单选题The position of the POR satellite in the Inmarsat system is()above the equator.A55.5WB64.5EC15.5WD178E

The position of the POR satellite in the Inmarsat system is()above the equator.









解析: 暂无解析


INMARSAT£­C系统中北京岸站POR区的识别码是()。 A、311B、211C、111D、011

INMARSAT卫星的POR洋区电话编码是()。 A.581B.582C.871D.872

The abbreviation PPI in the Sperry Collision Avoidance System means ______.A.plan position indicatorB.plain position indicatorC.plane position indicationD.policy proof of interest

What is defined as and area, excluding sea areas A1 and A2, within the coverage of an INMARSAT geostationary satellite in which continuous alerting is available?A.Ocean Area Regions AOR-E, AOR-W, POR or IORB.Sea Area A3C.Sea Area A4D.Coastal and Inland Waters

AMVER is a system which provides ______.A.satellite communicationsB.navigational informationC.weather informationD.position reporting service

What does not contribute to the commercial GPS receiver position error ________.A.Satellite clockB.Ship's speedC.Atmospheric/ionospheric propagationD.Receiver

If ______ is shut down for an extended time optimum position fixing will take up to 2 hours after power is reapplied.A.radarB.DFC.Satellite NavigatorD.Automatic Omega Navigator







单选题The position of INMARSAT AOR-W satellite is()above the equator.A55.5 WB180EC15.5WD64.5E


单选题The position of the AOR-W satellite in the INMARSAT system is()above the equator.A64.5EB178EC15.5WD54W

单选题The position of the INMARSAT satellite over the Atlantic Ocean Region-W is().A180E above the equatorB64.5 E over the IORC15.5W along the straight lineD55.5W above the equator

单选题The position if the IOR satellite in the INMARSAT system is()above the equator.A64.5EB178EC15.5WD54W

单选题The position of the POR satellite in the Inmarsat system is()above the equator.A55.5WB64.5EC15.5WD178E

单选题Any ship fitted with SES can()and()through the satellite system when sending a distress alert.Aenter the system/ contact an RCCBaccess to INMARSAT/establish contact with a CESChave absolutely priority to enter the system/make contact with a CESDenter the system gradually/wait for rescue

单选题If EGC receiver shares a same antenna with Inmarsat SES, it means that it can receive MSI().Afrom any Inmarsat satelliteBfrom any appropriate Navtex and EGC stationCvia the satellite the SES is trackingDfrom any RCC and coast station

单选题The existing terrestrial radio system has a number of basic flaws which().Acan be overcome by using traditional techniquesBcannot be overcome by satellite systemCcan be overcome by satellite and digital techniquesDcannot be tackled by any modern system

单选题Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding automatic identification systems (AIS)? ()AAIS is a short-range VHF-FM system that automatically broadcasts a vessel's position,course,speed and other safety related information to all those with similar equipment in the areaBAIS is a one-way centrally managed system that requires the local VTS to send commands to instruct each vessel to broadcast position,course,speed and other safety related information to all those with similar equipment in the areaCAIS is a global tracking system that relies upon INMARSAT C service to communicate vessel position,course,speed and other safety related information to all those with similar equipment in the areaDAIS is a short-range 3 cm X-band radar system that automatically sends a vessel's position,course,speed and other safety related information to all those with similar equipment within the area

单选题The Inmarsat system has five major components, they are:().ASpace segment, NCC, RCC, SES and CESBSpace Segment, a satellite system, C system, NCC and NCSCSpace Segment, NCC, NCS,CES and SESDA system, C system, satellite system, earth stations and NCS

单选题In areas covered by Inmarsat HF can be used as an()to satellite communications.AalternationBalternateCalterDalternative

单选题Which EPIRB transmits a distress alert that is received and relayed by an INMARSAT satellite?()AClass A EPIRBsBClass B EPIRBsCL-Band EPIRBsDCategory I EPIRBs
