more than two million die. Public health workers around the world are doing all t11ev can to destroy malaria before the mosquitoes that pass on the disease become resistant to the poisons now used against them. It's a race against time and against difficulties,with millions of lives in danger and the chances of winning not in man's favour.Malaria,it is true,has been practically wiped out in thirteen countries. including the United States,and is under attack in many others. But it is equally true that in some parts of the world certain types of malaria-carrying mosquitoes have already learned to resist some of the sprays that formerly killed them. Other types of mosquitoes are not killed as quickly by present sprays as they once were.The World Health Organization is helping national governments to get rid of malaria before resistance among the mosquito population becomes so great that new poisons will have to be found to replace those in use at present. Most of the countries in the world have started,or are planning,campaigns against mosquitoes. If the race against resistance is won by man,it is possible that ten years from now dais old evil will have disappeared completely from the America,perhaps from the world.Malaria has been successfully got. rid of in______.A. all countriesB. some countriesC. no countriesD. most countries

The best title for the passage would probably be _____.[A] Positive and Negative Aspects of Advertising[B] Benefits Brought by Advertising and Its Persuasive Function[C] Advertising The Best Persuasive and Information Medium[D] Advertising the Most Effective Way to Promote Products

Which of the following activities would help students develop the skill of extracting specific information?A.Inferring meaning from the context.B.Recognizing the author’s beliefs and attitudes.C.Using information in the reading passage to make hypotheses.D.Listening to the flight information to see if the plane is on time.

Which of the following activities would help students develop the skill of extracting specificinformationA.Inferring meaning from the context.B.Recognizing the author' s beliefs and attitudes.C.Using information in the reading passage to make hypotheses.D.Listening to the flight information to see if the plane is on time.

Which of the following activities would help students develop the skill of extracting specif-ic information?A.Inferring meaning from the context.B.Recognizing the author's beliefs and attitudes.C.Using information in the reading passage to make hypotheses.D.Listening to the flight information to see if the plane is on time.

Which of the following is the most effective technique to prevent source IPAddress spoofing?()A、 policy based routing (PBR)B、 unicast reverse path forwarding (uRPF)C、 lock and keyACLD、 RFC 1918filteringE、 IP source routing

Which of the following commands would a technician MOST likely use to map a printer from aremote computer?()A、NET USEB、IPCONFIGC、NSLOOKUPD、TRACERT

Which of the following is MOST likely the reason a technician would implement software RAID for a SOHO environment?()A、CPU efficiencyB、High availabilityC、High redundancyD、Cost effective

单选题Based on the information in the passage, which of the following statements is most likely to be true?ABoth host parents work full time.BThe author was raised speaking French.CThe host parents are younger than age 40.DThe host family attends church regularly.EThe author is a senior in high school.

单选题It can be inferred from the passage that the author would NOT have considered which of the following a luxury (line 44) in her hostel?AAn elevatorBWell-built accoutrementsCPrivacyDA room with a viewEA restaurant

单选题Which of the following is the most effective technique to prevent source IPAddress spoofing?()A policy based routing (PBR)B unicast reverse path forwarding (uRPF)C lock and keyACLD RFC 1918filteringE IP source routing

单选题Which of the following photovoltaic material is more expensive according to the passage?ANano-based.BCarbon-based.CCrystal-based.DSilicon-based.

单选题A system powers on, begins POST, displays the BIOS version information and then hangs with the error message ‘Error loading operating system’. Which of the following is MOST likely the cause of this issue? ()AA virus has infected the systemBCorrupted BOOT.INI fileCCorrupt MBRDBoot sector corruption

单选题Select one answer choice.  Based on information from the passage, which of these people would be MOST likely to develop Huntington’s disease?ASomeone who carries the huntingtin geneBSomeone whose parents come from PortugalCSomeone with 25 CAG repetitions in the huntingtin geneDSomeone of Romanian ancestryESomeone whose grandfather died of Huntington’s disease

单选题Which of the following commands would a technician MOST likely use to map a printer from aremote computer?()ANET USEBIPCONFIGCNSLOOKUPDTRACERT

多选题Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.  Which of the following inferences can be made the information given in the passage?ALeonard Fuchs probably never actually saw a fuchsia plant.BCharles Plumier was a student of Fuchs’s at Tubingen.CPlumier’s book of plants included species from the Caribbean.

单选题It can be inferred from the passage that the author would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about schools?AThey should present political information according to carefully planned, schematic arrangements.BThey themselves constitute part of a general socio-political system that adolescents are learning to understand.CThey are ineffectual to the degree that they disregard adolescents’ political naves.DBecause they are subsidiary to government, their contribution to the political understanding of adolescents must be limited.

单选题A system powers on, begins POST, displays the BIOS version information and then hangs with the error message Error loading operating system. Which of the following is MOST likely cause of this issue? ()AA virus has infected the systemBCorrupted BOOT.INI fileCCorrupt MBRDBoot sector corruption

单选题Which of the following computer types would benefit MOST from the installation of a water cooling setup?()AGaming PCBHome theater PCCThick clientDThin client

单选题Which of the following best states the main idea of the passage?AWhat we don’t know about fever.BThere are benefits to developing fevers.CFevers inhibit bacterial growth.DLizards can develop fevers.

单选题It can be inferred from the passage that ______.Amalaria and yellow fever have been reported this yearBno new cases of smallpox have been reported this yearCsmallpox victims no longer die when they contract the diseaseDsmallpox is not transmitted from one person to another

单选题Based on the tone and content of the passage, it is most likely which of the following?AA book review in a journal intended for astrophysics professionalsBA movie review in an entertainment industry publicationCA book review in a science magazine aimed at a general audienceDA book review in a newspaperEA transcript of a talk given at a science fiction convention dedicated to “the poetry of space”

单选题Which of the following activities would help students develop the skill of extracting specific information?AInfering meaning from the contextBReconizing the author’s belief and attitudes.CUsing information in the reading passage to make hypothesesDListening to the flight information to see if the plane in on time!

单选题Which of the following is MOST likely the reason a technician would implement software RAID for a SOHO environment?()ACPU efficiencyBHigh availabilityCHigh redundancyDCost effective

单选题According to the information given in the passage, sulfur dioxide emissions are linked to all except which of the following phenomena?AReduced visibility in the eastern United StatesBDamage to the ozone holeCIncreased rates of asthmaDAcid rainEDamaged forests

单选题If a mosquito were to bite a person. and that person were later to develop malaria and die of the disease, it is most likely that the person was infected with which of the following?AAnopheles gambiaeBAnopheles semiovaleCPlasmodium malariaeDPlastoodium vivaxEPlasmodium falciparum

单选题Which of the following statements presents the strongest conclusionthat one could draw based on the information given in the passage?AThe collapse of the Internet stock “bubble” drove thousands of investors into bankruptcy.BPeople involved with the Internet do not all agree on which party bears the most responsibility forthe collapse of the Internet stock “bubble.”COf all parties involved with the Internet, financial professionals such as investment bankers and fund managers derived the most profts from the stock “bubble.”DThe Internet stock “bubble” could not have occurred if entrepreneurs had been honest about the true financial prospects of their companies.EThe average investor has no one to blame but himself or herself if he or she invested in an Internet stock without adequately understanding the true financial prospects of the companies in question.